Something Fishy

Waking up the next day, Ethan got up and Immediately got ready for school. He had breakfast, and left.

Walking on the road with his school uniform on, and his bag on one of his shoulders, he talked to Amon about the strange encounter with the flame creature.

" I think it would be better if you tell that icy girl about it. She might know a thing or two," Amon said, emphasizing on Eliza.

" You mean Eliza? I guess you're right, but what if she doesn't know anything about it, what are we going to do then?" Ethan said with a bit of concern.

Now that he knew that the flame creature was probably one of the reasons why the death rate in the forest had increased, he felt the urge to do something about it. He couldn't just watch people die when he has the power to save them.

" Well, if she doesn't know what it is, then you could just check in the ancient archives," Amon said.

" Ancient archives, what's that?" Ethan wondered.