The Fall of Ironfist    


"This can't be!" Ironfist roared, disbelief twisting his features. "I'm supposed to be stronger than you!"


Horizon stood calm and collected, flicking the blood from his blades with a nonchalant grace. "Didn't I tell you? Strength alone won't save you. If you can't figure that out and just rely on your stats, then you'll never defeat me."


Despite their similar stats, Horizon held the edge when it came to innate combat skills—something Ironfist sorely lacked.


Until now, Ironfist had dominated his enemies, players who fell beneath his raw power. But facing a true expert, the glaring disparity between them became painfully clear.


"Stop dodging my attacks, you coward!" Ironfist spat, fury boiling within him.


Horizon's lips curled into a sly grin. "Are you an idiot? Did you think this was a friendly brawl?"