Training with Father.

After finishing breakfast, you and your father head to the Uchiha clan's private training grounds. The area is quiet, surrounded by tall trees, with plenty of space to practice. The sun is still low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the area.

Your father turns to you, his expression serious but proud. "First, Sasuke, I want you to activate your Sharingan. Focus on your emotions and let them fuel your chakra flow."

You close your eyes, recalling the feelings from your dream, and as you open them, the familiar red hue of the Sharingan with three tomoe emerges in your eyes.

"Good," your father says, observing your Sharingan. "Now, we'll start with perception. The Sharingan allows you to see things others can't—like subtle shifts in muscle movements, chakra flow, and even the flow of time in a sense. I'm going to attack you slowly at first, and I want you to dodge while keeping your Sharingan active."

He steps back and adopts a combat stance. "Ready?"

You nod, feeling a mixture of excitement and determination. Your father then lunges at you, starting with a basic strike. With your Sharingan active, you notice the small tensing of his muscles before he moves, allowing you to anticipate and evade his attack with ease.

"Good," he says, increasing the speed of his attacks gradually. "Feel the flow of my movements, predict where I'm going next, and respond."

As you continue to dodge and counter, your confidence grows. The Sharingan makes it seem like everything is moving in slow motion, giving you a clear advantage in predicting your father's attacks.

After a while, your father stops and smiles at you. "You're doing well, Sasuke. Now, let's test the next ability—copying techniques. Watch carefully."

He performs a series of hand seals rapidly, and suddenly a clone of himself appears beside him. "This is the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Watch my hand seals and copy them."

You focus intently, your Sharingan analyzing every movement. You mimic the seals, feeling your chakra flow in the same pattern as your father's. With a burst of smoke, a perfect copy of yourself appears beside you.

Your father nods approvingly. "Excellent. Your Sharingan will be a powerful tool, but remember, it's only as strong as the user. Keep training, learn its limits, and never underestimate the cost of using it."

You look at your father, feeling a sense of accomplishment and resolve. This is just the beginning of mastering your Sharingan, and you're determined to become even stronger.

Umm Father i already learn shadow clone jutsu yesterday in the Uchiha clan library, the clan Elder though me.

I soon make multiple shadow clones of mine.

Your father raises an eyebrow, impressed by your quick progress. "I see, you've been busy. Learning the Shadow Clone Jutsu so quickly shows your dedication and potential, Sasuke."

As you perform the technique and multiple shadow clones appear around you, your father observes them carefully. "You're progressing faster than I expected. Using the Shadow Clones will help you train more efficiently. You can assign each clone to practice different techniques or study different skills, and when they disperse, their experiences will return to you."

He steps back and gives you a nod of approval. "Since you've already mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu, we can move on to something more advanced. Would you like to learn how to enhance your clones with your Sharingan or perhaps focus on more advanced techniques that will complement your new abilities?"

More advanced techniques?

Your father nods, pleased by your eagerness. "Yes, now that you've awakened your Sharingan and mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu, you're ready to explore more advanced techniques that will maximize your potential."

He continues, "There are a few paths you can take:

1. Genjutsu Techniques: With your Sharingan, you can cast powerful illusions. This path focuses on manipulating your opponent's senses, creating confusion, and taking control of the battlefield.

2. Elemental Ninjutsu: As an Uchiha, you have an affinity for Fire Release, but mastering multiple chakra natures will make you more versatile. Learning how to combine different elemental jutsu with your Sharingan could make you unstoppable.

3. Sharingan Enhancement: You can work on refining your Sharingan's abilities, such as predicting movements, copying jutsu, and even exploring the more advanced techniques unique to the Uchiha.

4. Taijutsu and Kenjutsu: If you wish to improve your close-quarters combat, focusing on taijutsu or incorporating weapons like a sword could give you an edge in battle. Combined with your Sharingan, this would make you a formidable opponent.

5. Chakra Control and Amplification: Learning to enhance your physical abilities and jutsu through precise chakra control is crucial. This could also include developing techniques like the Chidori, which requires great speed and Sharingan precision."

He looks at you seriously. "You must choose your path wisely, Sasuke. Each of these techniques will require dedication and hard work, but any one of them will bring you closer to your goal of becoming stronger."

Your father waits for your decision, ready to guide you on the path you choose.

