The Offering's Edge    

Turning to David, Horizon's gaze darkened, a cold smile tugging at his lips as he approached. "Now then," he said, voice low and steady, "it's time for you to tell us how to get out of here."


The undead couldn't speak, but Horizon had the ability to communicate with them through thoughts. They responded only when directly addressed, their answers always succinct and to the point.


"What did they say?" Nyx inquired.


"Hmm . . . they mentioned that the monolith we spotted earlier is the key to the other region," he replied.


"How did they know that?" Nyx pressed, her brow furrowing. "We've checked that monolith before and found nothing even with our appraisal skills."


"They can read the symbols inscribed on it," Horizon explained, glancing back at the path they'd traveled.


"Oh, then what are we waiting for? Let's head back!" Nyx exclaimed, enthusiasm radiating from her.