First day Going to Academy.

With the meal finished and the conversation about the Academy uniform and preparation complete, it's time to move on to the next steps.

Fugaku: standing up "Let's take some time to go over your uniform and gear now. We'll make sure everything is ready and in order before the Academy starts."

Mikoto: getting up from the table "I'll gather your uniform and check it for you. Follow me, Sasuke."

Itachi: joining in "I'll help with your gear and any other preparations you might need."

You follow Mikoto to your room where she retrieves your Academy uniform. It's a simple but functional outfit, designed for ease of movement. Mikoto inspects it to ensure it's clean and properly fitted.

Meanwhile, Fugaku and Itachi assist with organizing your gear, checking your kunai, shuriken, and any other items you'll need. They make sure everything is in good condition and ready for use.

Mikoto: handing you the uniform "Here it is. Make sure it fits comfortably. You'll need it to be well-adjusted for your training."

Fugaku: reviewing your gear "Everything seems to be in order. Double-check your backpack and make sure you have all required materials and supplies."

Itachi: offering a final bit of advice "If you need any help or have questions about the Academy, just ask. I'm here to support you.

What's should I do now currently then big brother...

Itachi: thinking for a moment "Now that your uniform and gear are ready, it might be a good time to review what you'll need for the Academy. Here's a checklist to help you prepare:

1. Double-check your supplies: Make sure you have your kunai, shuriken, and any other essential tools organized.

2. Pack your backpack: Ensure it's packed with everything you'll need for the Academy—your uniform, training equipment, notebooks, and personal items.

3. Familiarize yourself with the Academy's schedule: Knowing the daily routine and any specific requirements can help you adjust more easily.

4. Mentally prepare: Take a moment to think about your goals and what you hope to achieve at the Academy. Setting clear goals can help you stay focused.

Mikoto: nodding "And if you have any last-minute questions or need help with anything else, just let us know. We're here to support you."

Fugaku: with a reassuring tone "The days leading up to the Academy are important for final preparations. Make sure you're ready both physically and mentally."

Taking these steps will help you feel prepared and confident as you approach your start at the Academy.


With Everything set ready the first day come to go for the Academy...


As you wake up on the first day of the Academy, you feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The morning sun filters through your window, casting a warm light on your room. You quickly get dressed in your Academy uniform, feeling the weight of this new chapter ahead.

You head to the kitchen, where the aroma of breakfast greets you. Your family is already gathered, ready to share this important morning with you.

Mikoto: smiling warmly as you enter "Good morning, Sasuke. Today is a big day. I've prepared your favorite breakfast to give you energy for the day ahead."

Itachi: looking up from his meal "Morning, Sasuke. Ready for your first day at the Academy?"

Fugaku: taking a seat at the table "Good morning. This is an important step for you, Sasuke. Make sure you're focused and ready."

The table is set with a hearty breakfast, including rice, miso soup, and some vegetables. You sit down, and the family gathers around, sharing encouraging words and advice for your first day.

Mikoto: placing a bowl of rice in front of you "Eat up and enjoy. You'll need your strength for the day."

Fugaku: with a proud smile "Remember, this is just the beginning. Stay determined and do your best."

Itachi: nodding in agreement "I'm sure you'll do great. Just stay focused and learn as much as you can."

With breakfast complete and the support of your family surrounding you, you feel ready to take on the challenges of your first day at the Academy.

Will you drop me? I ask

Mikoto: looking at you with a reassuring smile "You don't have to go alone, Sasuke. We'll all walk with you to the Academy to see you off."

Fugaku: nodding "Yes, it's important for us to be there for your first day. We'll make sure you're settled in and comfortable."

Itachi: smiling encouragingly "I'll be with you too. We can make sure you find your way and get acquainted with your new surroundings."

As you finish your breakfast, your family gets ready to accompany you. The supportive presence of your parents and Itachi offers a sense of comfort as you prepare to take this important step.

Mom check my backpack and everything, Big brother and father check the gear once more and see if I have every item i need.

As you step outside, the morning sun casts a warm light over the Uchiha compound. The air is fresh, and the sounds of the village beginning its day surround you. Your family walks with you, a supportive presence as you head towards the Academy.

Mikoto: gently "It's a beautiful day to start something new. Take it all in and enjoy this new experience."

Itachi: walking alongside you "Remember, the Academy is a place to learn and grow. Be open to new ideas and make the most of every opportunity."

Fugaku: leading the way "We'll make sure you're settled in before we leave. It's important to start strong."

You walk with purpose and anticipation, each step bringing you closer to the Academy. The support of your family bolsters your confidence, and you feel ready to face the challenges and opportunities that await you.

As you walk with your family toward the Academy, you take in the sights and sounds of the Uchiha compound and the surrounding village.

The Uchiha Compound:

- The traditional architecture of the clan's homes stands out, with their distinctive sloped roofs and serene gardens. The streets are lined with well-kept trees and shrubs, reflecting the clan's attention to detail and pride.

The Village:

- Beyond the compound, the village is beginning to come alive. You see merchants setting up their stalls, villagers chatting as they go about their morning routines, and children playing in the streets.

The Hokage's Office:

- In the distance, the imposing structure of the Hokage's Office stands tall, a symbol of the village's leadership and strength.

Training Grounds:

- You pass by several training grounds where shinobi practice their techniques. The sound of their training and the sight of them in action remind you of the skills you'll be developing at the Academy.

The Academy Building:

- As you get closer, the Academy itself becomes visible—a large, well-maintained structure with an aura of discipline and learning. It stands as a beacon of your upcoming journey.

The environment around you is vibrant and full of life.