Father, Genjutsu techniques and Elemental Ninjutsu I want to learn them.

Your father nods approvingly at your choice. "A wise decision, Sasuke. Mastering both Genjutsu and Elemental Ninjutsu will make you a well-rounded and powerful shinobi. The Uchiha have always excelled in these areas, and with your Sharingan, you have the potential to surpass even the greatest of our clan."

He stands up and gestures for you to follow him. "Let's start with Genjutsu. With your Sharingan, you'll be able to cast illusions directly into your opponent's mind, making it nearly impossible for them to escape. The key to mastering Genjutsu is understanding the flow of chakra. Once you grasp that, you'll be able to manipulate it to create convincing illusions."

As you follow your father to a training area, he continues, "We will also work on your Fire Release techniques. The Uchiha are known for their mastery of fire, and there are advanced techniques that will enhance your combat abilities."

He pauses, then says, "But first, let's test your current skill level. Show me how well you can cast a basic Genjutsu and perform a Fire Release jutsu."

Your father steps back, watching you closely, ready to assess your abilities and guide you further.

You take a deep breath, focusing your chakra as you prepare to demonstrate your abilities. First, you close your eyes briefly, then open them with the red hue of your three-tomoe Sharingan spinning into view. With precise hand signs, you cast a basic Genjutsu, manipulating the chakra flow to create an illusion.

In front of your father, a mirage appears—an image of you splitting into several identical copies, blending seamlessly into the environment around you. Your father watches intently, his eyes narrowing slightly as he analyzes the intricacies of your technique.

Next, you shift your focus to Fire Release. You execute the hand signs with swift, fluid movements, and take a deep breath. As you exhale, a stream of flames bursts forth from your mouth, forming a wide arc of fire that blazes in front of you. The flames are intense, bright, and controlled, reflecting your growing proficiency with Fire Release.

Your father nods approvingly as the fire dissipates. "Impressive, Sasuke. Your control over Genjutsu is solid, and your Fire Release technique is coming along well. You're already demonstrating the natural talent of the Uchiha clan, but there's still room to grow."

He steps closer, placing a hand on your shoulder. "We'll refine these techniques, and then I'll introduce you to more advanced Genjutsu and Fire Release techniques. With your Sharingan, you'll be able to learn and master them quickly. Let's begin."

Your father gives you a firm nod, then motions for you to follow him outside. The air is crisp, and the training ground is quiet, offering a perfect environment for concentrated practice. He begins explaining the nuances of advanced Genjutsu techniques, emphasizing the importance of chakra control and mental fortitude.

As you listen, your Sharingan activates, analyzing his every move. He demonstrates an advanced Genjutsu, showing how it can be used not only to create illusions but also to trap an opponent's mind, making them experience scenarios that could break their will or confuse them in battle.

"Now, try to replicate this, Sasuke," he says, watching you closely. "Remember, it's not just about what they see, but what they feel. You must make the illusion real in their minds."

You focus, channeling your chakra into your Sharingan and the technique, preparing to execute the Genjutsu.

Your father gives you a firm nod, then motions for you to follow him outside. The air is crisp, and the training ground is quiet, offering a perfect environment for concentrated practice. He begins explaining the nuances of advanced Genjutsu techniques, emphasizing the importance of chakra control and mental fortitude.

As you listen, your Sharingan activates, analyzing his every move. He demonstrates an advanced Genjutsu, showing how it can be used not only to create illusions but also to trap an opponent's mind, making them experience scenarios that could break their will or confuse them in battle.

"Now, try to replicate this, Sasuke," he says, watching you closely. "Remember, it's not just about what they see, but what they feel. You must make the illusion real in their minds."

You focus, channeling your chakra into your Sharingan and the technique, preparing to execute the Genjutsu.

You take a deep breath, centering your chakra and focusing on the task at hand. Your Sharingan, with its three tomoe spinning slowly, gives you heightened clarity. Following your father's instructions, you visualize the illusion you want to cast—an unsettling scenario designed to disorient an opponent.

As you release your chakra, the illusion begins to take shape. It's a foggy forest, where shadows move unpredictably. The temperature drops, and a sense of unease fills the air. You can see in your father's eyes that he feels the subtle effects of your Genjutsu.

