Throw Away The Human King Crown, It's Not Useful To You!

" what do you want from me?" Ethan asked curiously.

Just walking around normally like any other day and a voice that only he can hear suddenly starts talking to him. If this isn't something connected to the supernatural, then he doesn't know what is.

" What I want from you? What I want from you, you cannot give. But what you and your friends need, I can give," said the mysterious voice once more, adding another question mark in Ethan's head.

" What I want from you? What would I ever want from you?" Ethan said, thinking that this was so laughable right now. It was the strange voice that had approached him, not him approaching the voice, so who looks like they need something from the other more?

" What would you ever want from me? You say it like you don't need my help," said the voice, sounding a but dejected.