Treasures of the Dead    

|| H O R I Z O N ||


Race: Dragonborn 

Class: Wyrm Overlord 

Title: Overlord of Death 


HP: 50 000 

MP: 25 000 

INT: 250 

CONS: 280 

DEX: 260 

CHA: 220 

LCK: 170 


AP: +575





Having a draconic bloodline has fortified your spirit. You are immune to fear and charm effects. 

Draconic Awareness

You can expand your senses to detect the presence of draconic beings within a mile, though their exact location remains hidden. 


In combat with a dragon, your attacks exploit their weaknesses, dealing double damage while their attacks on you halves.

Draconic Hearth

You can store 4 Dragons as of the moment.

Scales with Stat.





Wyrm Call LV.1

You forge a powerful connection with a dragon, intertwining your souls. This bond allows you to summon the dragon, or channel its essence into magical weapons or armor.


The summoned dragon's appearance and abilities are unique for each dragon.


You can only summon one dragon at a time. Scales with level.


Mana Cost: Continuous depletion upon summoning.


Wyrm's Resonance LV.1

As a Wyrm Overlord, you are destined to command the loyalty of all dragons. Conquer them in battle, and they will be compelled to heed your call.


You have x3 attempts to forge a bond with the defeated dragon, compelling it to join your ranks.


Scales with level.


Mana Cost: None


Death Wyrm LV.1

When you kill a dragon, you can still call upon its soul to serve you but the wyrm becomes rotten. The Wyrm's soul dies, and the wyrm becomes UNDEAD.


You have x1 attempt to forge a bond with the soul of the dragon, compelling it to join your ranks.


Scales with level.


Mana Cost: None


Unholy LV.1

You can cast Necromantic magic upon your enemies.


Single Target.


Mana: 500 / cast

Duration: 10 seconds




Twilight Flowers x5

Recover Potions x2

Antidote x5

Heaven's Blessings x3

Old Rope x1

Tent x1

Dragon's Toolkit

Golden Chest




Bone Armor

Drakescourge Scimitars


GIL: 50 000 gil


|| E N D ||


[CONGRATULATIONS! Hidden Quest, acquire a TITLE is completed! REWARDS: Crystal Chest x1]



Horizon's heart raced as the notifications flooded in. He couldn't believe it — he had gained a title, along with a set of powerful skills and spells. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he examined the new abilities.


The spell [Unholy] stood out to him — necrotic magic. It was an incredibly powerful school of magic, though it required a hefty 500 MP to cast. But the potential was undeniable. Necrotic magic could bend life and death to his will, a force few could hope to master.


Then there was [Death Wyrm], a skill that intrigued him even more. If he failed in using [Wyrm Resonance] to bind a dragon, he could slay it and still attempt to communicate with its soul. The downside? He only had one shot. If it worked, the dragon would rise as an undead servant. Not ideal, but better than losing the dragon altogether, right?


But the real thrill hit when a hidden quest completion flashed across his interface. A [Crystal Chest x1] materialized in front of him.

Horizon's pulse quickened — inside was a [Grimoire], a rare and coveted spell/skill book. Grimoires were known to contain unique, high-level spells or skills perfectly suited to one's class. The possibilities were endless.


Horizon's excitement built, hands trembling as he reached for the chest. For a moment, Nixis and Von faded from his mind, overtaken by the thrill of discovery. This was it — the kind of treasure that could change everything.


As the chest creaked open, a brilliant light spilled out, illuminating the ancient runes carved into the stone floor. The air hummed with power, and the [Grimoire] floated just above the chest's center, surrounded by a radiant aura.


Horizon grinned, his breath catching. This was no ordinary treasure — it was the key to unlocking the full potential of his newfound title.


[ACQUIRED! Grimoire!]


An ancient, weathered tome hovered before Horizon, its pages glowing faintly with a dark, ominous light. The air around it felt heavy, as if the book itself carried the weight of forgotten knowledge and forbidden power. Shadows seemed to ripple off its edges, flickering in the dim light of the mausoleum.


Horizon reached out, his fingers trembling with anticipation. As his hands neared the tome, a pulse of energy surged through the air, crackling like a distant storm. The moment his fingertips touched the surface, the dark light intensified, casting eerie shadows across the room.


Slowly, almost reverently, Horizon pried open the ancient book. The pages fluttered open on their own, releasing a gust of air that smelled of old parchment and magic long sealed away. Dark runes danced across the pages, their meanings cryptic yet strangely familiar, as if they were calling out to him — waiting to be claimed.

The power contained within was palpable, sending shivers down Horizon's spine.


[ACQUIRED Spell! Raise Corpses!]


|| Raise Corpses LV.1 ||


As an Overlord of Death, you wield the power to breathe life into the recently departed.


Summon up to x10 corpses per day, provided their stats fall beneath your own. (The deceased must have perished within the last 24 hours to be revived under your command.)


Mana Cost: Mana will steadily drain to regenerate lost limbs and mend the bodies of your undead minions. If your mana is completely exhausted, the corpses crumble to dust. 


You hold absolute control over this dark power and can sever the spell at any moment, returning the dead to eternal rest.


Scale with Level.


|| E N D ||


Horizon couldn't help but feel a thrill as he reviewed the spell in his mind.