"Good, Sasuke," he says, nodding approvingly. "You're grasping the basics. The more you practice, the stronger and more complex your Genjutsu will become. Remember, in battle, timing is everything. Use Genjutsu to create openings, weaken your opponent's resolve, or even lead them into a trap."

He then transitions to Elemental Ninjutsu, demonstrating the fireball technique—a signature of the Uchiha clan. "This is the Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu. It's not just about spewing fire; it's about controlling the intensity and range of the flame. With your Sharingan, you can analyze the technique down to its smallest detail."

He steps back, allowing you to try. You form the hand seals, feeling the fire chakra build up inside you. With a deep breath, you release it, a blazing fireball roaring forward. It's not as large as your father's, but it's powerful, and you can sense the potential.

"Excellent. With practice, your fire will grow stronger, and your control will sharpen. We'll continue working on both these aspects in our training sessions," he says, clearly impressed.

Your father considers your question, his eyes narrowing slightly as he thinks. After a moment, he nods. "There is more, Sasuke, but it depends on how much you're willing to push yourself. You've shown great progress, but there are advanced techniques and strategies that require intense focus and dedication."

He continues, "You've begun learning the basics of Genjutsu and Ninjutsu, but there's also the matter of *Kenjutsu*—swordsmanship. While it's not as common among our clan, mastering the sword can give you an edge in close combat, especially when combined with your Sharingan. Then there's Shurikenjutsu, the art of throwing weapons with precision. You've practiced it before, but there's always room for improvement, especially with advanced techniques."

Your father's expression becomes more serious. "And lastly, there is something that only a few Uchiha have ever mastered—(the Mangekyo Sharingan). It's a dangerous path, one that can bring great power, but also great cost. It's not something you should pursue lightly."

He places a hand on your shoulder. "You're still young, Sasuke. Continue to build your foundation, master the basics, and the advanced techniques will come with time. For now, focus on what you've learned today, and we'll discuss more when you're ready."

His words are both encouraging and cautionary, reminding you of the vast potential you possess, but also the importance of patience and careful training.

Father, Actually I am trying to learn Senjutsu which i only get the glimpse of it, but I have completed some basic Fuinjutsu sealing, Clan Elder teach me yesterday at the Uchiha library.

Your father's eyes widen slightly in surprise at your mention of Senjutsu. He nods approvingly. "Senjutsu is indeed a profound and powerful discipline. It requires a deep connection with nature and a tremendous amount of chakra control. It's not easy to learn, but the fact that you're making progress is impressive."

He continues, "Fuinjutsu is also a valuable skill. Mastering seals can provide you with various advantages in battle, including sealing techniques and creating barriers. It's good to hear that you've made some progress there."

He pauses, considering your dedication. "If you're serious about learning Senjutsu, you'll need to find a way to connect with nature energy and balance it with your own chakra. It's a long and arduous process, but if you're determined, you can seek guidance from those who have mastered it or explore ancient scrolls that discuss the process."

He adds, "Keep in mind, learning Senjutsu and Fuinjutsu will require a lot of time and effort. Make sure you balance your training and don't push yourself too hard. Each technique you learn adds to your strength, but it's important to ensure you're building a solid foundation."

He places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "If you need any more guidance or resources, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help you on your journey."

His support and understanding give you confidence to continue pursuing your goals, knowing that you have your father's backing as you explore these advanced techniques.

Father well I want to learn more about Fuinjutsu, I can make sealing formula to store weapons for now and some other basics but my goal is to use that signature move of fourth Hokage.

Your father's expression shifts to one of admiration mixed with seriousness. "The sealing technique you're referring to is the *Hiraishin no Jutsu* or Flying Thunder God Technique, used by the Fourth Hokage. It's an advanced and highly complex technique that involves using special seals to teleport instantly to marked locations."

He continues, "Mastering such a technique requires not only advanced knowledge of Fuinjutsu but also exceptional control over chakra. It's one of the most powerful and intricate techniques in our world. To learn and master it, you will need to understand the foundational principles of Fuinjutsu deeply."

He gives you a reassuring smile. "Here's what you can do to start moving towards that goal:

1. Study Advanced Sealing Techniques: Focus on learning and mastering various sealing techniques. Understanding different sealing formulas and their applications will provide you with the foundational knowledge required for more advanced techniques.

2. Create and Practice Seals: Practice creating different types of seals and applying them in various scenarios. This will improve your precision and understanding of how seals interact with chakra and physical objects.

