
As the morning sun cast its warm glow over the bustling Dongshi Market, Wushuang eagerly made her way to the East Market. The lively marketplace, filled with vendors selling everything from fresh produce to intricate crafts, was a familiar sight. Today, however, Wushuang had a specific goal: to find a suitable guard dog.

Her recent success in painting portraits had noticeably improved her speed and technique. It seems practice really does make perfect. I'm grateful I don't have to spend more points to upgrade this skill for now. With her new-found efficiency, she was confident in finding a good dog quickly.

As Wushuang navigated the crowded streets, her thoughts were on the dogs she hoped to see. Suddenly, she spotted familiar faces among the throngs of shoppers—Wang Zefeng and Wu Yi. The county magistrate, well-known for his upright demeanor, was strolling incognito, blending with the common folk.

Wushuang, wary of making any overtures, decided it best to keep her distance.

It's probably best not to draw too much attention. Young girls who act too friendly with such influential figures might be misunderstood.

She kept her head down and focused on her path, making sure not to intrude.

In her distraction, she accidentally bumped into a middle-aged woman carrying a child. "I'm so sorry!" Wushuang exclaimed, stepping back. "I didn't see you. Is the child alright?"

The woman, who wore plain linen clothes and clutched the child tightly, gave Wushuang a cold look. "The child is fine. No need to fuss."

The woman's defensive reaction made Wushuang more concerned. She peered at the child, who was nestled comfortably in the woman's arms. The child's leg, exposed due to a slightly rolled-up trouser leg, revealed a red rope with a white jade charm around his ankle.

There's something off about this child.

Wushuang's concern deepened. Without thinking too much, she decided to act. She quickly pulled out her purse and tossed it on the ground. "Auntie, I think you've dropped your purse!"

The woman turned back, her expression a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Wushuang seized the moment, picking up the purse and handing it to the woman with an apologetic smile. "Here you go. It must have fallen when we bumped into each other. I'm really sorry."

The woman's suspicion softened as she took the purse, checking its contents. Seeing the two small silver ingots inside, her demeanor changed. "Oh, thank you so much! I didn't even realize I'd lost it. My husband would have been furious if I came home without it."

"You're welcome," Wushuang replied cheerfully. "If I hadn't bumped into you, it might have slipped away unnoticed."

As the woman's gratitude grew, she began to chat more openly. "Why is your child so quiet? Is he unwell?"

Wushuang's curiosity got the better of her, and she gently attempted to lift the child's hat to see his face. The woman's reaction was immediate—she slammed the hat back down and glared at Wushuang. "My child is not sick."

Wushuang was taken aback by the woman's hostility. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just concerned."

The woman's eyes narrowed, and she studied Wushuang closely. "What do you do for a living? It seems we're fated to meet. Perhaps we should become friends."

Wushuang noticed that a few men had begun to linger around, observing her with interest.

This could be a setup. It's better to be cautious.

She maintained a friendly demeanor. "I'm just a maid. My mistress sent me out to find a young master who was missing. I was distracted and didn't see where I was going, which is how I bumped into you."

The woman seemed to consider Wushuang's explanation. Meanwhile, Wushuang noticed a young man with a guard nearby, looking intently at a store. Wushuang's eyes lit up.

Perfect timing.

"Oh, look!" Wushuang said, pointing ahead. "I see my young master!"

The woman followed Wushuang's gaze and saw Wang Zefeng. Wushuang took this opportunity to raise her voice, making sure to draw attention. "Master! Master! Madam asked me to find you!"

Wang Zefeng turned around at the sound of Wushuang's voice, his gaze landing on her. He walked over, his expression shifting from surprise to recognition. Wushuang quickly approached him and bowed respectfully. "Master, you left in such a hurry. Madam wanted to remind you to bring back the vegetarian meat from Miaoshanlou. She was quite specific about it."

Wang Zefeng's face softened into a smile. "Ah, Wushuang. Thank you for reminding me. I was so caught up in the market that I almost forgot."

As Wang Zefeng continued his conversation with Wushuang, the middle-aged woman and her entourage slowly edged away, their interest waning.

Wushuang, now feeling relieved that she had managed to avoid further suspicion, returned her focus to the task at hand. She excused herself from Wang Zefeng and began to explore the various stalls, searching for a suitable dog.

Her initial plan had been to find a pup with the right temperament and training. Finding a good guard dog shouldn't be too hard with this many options.She approached a stall where a burly man was showcasing several dogs.

"Good day," Wushuang greeted the vendor. "I'm looking for a reliable guard dog. Do you have any recommendations?"

The vendor, a stocky man with a weathered face, nodded enthusiastically. "Indeed! I have a few excellent choices. These dogs are well-trained and loyal. Follow me."

He led her to a corner where several dogs were contained in a large pen. They ranged from large, imposing breeds to smaller, more agile ones. Wushuang examined each one carefully, noting their behavior and responses.

After some consideration, she selected a sturdy-looking dog with a strong build and a keen eye. "I'll take this one," she decided.

The vendor smiled and began preparing the necessary paperwork. "Good choice. This dog will make an excellent addition to your household."

With the transaction complete, Wushuang felt a sense of accomplishment. As she prepared to leave the market, her thoughts turned to the next task on her list.

One step at a time. First a good painting technique, then a reliable dog. What's next? Maybe I should consider practicing some martial arts after all.

Her new companion trotted alongside her, a fitting guardian for her future endeavors. As she made her way home, she felt a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation. The day had been full of unexpected encounters and successful outcomes. If this keeps up, I might just turn this life around faster than I expected.