Chapter 17: Searching for Path

Kairos as a dedicated warrior trained tirelessly, always wearing the weights, even while sleeping! For two months, he pushed his body to the limit, and finally, he regained his full strength. Master Roshi, impressed by Kairos' determination, decided to teach him the legendary Kamehameha technique.

In just one hour, Kairos mastered the Kamehameha, astonishing Master Roshi! His control and precision were flawless, and he didn't even break a sweat. Master Roshi was shocked, realizing that Kairos' ability to learn and master skills was unparalleled. He understood that there's a vast difference between learning and mastering – and Kairos had bridged that gap effortlessly.

Kairos then check his panel to check the fruit of all the training .

No Pain No Gain

Name - Kairos

Year - 743

Power- 2735

Life Stage - 0.001

Intelligence - 330

Endurance - 2003

Ability - None

Techniques - Floating Technique(level 3), Ki(level 6) , Afterimage fist(level 4) , Kamehameha(level 2)

Bloodline - Saiyan

Physique - Saiyan

Evolution Stage - 0.006

Talent: Mechanical Engineer ( level 7) , Biological Researcher(Level 8) , Mathematician (level 8), Cellular Biologist (Level 9), Researcher( level 7) , Accounting ( level 4 ), Programming (level 4 ), Coding(level 7 ), Genetic engineering (level 6), Gene Expression Data Analyst(level 5)]

Master Roshi, humbled by Kairos' incredible talent, acknowledged that he had nothing more to teach him. He pointed Kairos towards the revered Korin Tower, a sacred place for martial arts training. Without hesitation, Kairos sped off towards the tower, his determination burning brighter than ever.

As Kairos arrived at Korin Tower, the immortal cat, Korin, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of this powerful warrior. Korin's eyes widened in surprise, and he jumped up, sensing the immense energy emanating from Kairos. The stage was set for Kairos to embark on a new journey, one that would take his skills to unprecedented heights.

Immortal Korin, the guardian of the Korin Tower, attempted to sense the qi of the mysterious warrior standing before him. However, he was taken aback, and sweat began to trickle down his forehead as he realized the enormity of the person's power. Korin's instincts screamed warning, and he wisely chose to tread carefully, opting for a polite tone instead of his usual arrogance.

Kairos, oblivious to Korin's internal turmoil, innocently asked if he was indeed the immortal master Master Roshi had spoken of. He expressed his desire to train in this heavenly place for martial artists, seeking to tap into its legendary energy. Korin, relieved that Kairos meant no harm, let out a sigh of relief, his pride and composure restored.

Korin, eager to showcase his domain, boastfully described the Korin Tower's wonders, highlighting its unique energy and spiritual significance. Kairos, intrigued by the tower's potential, requested Korin's guidance, seeking any knowledge or secrets that could aid his growth. However, Korin was perplexed, unsure how to teach someone already so powerful.

Korin decided to share his wisdom, telling Kairos about the fabled Senzu Bean, a treasure capable of healing even the most grievous wounds. He also spoke of the Divine Water, a mystical liquid rumored to grant immense power and insight. Kairos' eyes sparkled with interest, and he eagerly accepted Korin's offer and decided to exchange for some of the Senzu Bean with fish for Korin , as he knows that in future this bean plays an important role in fights but it becomes scarces because of Yajirobe and innocent Goku, all of them used it as a breakfast.

After 30 min Kairos brings 1 tons of fish filled in a capsule . After giving it , Korin gaves him 4 filled bottle of Senzu Bean from 7 bottle.

Learning there were now so many , he could only be greedy and accept it shamelesy .

But as a kindness he gives a reminder to Korin to saves this bean if any day anyone becomes injured it will be helpful and to start planting the plants again.

After that he ask is there any where who can give me guidance to become more powerful .

Kairos sought Immortal Korin's advice , eager to discover a path to become power, although he knew still to not make any doubt decided to do this .

Korin hesitated, weighing the wisdom of revealing such secrets. Sensing Korin's uncertainty, Kairos cleverly offered a bribe - a succulent fish - to loosen his tongue.


(Drooling with star in eyes)

The fish proved irresistible, and Korin revealed two options for Kairos' pursuit of power: the Demon Realm or the God's Tower above Korin's domain. Kairos' eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of battle, but he wisely sought clarification.

"Korin, what is the highest power in the Demon Realm?" Kairos inquired. Korin's response was candid: "You already surpass the Demon King's power." Kairos quickly calculated that the Demon King's combat power was likely around 2000, a level he had already exceeded. His interest in the Demon Realm waned, and he set his sights on the God's Tower.

Korin cautioned Kairos to wait, explaining that permission from the God was required to ascend. However, before Korin could finish speaking, a divine voice echoed in his mind, granting Kairos permission to ascend to the God's Tower. The decision was made; Kairos would embark on a journey to reach new heights of power, with the God's Tower beckoning him towards unimaginable strength.