3. Seek Guidance: Find knowledgeable mentors or advanced scrolls that explain the Hiraishin no Jutsu in detail. The more you can learn about its theory and practice, the better prepared you'll be.

4. Training and Patience: Develop your chakra control and spatial awareness. The Flying Thunder God Technique requires not just technical skill but also a keen sense of space and timing.

5. Integration with Other Skills: Combining Fuinjutsu with other techniques, such as your shadow clones and senjutsu, can provide you with a more holistic approach to mastering advanced skills.

Your father nods encouragingly. "I can assist you with resources and guidance as you progress. Keep working hard, and remember that mastery takes time and dedication. You've already shown great potential, and with perseverance, you can achieve your goals."

His support reinforces your determination to continue studying and practicing Fuinjutsu, especially with the aspiration of mastering the Fourth Hokage's signature technique.

Yes father, I will focus on my Fuinjutsu, there I one more thing that I wanted to ask father...

"Of course, what is it?" your father inquires, looking at you with curiosity and concern.

I read about Summoning jutsu in the library as I was checking a book I found out that a Shinobi can use this type of Jutsu as well

Your father nods, indicating that he's listening. "Yes, summoning jutsu is a significant skill for many shinobi. It involves forming a contract with a specific creature or group of creatures, allowing you to summon them for assistance in battle or other situations. It requires both precise chakra control and a binding agreement with the summoned entity."

He adds, "The ability to use summoning jutsu often requires rigorous training and a deep understanding of your chakra nature. Are you interested in learning it? It can be quite beneficial, but it's also a complex technique to master."

Does father have one? I mean a summon contract? I never see you using it.

Your father shakes his head. "No, I do not have a summon contract. While summoning jutsu can be very useful, not all shinobi choose to develop this skill. Each shinobi has their own preferences and areas of expertise. I have focused my training on other areas, but if you wish to pursue summoning, you will need to find a suitable contract and train diligently."

He adds, "If you're interested, I can help you get started by finding a scroll or teacher who specializes in summoning jutsu. Just let me know."

Well father I do want to learn summoning jutsu hehe

"First," your father continues, "we need to locate a summoning contract. These are often stored in special scrolls that are passed down through families or acquired from summoning creatures themselves. Since you're still young, we'll start with a basic summoning contract to help you get accustomed to the technique."

He stands up and gestures for you to follow. "Let's visit the Uchiha clan library again. There might be some information on summoning contracts that we can use. I'll also help you prepare for the initial trials required to form a bond with your summon."

As you walk together, your father adds, "Once you have a contract, we'll focus on mastering the Summoning Jutsu. Remember, this will require practice and dedication, but it's a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your abilities."

You head towards the Uchiha clan library, eager to begin this new training.

At the Uchiha clan library, your father leads you to a section filled with ancient scrolls and documents. He pulls out a few scrolls related to summoning and lays them out on a table.

"These scrolls contain information on summoning techniques and various contracts. Let's start by reviewing these," he says.

You and your father begin examining the scrolls. Some of them have detailed instructions on the Summoning Jutsu, while others discuss the specifics of different summoning contracts and the requirements for each.

"First," your father explains, "you need to understand the basics of the Summoning Jutsu. It requires a lot of chakra control and precise hand seals. Each contract is different, so you'll need to study the one we choose carefully."

He points to a scroll with a contract for summoning animals. "This one is a good starting point. It's relatively straightforward and will give you a good foundation in summoning techniques."

You read through the scroll, noting the hand seals and the process required to summon a creature. Your father continues, "Once you're comfortable with the basic technique, we'll work on the specific requirements of the contract. This might include proving your abilities or meeting certain conditions set by the summoning creatures."

After reviewing the scrolls, your father nods in approval. "You seem ready to start. Let's begin with some practice on the basic Summoning Jutsu. Remember, focus on your chakra control and the hand seals. Once you have that down, we'll proceed with the contract."

You spend the rest of the day practicing the Summoning Jutsu under your father's guidance. You start with simple summoning exercises to get a feel for the technique and gradually work your way up to more complex forms.

As evening approaches, your father smiles. "You're making great progress. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be able to master summoning and take on more advanced techniques."

With a sense of accomplishment, you head back home, eager to continue your training and eager for the challenges ahead.

which creature was I trying to summon?

