At age 5


Morning Training with Fugaku

At five years old, your father, Fugaku, begins to take a more active role in your early training. Though he is a stern and serious man, his dedication to the Uchiha clan's legacy drives him to ensure that you start developing your ninja skills early.

One morning, Fugaku takes you to a secluded training ground within the Uchiha compound. The air is crisp, and the sun has just started to rise, casting a soft golden light across the trees. You're a bit nervous, knowing how much your father expects from you, but you're also eager to make him proud.

Fugaku: calmly, but with authority "Sasuke, the Uchiha are known for our strength and discipline. Today, I will teach you the basics of shurikenjutsu. Watch closely."

He demonstrates the proper stance and how to throw a shuriken with precision. His movements are fluid, and the shuriken hits the target dead center. You watch in awe, determined to replicate his skill.

When it's your turn, you do your best to mimic his stance and throw. Your first attempts aren't perfect, but your father's gaze remains focused and unyielding.

Fugaku: nodding slightly "Not bad for your first try. But you must focus. Precision is key."

He guides you through your form, correcting your posture and helping you aim. Though his tone is serious, there's a sense of pride behind his words. You can feel it when he places his hand on your shoulder after you finally hit the target.

Fugaku: softly, almost with a hint of warmth "You're my son, Sasuke. I expect great things from you."

These training sessions become a regular part of your mornings. They're tough, and your father doesn't go easy on you, but with each day, you grow stronger, faster, more focused. You begin to sense that your father's expectations aren't just a burden; they're a sign that he believes in your potential.


Afternoons with Mikoto

In the afternoons, you spend time with your mother, Mikoto. Unlike your father, Mikoto's presence is warm and comforting. She doesn't push you as hard in training, instead focusing on nurturing your spirit and ensuring you have a well-rounded childhood.

One afternoon, she takes you to a peaceful spot in the Uchiha compound, where cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The pink petals dance in the breeze, creating a serene environment that makes you feel at ease.

Mikoto: smiling gently "Sasuke, it's important to work hard, but it's also important to enjoy the world around you. You'll have plenty of time for training, but right now, let's just relax."

She sits with you under the cherry blossom tree, telling you stories about the Uchiha clan's history, about the great shinobi that came before you. Her voice is soft and soothing, filling you with a sense of pride in your heritage, but also reminding you that there's more to life than just training.

Sometimes, she'll cook with you in the kitchen, teaching you how to prepare simple meals. She laughs when you make mistakes, never getting frustrated, always patient. These moments with her are filled with warmth and love, a balance to the intensity of your training with your father.

Mikoto: playfully "You may be a great ninja one day, Sasuke, but even great ninjas need to eat. And it's always better if you know how to cook for yourself."

Her kindness and gentle guidance help you feel grounded. She's your safe haven, the person you can turn to when you feel overwhelmed or unsure. You cherish these moments with her, knowing that no matter how tough your training becomes, she'll always be there to support you.


The conversation about you attending the Ninja Academy happens around the time you're nearing six years old. By this age, it's clear to your parents that you're ready to take the next step in your development as a shinobi.


A Quiet Evening at Home

One evening, after dinner, your family gathers in the main room of your home. The atmosphere is calm, but you can sense that something important is about to be discussed. Your mother, Mikoto, sits beside you, her hand resting gently on your shoulder. Your father, Fugaku, is seated across from you, his expression serious but not unkind. Itachi, who's now about ten years old, sits nearby, quietly observing.

Fugaku: in a firm, measured tone "Sasuke, you've grown strong over these past years. Your training has progressed well, and you've shown the potential I expect from a member of our clan."

You look up at him, feeling a mix of pride and nervousness. You've been waiting for this moment, knowing that it would come sooner or later.

Mikoto: softly, with a reassuring smile "Your father and I believe it's time for you to take the next step in your journey, Sasuke. We've decided that you'll be starting at the Ninja Academy soon."

The idea of attending the Academy excites you, but it also brings a sense of responsibility. You've seen Itachi excel there, and you want to do the same. But you know it won't be easy.

Fugaku: nodding approvingly "The Academy will be where you begin to truly hone your skills as a shinobi. You will learn the ways of the ninja, but more importantly, you will represent the Uchiha clan. I expect you to uphold our name with pride and determination."

His words are heavy with expectation, but you're determined to meet them. You've trained hard under his watchful eye, and now you're ready to prove yourself in a more formal setting.

Mikoto: gently squeezing your shoulder "Remember, Sasuke, the Academy isn't just about training. You'll make friends, learn new things, and discover more about yourself. Your father and I are proud of you, no matter what."

Her words bring you comfort, easing the tension that had built up inside you. You know that while your father expects great things from you, your mother's support will always be there, a steady source of strength.

Itachi: finally speaking, his voice calm and encouraging "The Academy is where your true journey begins, Sasuke. I know you'll do well. If you ever need help, I'll be here for you."

( Finally the Destiny are changing hehehe )