Fight: Part 2

The shadow beast jumped into the air and sent black claw marks at Ethan.

Ethan tried his best to dodge them, but one of them was able to cut his arm, causing blood to spurt out of his open wound.

"Ga!" Ethan exclaimed in pain, as he used his other arm to cover the wound. Then, he decided to try to punch the beast again, but he heard Amon telling him not to fight.

" What do you mean I shouldn't fight, I should just wait and die?" Ethan asked with a confused exppression, as he dodged another one of the beast's attack.

" I didn't say that either," Amon responded."

" Well then what do you mean, and could you please say it a bit quicker?!"

Ethan said, as he tried to dodge another attack, but the moment he dodged the strike, another one came out of nowhere and slashed at his face, cutting his skin again, and letting blood seep out along with the pain of the cut.

" What I mean is stop fighting like a human and start fighting like a supernatural creature. Start fighting like a creature of the night!"

As those words seeped into his ears, Ethan eyes glowed violet for a second, then it suddenly changed to red. It was almost as if it had a mind of it's own.

" Umm, Amon something feels weird about my eyes," Ethan felt the change in his eyes, but he just didn't have the time to think about it. At the moment he was still trying to think of a way to save his hide.

" Ethan stop talking and start fighting," Amon had no time to inspect the colour of Ethan's eyes, all that was on his mind at the moment was to make sure that his host didn't die.

Ethan took in a deep breath, as he tried to feel the current power coursing through his body.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes and a second later, , the blood that seeped out of his wound began flying around him, it was like gravity no longer applied to those droplets of blood.

Suddenly, Ethan's eyes opened, and everything he saw had a different feel to it. The beast that was currently trying it's best to kill him actually had blood inside of it's body, though it was very little and was very hidden by the dark energy that covered it's being, Ethan could somehow see it.

Then he looked at his hands, and he could suprisingly see the blood rushing in his body and being distributed all around his being.

The feeling was incredible. As he looked at the trees, he saw some kind of green liquid moving around them, but for some reason it felt more distant from him than that of the red coloured blood moving around the shadow beast's void body.

Ethan then commanded the blood droplets in the air to come together and form a weapon. He didn't know how he was doing this or why he was thinking about it, but he just decided to follow the primal instinct accompanying the blood red coloured eyes.

As the blood droplets came together, the formed a blood red coloured dagger that seemed to be able to cut through the air.

Ethan grabbed the dagger and gripped it tightly, then he slashed it at the shadow beast.

This time, the shadow beast showed a hint of fear as it dodged the dagger, and tried to grab unto Ethan's arm.

Sensing the shadow beast's move, Ethan jumped up into the air, forcing the shadow beast's voided hands to only be able to brush against Ethan's shoelace.

As Ethan jumped into the air, he was somehow able to turn his body upside down while directing the short blade in his hands down and striked the beast on the head.

Immediately the blade landed on the beast, it immediately parted into two.

" Yes!" Ethan exclaimed, as he celebrated the fact that he just killed the beast.

" Ethan, it's not over yet!" Amon immediately brought Ethan back into reality, as the beast severed head suddenly began coming together again.

" Oh god! Why won't you just stay down!" Ethan exclaimed, as he stared at the beast with growing anger. Why won't this stupid creature just die?!

As anger welled up in him, Ethan unknowingly made more blood to come out of his body.

As he saw the phenomenon happening and what his mood was doing to him, Ethan smiled evilly.

Then he conjured up more blood from his body, and made the blood come together and begin to form long Spears that began to envelope the whole area.

" Ethan that's enough! You can't lose anymore blood or else you'll not have enough mind strength to stand and control these weapons you've conjured," Amon warned in a serious tone.

The amount of blood Ethan was using would almost take up half of everything in his body. If that happens, Ethan might not be able to hold on the control over the tens of spears.

Ethan immediately heeded Amon's warnings and stopped conjuring more spears," Even I won't conjure more, I know that the attack I gave you earlier must have done a bit of damage, so what would happen if I send over tens of blood weapons,"

Ethan no longer looked like a human anymore, he seemed like a sovereign, a sovereign over the blood of everything that had blood in his body.

Seeing Ethan's evil smile and the tens of blood behind him, the shadow beast winced in fear. I thought this was going to be an easy mission, why didn't anyone tell me that a new born night creature would actually be so monstrous!

The shadow beast immediately regretted it's actions, but there was no turning back now. He had no choice but to keep fighting. It's either that or die.

" Ethan, finish that nasty creature," Amon exclaimed with a ferocious look.

" With pleasure," Ethan said, as he made the spears rain down upon the beast.


As the spears rained down on it, the shadow beast roared in agony, as it's screams of death reverbrated all around the forest.

After a few more seconds of screaming, the beast finally died. Making Ethan heave out a sigh of relief, and falling to the ground exhausted.

" You did well Ethan, normally a new awakened night creature wouldn't have been able to survive that," Amon praised Ethan for his commendable achievement of being able to play a shadow beast, even if it was of a weak rank.

" Well, I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you," Ethan said with a smile.

" You're welcome, now get up and run!" Amon exclaimed, making Ethan confused.

" Run? But why?" Ethan asked in a confused manner.

" Just start running, I'll explain on the way," Amon said in a hasty voice, almost as if he wanted to avoid something.

Wanting to trust Amon, Ethan got up and began running with a speed that surpasses that of any human.

" Well start explaining,"

Amon took in a deep breath, as he tried to calm his racing heart," you see, when that beast roared when it was dying, it inadvertently alarmed the rest of it's tribe,"

" Wait! Doesn't that mean that they would be coming towards his location of death?"

" Precisely why I asked you to run, so that we would be gone by the time the rest of the tribe arrives," Amon said, but then he just realized that Ethan had just stopped running," what's wrong, keep running,"

" Umm, I think it's a bit too late for that," Ethan said with a racing heart.

" Why is that?" Amon asked inquisitively.

" Because they already found us," Ethan exclaimed, as he stared at the hundreds upon hundreds of shadow beast that had now surrounded them.