(in the location of rintis island, with a gloomy weather, a Portal appears which is BoBoiBoy who came out from there.)
(along with weatherbot with him.)
(Were he has arrive home to see with the others.)
(Even though he's in a bad shape.)
(While BoBoiBoy has to inform a bad news about his failures to rescue Hang Kasa.)
(However, he see's someone from the Cocoa stall.)
(Which BoBoiBoy couldn't believe from what he see.)
(While he starts hiding behind the bush.)
(Just to make an observation.)
(He only see His friends at the store, while the Mop Aliens are taking over the store from Tok Aba's absence.)
(Were they only spend their time together with a smile on their faces.)
(Which confuses him that they don't seem to be concerned about his long time absence.)
(But doesn't want to make a false assumption.)
(Only when he sees his nemesis, Adu du, who is sweeping the floor with a broom.)
(Along with Probe.)
(Wondering on why they're here during his absence.)
(Then starts to hear from the others.)
Ying: hey Adu du, you did a good job from the mission back there.
Gopal: yeah. It's better for you to be a member of TAPOPS, instead of being evil.
Adu du (disgruntled voice): yeah, yeah, whatever... I'm doing this just to pay you a depth for saving Probe.
Yaya: don't be like that Adu du. At least you have a heart on helping us in TAPOPS.
Fang: I agree. Thanks to you, we get a best records on our several missions without any failures.
Adu du: I appreciate that. But I still have to owe you guys for my misdeeds.
(Seeing this makes BoBoiBoy realized that Adu du has already turned over a new leaf because of the four.)
(But he started to overheard from the others about the element user, that would break his heart.)
(None of them seems to care about his absence, as they Continue to assure that the element user can handle himself without anyone's help.)
(Despite that it's been a long time already.)
(But then starts to criticize about his actions from the last incident.)
(While Claiming that they'll do their job without him.)
Fang: I don't need BoBoiBoy's help anymore. And he cannot afford himself to be a member of TAPOPS.
Ying: he doesn't trust us anymore, and keep on messing things up.
Adu du: I'm starting to forget about his existence.
Gopal: I rather not hang out with him if he comes back.
Yaya: But he needs to learn his lesson from his mistakes.
Ochobot [sighs]: ... I guess you're right. I can't even argue with that. But You do have a point. And I don't need to worry about him anyway. You know how persistent he is.
Ying: yeah I totally agree.
Fang: he's better off on his own.
Yaya: he doesn't need us anymore.
Gopal: I'm sure nothing would ever happened to BoBoiBoy. He's capable on handle things on his own.
(Which everyone agrees.)
(Crushed by their uncaring words, BoBoiBoy becomes heartbroken.)
(Seeing that nobody, especially Ochobot, seems to care about his condition, while they continue to assured on his capabilities from this journey.)
(And continuing to make a false accusations from the boy's actions from the past incident.)
(Without realizing about his horrible event from the cave.)
(Which he becomes infuriated for leaving him to suffer from all the consequences, while they spent their happy lives with each other during his absence.)
Boboiboy: Yet...
(Feeling betrayed as his closes ones doesn't care about the hero who always saved his friends for countless times, BoBoiBoy drops weatherbot to the ground and silently runs off away from the Cocoa stall as he storms off.)
(BoBoiBoy arrives in the forest, Were he stops himself from running and stands infront of the river.)
(Then neel down in despair.)
(Were he becomes silent for a moment, until...)
(The boy starts to break down into tears.)
(Feeling hated by the others, just because of his mistakes in the past.)
(Expressing his sadness from all of his misfortunes he had been through.)
(Then, when he starts to look reflection of the water, BoBoiBoy becomes terrified from seeing it.)
(Only to realized that it's only his face.)
(When he removes the cloth, BoBoiBoy becomes horrified from the drastic changes.)
(Now that his face is completely scarred and has lost his right eye.)
(Even gaining a white hair.)
(He is greatly dismay from his horrible appearance.)
(As he could not recognize his own from before.)
BoBoiBoy: "How cruel of them... Why does this keep on happening to me? I'm the only one who keep on suffering my problems. But it is unforgivable for leaving me to lose my left arm & right eye. They never helped me at all... They just keep on depending on me to Finish everything until it's done because they believe I'm the strongest. We've been friends for along time. But Now they don't want me anymore, just because of my stupid mistakes..."
(When the rain storm begins to shower, while there's a struck of lightning.)
(He starts to remember about the horrible words from his "friends".)
["you're supposed to be the greatest superhero. But I don't feel like I wanted to trust you anymore. you'll just make the same stunt all over again."]
["you've gone too far BoBoiBoy. We are supposed to be a team! But you're so selfish that it's always been you with every bad guys you fought. Which it causes your own life!"]
["I guess you don't trust us at all..."]
["but you don't consider us as your teammates, do you?"]
