The antagonist boss

A set meal was eaten by Xi Baichen to the point where even the ice cubes in the drink were gnawed off.

Mi Li watched him eat throughout the meal impressed his appetite greatly. Although this fast food was not very nutritious, the portion size was sufficient, and it was difficult for most adults to finish it all.

After eating and drinking enough, Xi Baichen walked elegantly out of the fast food restaurant, not rushing to get in the car, but leisurely strolling around nearby.

"After a meal, take a hundred steps and live to ninety-nine. I didn't expect you to still have this kind of health awareness." Mi Li has changed her mind a bit.

"Just overeating," Xi Baichen replied calmly.

Mi Li: "..."

At this moment, a bell rang and Xi Baichen took out his phone to take a look, then connected and said, "Hello."

"Brother Xi, Jianghu is in urgent need!" A male voice pretended to be eager came from the other end.

"What's the matter?" Xi Baichen asked while walking slowly.

"I still need some funds for my investment, please help me with it."

"How much?"

"800000 yuan."

"I remember you had already borrowed 2.8 million from me before?"

"As long as this investment is successful, I will definitely repay you with interest and never delay payment."

"Well, I'll transfer it to you."

"Ah, thank you very much. You are even closer than my own brother!"

Xi Baichen didn't talk to him nonsense, hung up the phone directly, and transferred 800000 yuan to him on his phone.

A large deposit disappeared from the bank card, and Mi Li suddenly felt as if her body had been emptied.

She couldn't help but ask, "This person has a good relationship with you, can you just borrow tens or even millions of dollars?"

Xi Baichen replied expressionlessly with two words: "Not good."

Mi Li slowed down and asked again, "Is he of good quality?"

"Extremely poor."

Mi Li was shocked: "Since our relationship is not good and our character is extremely poor, why did you lend him money? Do you know what I just lost? 800000! It was all taken from my body!!"

Xi Baichen didn't even move his brow and continued to walk slowly along the street.

Mi Li held onto the last glimmer of hope and asked, "Will he repay the money?"

"There is a 99% chance that it won't."

Mi Li: "... Did your mind get stuck in the door?!"

Xi Baichen's mouth curled and he said, "My money is not that easy to get."

Mi Li is powerless: "You don't even have a promissory note, what can you do if he intentionally defaults?"

Xi Baichen took out his phone, clicked a few times on the screen, and then a conversation came through: "My investment is still a little short of funds, please help me with 800000 yuan... I will definitely return it to you with interest..."

Mi Li exclaimed in surprise, "Did you record the sound?"


"Why bother? Just borrow it, okay?" Mi Li were a bit puzzled.

Xi Baichen said slowly, "He is currently investing in a project, raising funds everywhere, and has already invested tens of millions. The more he invests, the more he will lose."

"What benefits does his loss bring to you?"

"I have a grudge against him. I don't mind borrowing some money to send him to heaven."

Mi Li trembled for a moment and said, "How can you be sure that project will definitely lose money?"

Xie Baichen let out a "hehe" and didn't answer the question, but the expression on his face was clear, as if telling others that he was actually the mastermind behind everything and the villainous boss.

For the first time, Mi Li felt that this man was not as decadent and harmless as he seemed on the surface, with deep scheming and a strong sense of resentment.

However, revenge is only natural. Based on Mi Li's understanding of Old Bai, if it weren't for others provoking him, he would never have taken the initiative to provoke others.

His personal affairs are beyond Mi Li's control. As a bank card, her biggest fear now is the gradual decrease in deposits.

"Are you running out of savings?" Asked Mi Li anxiously. Today alone, over two million were allocated.

"About two to three million, I haven't checked," Xi Baichen replied nonchalantly.

"Two to three million?!" Seeing that he had a car worth over a million and then lent it to someone else for another million, Mi Li thought he was at least a big shot worth over a hundred million! The total assets are only tens of millions???

"Do you have any other savings?" Asked Mi Li with hope.

"No," Xi Baichen played with the bank card in his hand, "one bank card is enough, and having too many is also troublesome."

Mi Li falling on the table: It's not troublesome at all, okay?! Don't you understand the principle that eggs cannot be put in one basket?!

After an unhealthy diet, Mi Li discovered his second flaw: a lack of financial management concepts!

With endless resentment, Mi Li woke up from her sleep, feeling a tightness in her chest, as if there was a sense of melancholy that had not yet been released.

She got up, picked herself up, and returned to a normal life.

After feeding themselves, Mi Li tidy up and dress up, preparing to go shopping with friends.

Just as she went out, she received a call from her friend Duan Xiaoyu.

"Kiss, I'm rich!!!" An excited voice came from the phone, almost shattering Mi's eardrums.

"What happened?" Mi Li was confused.

"I won the lottery ticket I bought, over 30 million!"

Mi Li was in a daze for a moment, feeling a bit surreal. She had never thought that winning the lottery would happen around her.

"Is it really fake?" Mi Li asked uncertainly.

"Of course it's true, come over quickly and accompany me to receive the award. I'll treat you to a big meal!"

"Oh, okay, where are you? I'll be right there."

Ten minutes later, Mi Li took a ride to the agreed location.

A girl wearing a professional suit walked briskly over, her eyes shining brightly and her face filled with undisguised excitement.

Duan Xiaoyu and Mi Li are college classmates, outgoing and simple minded. She is currently working as a designer at an advertising company, earning over 6000 yuan per month. Half of her salary is sent to her parents, and the other half is used to pay for rent and various daily expenses. She can hardly save much money. She occasionally buy lottery tickets to try her luck. She always said that she would definitely win the big prize sooner or later, but I didn't expect her to actually say it.

"Ah ah, Mi Li!" Duan Xiaoyu jumped and hugged her friend.

