
Wushuang discovered that Wang Zefeng's physical training methods were remarkably familiar.

Huh, these exercises seem like they're straight out of a special forces training program. Who knew ancient training could be so similar to modern techniques?

Initially, Wang Zefeng had intended to keep the training light, concerned that Wushuang might not handle the rigorous regimen.

Girls might not be as resilient as men, he thought. His plan was to ease her into it, ready to cut back if she struggled.

However, as soon as the training commenced, Wang Zefeng was taken aback by Wushuang's dedication. Despite the intensity of the exercises, she pushed through with determination.

This girl is something else. I expected her to beg for mercy after the first set, but she's still going strong!

Wang Zefeng could no longer sit idly. He approached Wushuang, who was pushing herself despite visibly trembling legs. "Let's stop here for today. It's your first day, and overdoing it could lead to injury."

He handed her a white porcelain bottle. "When you get home, ask your mother to massage this ointment all over your body. It will help with the soreness. Also, make sure to eat properly, especially meat. Don't skimp on your diet."

Wushuang gratefully accepted the bottle. "Thank you, sir. Is it alright if I come earlier tomorrow? I don't have the right equipment or space at home. I promise I won't disturb you."

Wang Zefeng's expression remained impassive. "Fine, but it's unsafe for you to go out alone early in the morning. TongZe will pick you up. When you're able to defend yourself, you can go out as you please."

Wushuang hesitated. "Isn't that too much trouble for TongZe? My home is very close to the yamen—just one street away. It's not a dangerous area."

Wang Zefeng shook his head. "Better to be cautious. TongZe can handle it. He's idle anyway."

Wushuang raised an eyebrow. "If TongZe hears that, he might cry. I see him patrolling the streets regularly. He doesn't seem idle to me."

Wang Zefeng's tone was matter-of-fact. "For someone who practices martial arts, street patrols are less strenuous than training. How could we not be idle?"

Wushuang thought, Martial artists sure have a high opinion of themselves. I'm sure TongZe would argue differently.

Still, she was sore from the day's training and chose not to press the issue. "Thank you, sir. I'll head home now."

As Wushuang turned to leave, she noticed Wang Zefeng following her. Confused, she asked, "It's getting late. Are you heading out as well?"

Wang Zefeng sighed. "Since you're aware of the dangers of going out late as a girl and are committed to learning martial arts, why not let me accompany you? It's safer."

Wushuang protested, "This seems like too much trouble. You're so busy, and you're still willing to escort me?"

Wang Zefeng shrugged. "It's part of my role as your master. It's not a big deal to see my apprentice home."

Wushuang followed him in stunned silence, mulling over her luck in securing such a diligent master.

I must be doing something right to have Wang Zefeng as my teacher. I must have really clung to his leg well.

As they walked, Wang Zefeng inquired, "I heard you have a tiger at home?"

Wushuang nodded. "Yes, I do. Since I'm often away, I wanted a tiger to protect my mother. It's safer than a dog—no one would dare break into our home."

Wang Zefeng commented, "Raising a tiger in a small yard is manageable when it's young, but it could become problematic as it grows. The neighbors will complain."

Wushuang's worry was evident. "I've thought about that. I plan to move to a larger, more secluded property once the tiger gets bigger. I'll build high walls to contain it and ensure it doesn't scare anyone."

Wang Zefeng offered, "There's no need to move far away. Next to the county government office, there's a large house that was once owned by the previous county magistrate. I bought it after he moved out. It's spacious with high walls and no neighbors. If you're interested, I can rent it to you. It's convenient for you to come here and practice, and you won't have issues with your tiger."

Wushuang's eyes widened with interest. She had seen the large house many times from the outside, noting its impressive size. It could easily accommodate a tiger and more.

This could be perfect! A big house with plenty of space and no neighbors—just what I need.

She asked, "How much would you rent it for?"

Wang Zefeng initially considered a low price but decided on a fair rate. "Ten taels of silver a year."

Wushuang's relief was palpable. "Ten taels is a reasonable price. I was expecting more. I'll pay you today and move in as soon as possible."

Wang Zefeng replied, "There's no rush. Move in first and pay when you can."

Wushuang insisted, "I'd prefer to pay upfront. It'll put my mind at ease. Could we stop by my house so I can get the silver?"

Seeing her insistence, Wang Zefeng agreed. As they neared her home, Wushuang's steps lightened with anticipation.

I'm getting a fantastic deal on this house! And Wang Zefeng is actually making sure I'm safe and settled.

Arriving at her modest home, Wushuang quickly retrieved the ten taels of silver and handed them to Wang Zefeng. "Thank you for the opportunity. I'll make sure to move in and take good care of the house."

Wang Zefeng took the silver with a nod. "You're welcome. I'm glad to help."

As they left her home, Wushuang felt a mix of relief and excitement.

I've got a new place, a dedicated master, and a tiger for protection. Maybe being poor isn't so bad after all if it comes with these kinds of opportunities.

Wang Zefeng guided her back to the yamen, ensuring she was safely home. Wushuang's mind raced with plans for the future.

Tomorrow, more training. And soon, I'll be in a new house with plenty of space for my tiger. Things are finally looking up!

As they parted ways, Wushuang waved goodbye to Wang Zefeng, feeling grateful for his support.

Today was exhausting, but it's a step towards something much better. I'll show everyone what I'm capable of.

Wang Zefeng watched her go, pleased with her progress and determination.

She's more resilient than I thought. With this kind of spirit, she'll make great strides in martial arts.

The next day, as Wushuang prepared for her early training session, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. Her journey was just beginning, and she was ready to tackle the challenges ahead with unwavering resolve.