["well it's fine for me. It's better for you to be a superhero somewhere else without us..."]
["I'm with you. I don't want him to be in my way."]
["I'm tired of dealing with his mess he always made. He should stop being a kid and grow up!"]
["agreed. We're truly disappointed in you, BoBoiBoy."]
["then you're just a biggest idiot in the galaxy!"]
(Now filled with malice as he becomes more resentful for neglecting him to the place that he almost die.)
(Then he finally snaps from his misfortunes that was caused by the watch wearers.)
BoBoiBoy: "Unforgivable... Unforgivable... They're mad at me for making a mistake. Yet, they're much more happier when I'm gone."
(Then wonders on what caused this conflict to happen.)
BoBoiBoy: "But How should I avoid this horrible fate? Whenever I do my superhero work, it just make me feel worst. If only I would never become one, or joining TAPOPS. As our job was to rescue power spheres to prevent from being used to caused havoc by the evil aliens. Which makes me wonder on why would the power spheres have to exist. They are the ones that brought up the villains or a conflict in the first place."
(This cause the element user to realized something.)
(He believes that the power spheres was the caused of the conflicts in the galaxy.)
(But also responsible for creating the villains in the first place, due of it's great power that they want to conquer the galaxy for themselves.)
(Which himself has to face the consequences the most from this mess, just to protect the robots at any cause.)
(While experiencing many near death situations, since the robots are always involved.)
(But BoBoiBoy begins to hate this career.)
(Believing that being a hero would ended up being rewarded with pain and suffering.)
(Even grow more resentful and filled with hate at someone who's close with, that brought misfortunes to him.)
(Viewing them, even Ochobot, as pests.)
(As he has lost faith in everyone anymore.)
BoBoiBoy: "I'm sick of saving the Power Spheres that causes all the trouble, and I'm sick of being a hero! As everything was a biggest mistakes that I ever done. I want to make everyone pay for making me suffer, They should be the one to suffer instead! It's all of my "friend's" fault for being useless, while they only blame my mistakes. How unforgivable of them... It's their fault giving me a horrible changes of my looks!"
(When BoBoiBoy begins to consumed by hatred, his body begins to be surrounded by dark auras.)
BoBoiBoy: "I hate them all... I hate them all... I... Really... Hate... EVERYBODY!!!
(Then his insanity has been pushed to the edge.)
(Which ended changing into a dark elemental form, BoBoiBoy Gelap.)
(Now that BoBoiBoy has throw away his heroism and begins to choose a path of a dark side instead.)
(So Gelap plots to destroy all of the power spheres out of existence.)
(Believing that would prevent them from falling into a wrong hands.)
(But still wants to cause pain and suffering to anyone for himself out of vengeance.)
(Even planning to torment his so called friends and TAPOPS.)
(But wishes to become much more stronger individually.)
(So he can make anyone fear over his potential.)
(Which the phone like device that he has found from the cave, begins to activate it's power, (even causing to change into color black.)
(Then sees that there's a button glowing, so the boy anxiously presses it.)
(Which causes a transformation were he received a black armor suit that he wears.)
BoBoiBoy(Voice of a young man with electronic tone): an armor suit...?"
(When he tries to test it out, BoBoiBoy realized that the armor suit can make his dark element stronger.)
(Even he can summon a weapon from his will.)
(which he becomes delighted.)
BoBoiBoy (Begins to laugh maniacally): ... I'm so glad to find this suit. It's what I wished for. Now I can use it to hunt down hundreds of power spheres. Especially for taking down TAPOPS! But before that..."
(The element user summons a small portal, as he pulls out something from there.)
(Which is the power sphere, weatherbot, that he had dropped.)
(Were BoBoiBoy starts to crumble it, as he break it into pieces.)
(As the broken pieces drops to the ground, He then sadistically stomps on it.)
BoBoiBoy: "Hahahahaha...! It's what you deserved for being existed! I'll never ever forgive for causing all kinds of mess! Even it's you're fault that Tok Kasa's gone because of you! You should suffer as well! Hahahahaha!!!"
(He frequently stomps on the robot in a cruel way, while there's a roar of a thunder strikes.)
[During the few events of the past...]
(BoboiBoy has ran away from home while his grandfather doesn't know about it, as he's still in the coma.)
(Since he remain left and forgotten by everyone he knew.)
(Were he spent his time training to master his powers.)
(Even he travels to other alien planets, were he fight hundreds of monster.)
(Just to test out his skills and new power.)
(But his insanity has been triggered once again, were he ruthlessly kills them without showing mercy.)
(As he has lost All of his kindness, were BoBoiBoy has been pushed into his limits from his misfortunes.)
Gelap: "I am no longer BoBoiBoy. I am Gelap, the harbinger of darkness, the bringer of despair! With this power, I shall destroy everything in my path and make them suffer as I have suffered. No one will stand in my way, not even TAPOPS or my former friends. They shall all tremble before the might of Gelap!"
