
Wushuang carefully cradled the tiny tiger in her arms, its soft fur and delicate, helpless whimpers stirring a protective instinct in her. As she turned to leave Miaoshanlou, the shopkeeper's voice called after her, "Miss Wushuang, do you really like this little tiger? Be cautious; tigers are wild animals, and if not properly tamed, they can be dangerous."

Wushuang glanced back, smiling gently. "Beasts have feelings too. If you treat them well, they won't just randomly bite. Besides, how much silver is the little tiger?"

The shopkeeper, seeing her resolve, relaxed. "Since this little tiger was an extra, I'll let you have it for just two taels of silver."

Wushuang's face lit up as she handed over the two taels. "Deal! I'll take it."

With the little tiger nestled securely in her arms, she made her way home. The thought of treating herself to a nice meal faded quickly as she considered the costs of her new companion.

Well, with a tiger cub to feed, I guess my fine dining plans will have to wait. It's better to cook at home and save money. Besides, it's not like I can afford fancy meals and a tiger too.

When Wushuang arrived home, she was met with a challenge. She needed to get milk for the cub, as it wasn't yet old enough to eat meat. She quickly went to a dairy farm and purchased a milk-producing ewe, paying a premium for it.

I never thought I'd be buying a milk-producing ewe. Here's hoping this tiger won't become a full-grown monster that eats us out of house and home!

Returning home with both the tiger cub and the ewe, Wushuang was excited to introduce her new pet to Mrs. Bai. She wanted to impress her mother with the idea of a tiger as a guardian. However, the moment Mrs. Bai opened the door and saw the tiny tiger roar, she fainted, collapsing onto the floor.

Panicked, Wushuang and the newly hired Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Qian rushed to Mrs. Bai's side, carefully moving her to the bed. They patted her back and pinched her philtrum to revive her. As Mrs. Bai came around, the little tiger's mewling continued, adding to her distress.

Mrs. Bai, still shaking, pointed at the tiny tiger on the table. Her voice trembled, "Old, tiger, there's a tiger!"

Wushuang hurried to comfort her. "Mom, it's just a little tiger, about the size of a cat. It's still so young and won't bite. It's not scary at all."

Mrs. Bai's fear didn't dissipate easily. "But there are big tigers and small ones! Even if this one is small now, it'll grow up, and it's going to be huge! Look at those claws and the noise it makes. It doesn't look like a cat at all!"

Wushuang sighed, realizing Mrs. Bai's fear wasn't going away quickly. She carefully picked up the little tiger and showed it to her mother again. "Mom, it's not even a month old. It's just like raising a child. If we care for it well, it'll grow up to be a loyal guardian. Think of it as an investment."

Mrs. Bai was hesitant but willing to try. Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Qian, showing more courage, came forward and gently touched the little tiger. Its fur was soft, and it didn't react aggressively, which helped ease their fears.

Mrs. Ma picked up the little tiger and said to Mrs. Bai, "Look, it's really cute. It's not scary at all."

Mrs. Qian added, "It doesn't even have teeth yet. Its bite won't hurt."

Encouraged by their words, Mrs. Bai cautiously reached out and touched the tiger's head. The cub nuzzled against her hand, and Mrs. Bai's expression softened. "It's really cute," she admitted, though her anxiety was not entirely gone.

Yet, Mrs. Bai's concern soon shifted to practicality. "But it eats meat, right? When it grows up, it might need to eat a whole cow a day! We can't afford that."

Wushuang chuckled, "Eating a cow a day is a bit of an exaggeration. A full-grown tiger doesn't eat that much at once. Besides, we'll manage. Our situation is better now. Just relax and enjoy having the little tiger around. I'll handle the expenses."

Mrs. Bai, reassured by her daughter's confidence, began to warm up to the idea of the tiger. She spent more time with the cub, and it gradually became a cherished part of their home.

Wushuang, meanwhile, turned her attention to improving their living situation. As she cleaned the ewe and prepared milk for the cub, she noticed the yard's limitations. **"The wall is too low, and the space is small. Once this tiger grows up, it'll be jumping over the wall and scaring the neighbors. I need to find a larger house with a bigger yard, maybe even somewhere more secluded."**

She also realized that she needed to ensure her own safety and skills. **"Having a tiger is great, but it's not a substitute for personal defense. I should learn some martial arts. If I rely solely on the tiger, I'll be in trouble if I'm ever caught unprepared."**

Mrs. Bai and Tongze were skilled in martial arts. Wushuang decided to approach Mrs. Bai for guidance, hoping to make a good impression. She carefully observed Mrs. Bai at the yamen the next day, trying to gauge what she might appreciate. **"I need to be careful not to overwhelm her. Maybe I should find out what she enjoys first."**

However, Mrs. Bai was visibly uncomfortable with the intense scrutiny from the officials. By the end of the day, her back was soaked with sweat. She quickly grabbed her official sword and mumbled, "Sir, I'm going to patrol the streets," before rushing out of the yamen.

Wushuang, now pondering her next move, was on her way to paint a plaque when she encountered some hunters from earlier. One of them, noticing her, approached and said, "Hey, girl, do you want this little eagle?"

Wushuang's eyes widened at the sight of the young eagle, its feathers not yet fully developed. An eagle! This would be perfect for Wu Yi. As a martial artist, she must appreciate the eagle, the king of the skies.

She took a closer look at the bird, feeling a surge of excitement. "How much for the eagle?"

The hunter grinned. "It's not for sale, but if you want it, we can work something out."

Wushuang's mind raced with possibilities. This could be the perfect gift for WuYi. Not only would it show my appreciation, but it might also help me learn martial arts. Plus, having a trained eagle could be quite advantageous.

With renewed determination, Wushuang made arrangements to acquire the eagle, eager to present it to Mrs. Bai.

If this doesn't impress her, I don't know what will. This could be the breakthrough I need to get some martial arts training.

She envisioned a future where her home was secure, her skills were sharp, and her family was content.

One step at a time. First, the tiger, then the eagle, and eventually, I'll figure out the martial arts part. It's all coming together!