"Congratulations," Mi Li hugged her and smiled, wishing her well. Although she has little interest in this kind of windfall, it doesn't prevent her from being happy for her friends.

"I feel like I'm dreaming. Kiss, can you help me confirm if I really won the prize?" Duan Xiaoyu took out a lottery ticket that she had pinched and crumpled, and handed it to Mi Li.

Mi Li took the lottery ticket, looked at the numbers on it, and then took out her phone to check the winning numbers for the current period. She confirmed, "That's right, you did win."

Duan Xiaoyu raised her fist and raised her head with a "yes" sound.

"Alright, didn't you say you were going to claim the prize?" Mi Li returned the lottery ticket to her and smiled. "Let's go, get the money early and be at ease."

"Okay." Duan Xiaoyu put away the lottery tickets properly and went to the lottery center with Mi Li.

After more than two hours of tinkering, verifying identity, completing procedures, paying taxes, signing, and taking another photo, Duan Xiaoyu finally obtained a bank card worth 30 million yuan.

She raised her bank card and said arrogantly, "Let's go, sister invited you to dinner!"

Mi Li is already feeling a bit tired at this moment, but she still manages to muster her energy and says, "Okay."

Two people chose a high-end restaurant and picked up all the expensive points without hesitation.

Seeing her friend so happy, Mi Li thought for a moment and reminded her, "Xiaoyu, did you tell anyone about your winning."

"Not yet." Duan Xiaoyu patted her head. "Judging from my memory, how could I not tell my parents this kind of good news?"

As she was about to get her phone, Mi Li quickly reached out to stop her and said, "Xiaoyu, listen to me. Don't tell anyone about this, including your parents, for now."

"Why?" Duan Xiaoyu was puzzled.

"Don't you know how much your parents love your younger brother? If they knew you had millions, what do you think they would do?" Mi Li said slowly. "You have to send half of your monthly salary of five to six thousand yuan back home. Is this money for your parents or for your younger brother?"

Duan Xiaoyu remained silent.

Mi Li continued, "Your younger brother is already an adult and should learn to be independent. You have no obligation to support him. From now on, sending one or two thousand yuan per month to your parents for retirement is enough. If they get sick or have any difficulties, you can also provide some help. But you have your own life and there is no need to take on responsibilities that do not belong to you."

"But..." Duan Xiaoyu hesitated, "I always feel uneasy hiding it from them."

Mi Li sighed and said, "Xiaoyu, if you want a harmonious family, then just pretend that this unexpected wealth doesn't exist and buy yourself a house. Then you can live however you want."

Emotions cannot withstand the test of money the most, let alone Duan Xiaoyu's family who are not fuel-efficient. She is optimistic and doesn't care about anything.

"Is my boyfriend also keeping it a secret?" Duan Xiaoyu whispered.

"Of course." Mi Li was really worried about this silly girl. "Let's wait until your relationship is stable. You should observe his behavior and see if he is trustworthy."

"Okay, I got it," Duan Xiaoyu replied listlessly, not sure if she really listened.

Mi Li rubbed her eyes, which were feeling a bit tired, and said, "Have you eaten enough? If you have eaten enough, go ahead."

"Okay, wait for me for a moment." Duan Xiaoyu called the waiter and asked her to pack the leftovers on the table.

Mi Li did not stop, and for the frugal Duan Xiaoyu, she would rather lose face than waste food.

After leaving the restaurant, the two of them went home separately. 

Mi Li walked unsteadily into the living room, lifted her shoes, and slammed them onto the sofa, then fell asleep.

Mi Li felt her consciousness floating heavily, as if drifting in the water, without any support. She don't know how long it took, but consciousness gradually gathered and condensed, eventually awakening in a bright light.

"Mr. Xi, you have a package," a clear male voice sounded above.

Mi Li adjusted her gaze and saw a delivery guy in uniform, who was being held in the palm of his hand and standing outside Xi Baichen's villa.

The iron door opened, and the delivery guy walked in quickly, handing over the package to the man who appeared at the door.

"Thank you very much," Xi Baichen signed and carried the package back to his room.

The shipping address on the package is blurry, as if it has been mosaic printed.

Xi Baichen tore open the outer packaging, revealing a pink gift box with a faint sweet fragrance emanating from it.

Open the lid of the box, a dozen of crystal clear rabbits immediately jumped into the eyes. They were neatly packed in four squares, but as small as dumpling, with different shapes and cute pockets.

Xi Baichen took out one and leaned in to his nose to smell it. The fragrance of flour and milk hit his face, and before he could taste it, a hint of sweetness appeared on his tongue.

He turned to look at the chubby rabbit on the sofa and guessed who sent this Dim sum.

Without hesitation, he threw a little rabbit into his mouth, and the soft and sticky texture immediately melted on his tongue, with a sweet and smooth taste that seeped into his heart.

The slightly furrowed brow involuntarily relaxed, the half drooping eyelids lifted slightly, a joyful smile overflowed between the lips, and the resolute lines of the face softened instantly, like a big cat lazily stretching its limbs.

Mi Li, which turned into packaging paper and were crumpled into a ball, saw this scene and felt happy in her hearts. She was about to create a sense of existence with a sound, but suddenly her consciousness went into a daze, and the next second she fell into darkness.

Mi Li don't know how long had passed, but Mi Li broke free from the darkness. The sunlight outside the window was shining brightly, and people were making noise. Just now, I was in a daze, but it was already the next day?

Mi Li was a little depressed. She hadn't had a chance to ask Old Bai how the little rabbit tasted, nor had she figured out how the package was sent.

What's the situation now?

Mi Li looked around carefully and found that she seemed to have turned into... a roll of toilet paper?

"No!!!!" Mi Li let out a mournful cry, "I don't want to help others wipe their butts!!!"