(When his training is complete...)
(BoBoiBoy's makes his first move on plotting on his revenge.)
(He first caused havoc throughout the city, by summoning his elemental clones.)
(With Gelap became the leader, he Orders them to create chaos, which they all comply.)
(Since they also influence from their revengeful desire.)
(As the rest of the seven can still managed to evolve their 2nd level form.)
(While BoBoiBoy Gelap will only stand over the top building, enjoying the suffering during the chaos that was caused by his clones.)
(Ais freezes the building.)
(Gempa causes an earthquake.)
(Taufan creates a tornado.)
(Duri turns all of the plants into man eating monsters.)
(Blaze shoots fireballs from the sky to create meteor showers.)
(Halilintar drained most of the electrical products, just use it's power to struck lightning at the bystanders.)
(While Solar sneak into the security room, to make the security Cameras of the streets to focused on the power band wearer, including Adu du and Probe.)
(Who got themselves humiliated by the elements.)
(Without being caught.)
(Blaze was the one who attack Fang's shadow from the back, to make them think their owner was the one hurting them.)
(Ais makes Ying slip on the ice floor, to make her crash into the pile of cakes in the Bakery.)
(Taufan uses tornado to toss Yaya into a trash can.)
(Halilintar electrocute Probe to cause his arms to gone haywire.)
(Duri uses the Venus fly trap just to snatched Gopal's pants off to humiliate him infront of the crowd of civilians.)
(Which all the footages to be posted on the internet without using any addresses.)
(So the watch wearers will become a laughing stock.)
(Now that he humiliated his so called friends, he begins to do all of the crimes, as a masked criminal known as Kurai.)
(By using his armor suit he had found, just to hide his true identity. But also to hide his "hideous face".)
(Now that he has his own title, known as "the Power Sphere Killer".)
(Since he developed hatred towards the robots for causing a conflict in the galaxy.)
(Even causing misfortunes to himself.)
(Whenever TAPOPS finds a location of the power sphere, Kurai will infiltrate himself by being invisible, just to get informations from them.)
(So he can sabotage their missions, by reaching the robot first, and destroying it.)
(Even during the time, when he first facing the power band wearers under the mask.)
(While terrorizing the government that kept the robots within.)
(But also willingly kill criminals without any mercy, only for those who would take any possession of power spheres for personal schemes.)
(Causing the whole population of aliens in space to fear over the criminal's wrath.)
(This act catches attention from the powerful overlord of the Knight Empire, King Excaliborg.)
(Who took an interest on the masked criminal.)
(Were he found him living in the cave of the forest, as he tries to recruit him to his side.)
(At first Kurai isn't interested in making an alliance to another villain, since he lost trust to anyone else but himself.)
(But also became angry when he first hear about his statement of the boy's reasons of becoming A criminal in the 1st place.)
(Only when he starts to listen about the deal on helping to get revenge on the people he hated the most.)
(Then Excaliborg reveals that he knew about the Power Sphere Killer's identity.)
(Who's known to be the elemental hero from TAPOPS.)
(Were he Brings out the tablet that shows some analysis of the data of the criminal's true identity.)
(Causing him to angrily deny it.)
(To make Kurai listen, he begins to remove his helmet.)
(To the element user's horror, he is revealed to have a deformity were the alien has scars on his face, while he has cyborg parts that replace his missing left eye.)
Excaliborg: "I'm like you Kurai. I have good reasons to become a villain."
Kurai: "But how...?"
Excaliborg: "Isn't obvious? I was once a greatest hero in the galaxy back then. However... my ungrateful allies, & my father, never care about my feelings. As I always suffer from all of my burden of being a hero. Until everything changed after my "friends" abandoned me from the last battle, which I ended up losing most of my bodies and ended up becoming a cyborg. I was so angry at them for being a selfish cowards. Especially to my father who doesn't care about my disappearance, even everyone has already forgotten about their hero who always saved the day. As they all presumed that I was dead."
Kurai: "...."
Excaliborg: "But I managed to get revenge on everyone I knew, by destroying the whole planet, Cosmolot. After I had created my own empire. Now that I had fullfil my vengeance, my goal is to rule over the universe with an iron fist. But with that armored hero in my way, I started to despised him. Since I always hated everything that relates to heroes."
(Which he starts to offer a deal with the boy.)
(In exchange on helping him get revenge on the people who had wronged him, Kurai will have to kill the hero that Excaliborg hates the most.)
(Seeing that the Armored King has similarities to himself, he accepted to join his faction.)
(But needs to know about the ancient artifacts from TAPOPS before helping him to get revenge, since he has known them for a long time.)
(And that's how when BoBoiBoy betrays the heroes after rejoining them.)
(Just to track down the sacred Gems as a part of the deal.)
[To be continued...]