Moonlight Healing.

" so you're saying I won't even remember myself unlocking my world streams?,"

" Exactly," Amon responded, a solemn exppression etched on his face, as he silently prayed for Ethan to do the right thing and keep that stupid liquid away.

Ethan stared at the bottle of healing potion in his hands with mixed feelings. He was badly injured at the moment and there was a potion that would take all that away from him, but he just couldn't consume it.

He sighed internally, as he was about to keep the bottle away, but then his eyes landed on the injured Ella laying on the bed and at the moment her state of health was very critical, she might be dying and he didn't know since he knew nothing about the human body.

" Amon, would it still bring the same effects if I give her to drink?" He asked, as he looked at her with concern in his eyes.

It was his fault she was in such a state and it was also because of him that she was exposed to the supernatural world, so now it was his job to make things right. If this potion also takes the memories of today from her, everything would be going back to normal.

" Yes, it would have the same effects. But are you sure of doing that?" Amon asked.

" Of course I am. If I do this, she wouldn't remember any of the horrors that she had to face, it's the only way to have a peaceful mind and fro me to have a heart free of guilt," Ethan said, as he moved towards her and removed the bottle cap.

He then pointed the tip of the bottle to her lips, as he used his other hand to open her mouth. He then poured the potion into her mouth.

As the potion was poured into her mouth, she subconsciously swallowed it, allowing the potion to begin it's healing duty.

Green lights began glowing around Ella's body, as the blood on her skin began to slowly disappear and the cuts began to close.

The big wounds on her body slowly began closing and healing, as her dishevealed hair began to come together and flow back to the natural style.

After about five more minutes, all of her body was already completely healed, all that was left was the tattered clothing on her body.

He picked her up and moved her to her room. When he laid her down on the bed, he tossed a blanket over her body and silently left the room.

As he closed the door, he heaved a sigh of relief," now that Ella isn't part of this stuff anymore, I suddenly feel much lighter at heart. I'm not ready to put anyone in danger,"

Amon then flew out of his head and stood in front of him," you know eventually someone you're close to would find out about this new life of yours. I just hope you're ready for the disappointing look that would be in their faces when they find out about your new identity."

Ethan's exppression steeled with those words," even if someone finds out, I'm never going to let them get involved with this. I chose this path, and so I have to be brave enough to walk on it alone. No one's going to get hurt because of me. I'm not going to accept it," He said, as he walked back to his room and laid on the bed.

Seeing Ethan go onto the bed, a confused exppression was on Amon's face as he walked up to Ethan and stared at his exhausted face," what are you doing?"

" What do you mean what am I doing, I'm going to fall asleep and wait for the healing process of my body to kick in," Ethan's said with a raised eyebrow.

" What body healing process are you waiting for, are you crazy?! Aren't you meant to go and get yourself healed?" Amon exclaimed with an expression that could easily say, Ethan is an idiot.

" What are you talking about," Ethan said, as he sat upright. Is this ancient god just spouting out rubbish now.

Amon's face suddenly grew a smirk as he stared at Ethan like he was a complete fool trying to talk to the smartest wolf of them all," absorbing moonlight would help you heal faster, actually it would make you both stronger and heal fatster,"

Hearing his words, Ethan's eyes suddenly began to twitch violently," and you failed to mention that before?!!"

" Oh! Did I forget to tell you about it? My bad," Amon said with an innocent smile that destroyed his Godly image in Ethan's mind.

Ethan just got up with a shake of his head, as he stood up. He then headed over to the backyard of the house and sat down in a lotus position.

" You know you don't need to sit down like that anymore right?" Amon said, as he looked at Ethan sitting in his crossed legged position.

Ethan turned his head to look at Amon," oh I know, it's just that when I was young, I used to watch a lot of martial arts movies, especially those with monks, so I've kinda always wanted to find a reason to sit in that position,"

He said, as he recalled the days of his childhood with him and his parents watching a movie like a regular family. He just didn't know what went wrong with them.

But then he decided to shift them all to far end reaches of his mind, as he began to absorb the moonlight that the full-moon exuded unto the world. For humans, it was a source of light on the ground. For night beasts, it was both their saviour and their best friend.

As Ethan began absorbing the moonlight's, Amon began to speak to him," focus in any injured part of your body and begin to move the moonlight energy in your body towards that part of your body. Slowly but faster than any regular human, you would begin to heal,"

Listening and doing just like Amon said, Ethan began to direct the energy that was being pulled into his body towards the injured parts of himself.