The Dragon's Twilight    

Horizon stared in disbelief. "What? You want to transfer your power to me? Why?"


Nixis's skeletal face remained inscrutable, her hollow eyes glowing with a spectral light as she continued to speak. The dragon's intentions seemed as murky as the fog that swirled around them.


Von was equally perplexed, and struggled to wrap his mind around the situation.


Dragons, especially the seven Great Wyrm, were known for their pride and rarely extended any form of favor to humans or outsiders.


Why would Nixis, a being of such immense power, want to bestow her powers to Horizon?


Von's mind raced, trying to reconcile this unexpected revelation with everything he knew about dragonkind. Nixis's motives were as enigmatic as her form, and the very idea of a dragon sharing their power with a human seemed almost inconceivable.


Horizon's confusion deepened as he tried to decipher the dragon's motives. "You're a creature of legend. Why would you choose me, of all beings, to inherit your power?"


Nixis's bony form shifted slightly, her empty eye sockets fixed on Horizon with an unsettling intensity. "You misunderstand." she laughed. "You're not going to inherit anything from me. Your bloodline carries ancient draconic essence — an anomaly even I didn't expect. If anyone can wield the power I offer and endure, it's you."


Nixis's skeletal form shifted slightly, a gesture that seemed almost wistful for a creature of her formidable nature. Her voice, though a rasping whisper, carried a hint of yearning as she spoke.


"I have longed to see the world beyond my domain, to experience Eternia firsthand. As a Great Wyrm with power akin to that of a god, I am bound by cosmic laws that prevent me from venturing into other worlds.


"The very essence of my being could shatter the fabric of those worlds, drawing the wrath of the universe upon me. And so, I am condemned to this desolate Mausoleum, confined to the treasures I have amassed."


She gestured grandly with her bony head toward the vast hoard of riches stretching out behind her. The sight was overwhelming: a shimmering sea of gold, gems, and ancient artifacts that seemed to stretch into infinity.


The sheer scale of the treasure was so immense that it appeared as a golden ocean, its gleam reflecting off every surface in sight.


Horizon's eyes widened, a flicker of greed lighting up his gaze as he took in the vast expanse of wealth. He could feel his saliva dripping from the side of his mouth.


Nixis's lips curled into a skeletal grin, recognizing the familiar glint of avarice in his eyes.


"That's one of the signs of having dragon blood," Nixis noted dryly. "A predilection for treasure. It's a trait that connects you to the draconic lineage in ways you might not yet fully understand."


"Anyway," Nixis continued, "You see, my true motive isn't just to escape my confines. I wish to gather as much treasure from Eternia as I can, to add to my already immense collection."


So that's what her true motives. Horizon and Von thought at the same time, didn't know whether to laugh or cry about the fact that Nixis was just like a woman who loves all precious things. 


"I have tried to send my brood there, but they could not endure more than a year before they had to return, depleted and broken. We needed Vaala, you see. We can't live without it."


Her eyes glowed with an intense, spectral light as she spoke of past failures. "I even imparted a small portion of my power to a Valerian once, but they were incapable of handling it and exploded. I kidnapped many dragonkin from other territories, but they, too, couldn't last long in Eternia and were forced to return."


Nixis's gaze fixed intently on Horizon. "And then, you arrived. You're an Eternian, you don't need Vaala to survive. Your bloodline contains a trace of draconic essence that allows you to survive and harness my power, even if only a small portion. You're perfect for my long-term plans!"


Her voice took on a tone of grim satisfaction. "With you, I can finally execute my ultimate desire: to gather treasure from Eternia and expand my dominion beyond this wretched Mausoleum."


Horizon's forehead furrowed as he tried to grasp Nixis's plans. How does a treasure going to expand a territory? Though artifacts maybe?


"So you want me to be . . . ?" Horizon's voice trailed off, a chill of dread creeping into him as he realized what Nixis wanted to say.


Nixis's skeletal frame shifted with a semblance of satisfaction. "My servant, of course. In exchange for you and your friend's life and a share of my power, you will serve as my agent. Let me see Eternia and fetch me the treasures I desire, and you shall live and have a portion of my powers."


Horizon squeezed his eyes shut, the weight of his impending role settling upon him.


Von looked on with a mixture of pity and concern, recognizing the fate that awaited his friend.


"A servant," Horizon murmured, his voice barely audible.


"Your choice," Nixis's voice rumbled as her head extended forward, her long neck curling around Horizon. "I can end both your lives here and now, or you can form a pact with me and become my servant."


Horizon remained silent.


Nixis's voice softened, almost coaxingly. "You know the terms. Though you will serve me, I won't confine you unduly. You'll have the freedom to roam Eternia and collect the treasures I seek. Keep what I don't desire. Plus, you'll gain a portion of my power, which will undoubtedly benefit you."


Horizon slowly opened his eyes. He glanced at Von, whose worried gaze implored him to reconsider.


"Just answer one question first," Horizon said, his voice steady despite the tension.


Nixis tilted her massive head with intrigue. "What is it?"


"Is this all there is to your plan?" Horizon pressed. "Why go through all this trouble to get me here? Why didn't you just reach out directly, or come to me yourself? You have the power to communicate through my mind. Why resort to such drastic measures, like the slaughter of the Amberskins?"