Chapter 15: Finally

Next day :

Kairos soon started making the serum or portion according to his formula .

After a day , he completed his preperation and then Kairos walked inside a cylinder filled with liquid called "Culture Fluid" . The Culture Fluid was a nutrient-rich solution that facilitated body cell's growth and development, allowing him to absorb the energy and make up the characteristics of the Saiyan cells .He also programmed a supercomputer with all the steps necessary during his unconscious state.

After a unknown period of time .

Kairos waked up from his dream like state .

Kairos : As I slowly open my eyes , I feel grogginess washes over me . My mind feels foogy like a dense misr has settled, my mouth feels dry and voice barely above a whisper.

After minutes of adjusting , I walked out of the liquid filled cylinder.

And then I goes to see my body on a mirror I saw

my body became lean and athletic, with well-defined muscles honed from intense martial arts training and battles. He stands at around 5'7" with a wiry physique, as his possing super human strength .

His face became heart-shaped, with a rounded jawline, high cheekbones, and a small nose.

With eyes now more bright, piercing brown, filled with a fierce determination . His hair became short now as before his hair used to be silky and reach his shoulder but now it became spiky straight jet black with a few stray strands often falling across his forehead just like Goku.

After seeing himself,

Kairos: "Woh , I am completely changed , after becoming a Saiyan , I feel like my body has gained too much power and explosive strength ".

He then clench his first and he can feels those explosive energy in his body .

Kairos :" So, this is what Saiyan feels like"

Now let's see the panel .

No Pain No Gain

Name - Kairos

Year - 743

Power- 2340

Life Stage - 0.001

Intelligence - 330

Endurance - 1200

Ability - None

Techniques - Floating Technique(level 2), Ki(level 6) , Afterimage fist(level 2) .

Bloodline - Saiyan

Physique - Saiyan

Evolution Stage - 0.005

Talent: Mechanical Engineer ( level 7) , Biological Researcher(Level 8) , Mathematician (level 8), Cellular Biologist (Level 9), Researcher( level 7) , Accounting ( level 4 ), Programming (level 4 ), Coding(level 7), Genetic engineering (level 6), Gene Expression Data Analyst(level 5)]

Kairos:"Woh I gained so much power, it really feels good.

Now I can completely defeat Raditz . As in starting he had 1500 power. "

Kairos :"Let's explode my whole power to relax my body, because now every joints of my body is screaming for fight . "


A wind swept away from him making all the items in laboratory fly away .


(The floor creaks)

Somewhere far away above the clouds invisible to naked eye , on the lookout Kami- Sama noticed the strong qi .

Kami-Sama: When did such a strong qi come to earth , last time that human with strong qi and now this .


What sort of trouble is coming to earth .


Then he search with his ability to look the strong qi , he find it's the same person and exclaim in shock..

Kami-Sama: "How did he become so powerful so quickly !!!! "

This talent is monstrous.

Let's keep a watch on him , whether he is fit to become the next God of earth to keep the earth safe


Kairos:"It feels awesome .

Now I should check how much time I was unconscious during the experiment."

After checking his date he was confused ,he saw that it took him 3 years .

Kairos :"What !!!

I didn't think I would need so much time.

Even on the panel I didn't notice it carefully because of excitement.".

Son Goku should already be found by Son Gohan and his journey should in next 6 years as the story starts at 749th year.

Then I check my phone , I see that my phone missed call and message across 99+ , after careful seeing I saw Mia , Celeste and Julia called, messaged me more 200 times .

Well I didn't think that I would be unconscious for 3 year , and I didn't inform them about it .

Now I should call Mia, Celeste and Julia to relief them , they should probably be searching for me .

And after that I should start working for the gravity chamber .

I should now focus on getting more money to make gravity chamber as I would probably have less than a billion , and all those apps would probably in decline as they were without update for a long time . I guess i don't have much money left after buying all the the materials for the experiment.

Soon I went to meet them but they were in doubt as my looks and physique is totally different from past , so I started to tell them about all the things happened we did during the 7 months, together

.Then I sat with them and started to explain what I aspire and what I was doing for such long time .

Well I didn't told them everything , just that I developed a serum to increase my effect combat power and I aspire to become the best Martial artist.


After telling them , they collectively scolded me for a longtime and Celeste hit my shoulder angrily for taking such huge risk without preparation and precautions.

After sometime soon they accepted my new looks.

Late at night , we seperated but me and Mia went to Motel to busy ourselves ,as she was really thirsty for it .

(Omitting 1000 words).

Next day , I met them but now we are more close to each other , either they missed me a lot or they started to see me with different perception like adults.

As after becoming Saiyan my height increased and body became more muscular.

Next day I went to my home to rest and relax, but with me Celeste , Julia and Mia also came with a reason to prevent me from doing such experiments without precautions again.

But I feel that they probably have different reasons. Probably many things have happened in the past 3 years .

Now I need to be updated about everything that happened during my absence.

Kairos : Mia tomorrow bring me about all the news and everything that happened in the company during my absence.

Mia: Ok Boss.