You were attempting to summon creatures from the Uchiha clan's scroll, which includes a variety of options. Some of the common creatures in the Uchiha summoning contracts are:

1. Giant Crows: Often associated with the Uchiha clan, these crows are known for their speed and intelligence.

2. Fire Dragons: Symbolic of the Uchiha's affinity with fire-based techniques.

3. Mythical Beasts: Such as creatures tied to legendary figures or folklore.

Based on your practice, it's likely you were trying to summon one of these traditional Uchiha creatures.

Father: "Let's head home now. You've made good progress today. Keep practicing and studying, and you'll be able to summon the Fire Dragons in no time."

"Thank you, Father. I'll make sure to work hard on my training and review the materials you mentioned."

Father: "Good. Remember, dedication and perseverance are key. We'll discuss your progress soon."

As you both return home, you feel a sense of accomplishment from the productive day of training and learning. At home, you might decide to relax, review any notes.

Father: "We're home. How about we discuss your progress in more detail over some tea?"

You: "That sounds good, Father."

You both head to the living room, where a table with tea and light snacks has been prepared. As you sit down, your father pours the tea and begins to speak.

Father: "I'm impressed with how quickly you're picking up new techniques. Your dedication is clear. Let's go over what you've learned today and outline a plan for your continued training."

You discuss the details of the summoning technique, Fuinjutsu, and your Senjutsu training. Your father provides additional insights and advice based on your performance.

Father: "For the summoning jutsu, remember that each summon has its own requirements and conditions. The more you practice, the better you'll understand how to handle each summon."

You: "I understand. I'll keep working on it."

Father: "Also, with Fuinjutsu, precision is crucial. Make sure to practice the sealing formulas regularly to refine your skills. The signature move of the Fourth Hokage will require not only skill but also creativity and control."

You: "I'll focus on that as well."

After your discussion, you spend some time relaxing and enjoying the tea. Your father then heads to his study while you decide to review your notes and training materials from the day.

I look at the time

The time is currently early evening, around 6:00 PM.

I look around for mom

You don't see your mother in the immediate area. She might be in another part of the house or out running errands.

I look outside the window to see what's the weather is.

The sky is clear, and the weather looks pleasant with plenty of sunshine. It's a good day for being outside.

I go out to stroll around the village.

As you stroll through the village, you see the usual sights: villagers going about their daily routines, children playing, and the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. You notice the village's vibrant atmosphere and the warm, sunny weather enhancing the day's activities.

As you wander through the village, you pass by familiar places like the ramen shop and the training grounds. You notice several villagers greeting you with friendly waves.

Near the park, you spot someone you weren't expecting: Sakura Haruno, who is sitting on a bench reading a book. She looks up and sees you approaching.

Sakura notices you and gives a friendly wave. As you approach, she closes her book and smiles.

"Hey, Sasuke! What brings you out here today?" she asks, her curiosity evident. "Just taking a walk, or are you on some kind of mission?"

Just taking a walk casually, what about you Sakura.

Sakura responds with a grin, "I was just catching up on some reading and thought I'd get some fresh air. It's nice to see you out and about. Have you been busy with your training?"

Well how do you know? That I was training...

Sakura chuckles lightly, "Well, you always seem to be focused on improving your skills. Plus, you've been putting in a lot of effort lately, so it's pretty obvious. How's everything going with your training?"

Well Nothing much just some basic training, well I am more curious why luck bought me to you haha.

Sakura smiles and shrugs, "Maybe it's a sign. Or maybe we just happened to cross paths. Either way, it's nice to see you. Is there something specific you wanted to talk about or do?"

Umm what about you?

Sakura glances around, "I was just out for a bit of fresh air and to clear my head. Training can be intense, so sometimes it helps to take a break. Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?"

I look at the it's evening already, well no plans, I can spend some time with you if you are free.

Sakura smiles, "That sounds nice. I was thinking of going to the park or maybe grabbing a bite to eat. What do you think?"


Sakura nods and starts walking with you. "Let's head to the park first. It's a nice place to relax and talk."

As you both make your way, the evening sun casts a warm glow over the village. The park is a serene place, with children playing and families enjoying the calm of the day's end.

( Fugaku don't tell sasuke about Mangekyo sharingan current, yes fire Dragon is a summoning creature.)