Chapter 27: Training Part 3

As morning's warmth awakened the skies, Kairos and his companions bid farewell to Kami-Sama and Mr. Bobo, their gracious hosts.Kairos bought the gravity chamber in one capsule and some different food ,while thinking about the unpalatable food he ate in King-Kai planet , so now he bought enough food to last for 3 years even for Goku . But while he was flying towards lookout , he paused because below at korin tower he saw his Master Roshi , seeing this he went towards his master .

Before he could ask anything his master gives him a vibrant orange gi features bold, black kanji "Gi" on the back, symbolizing his warrior spirit and martial arts technique and a blue loose pants.

Then his master told that he couldn't give the dress to Kairos before because he could find a proper symbol which will represent his school 'Turtle School' . And then he told that lately he took another disciple who gave him the idea of using this symbol . So, I came to give you this and remember from today onwards you should wear this dress while practicing then his master flew away . Hearing the word ' Another disciple' , Goku character appeared in Kairos mind and he tells to himself ," It seems because of me everything is happening faster ".

Kairos gazed at Goku's orange gi and thought, "My master, Master-Roshi, probably gave me these clothes to brag about my strength." He imagined Master-Roshi boasting, "Look at my student, Goku! He's incredibly powerful! I taught him everything he knows!" Kairos chuckled, remembering his master's eccentricities. Kairos shook his head, amused by the thought of his master's prideful nature, always eager to showcase his students' abilities infornt of other martial school.

Then he went upto the lookout instany and see Julia, Celeste and Mia . Telling goodbye to Kami-Sama and Mr.Bobo though brief in their stay, had been treated with kindness and respect by Kami-Sama, a testament to his noble character.

Then they set their sights on the Snake Passage, a mystical gateway to the revered King-Kai planet.

As they traversed the passage, time condensed, and 4 hours felt like a fleeting whisper. Suddenly, they a white door appearing infornt of them which leads to the King-Kai planet, according to Kairos, a world of unforgiving gravity. Kairos cautioned the ladies, his voice laced with concern, "Remember, the 10G pressure here is extreme. Be prepared." As the ladies never faced such pressure before , trepidation etched their faces. But Kairos beleived that they can adapt as he has experienced himself the strength of Mia.

The moment they made contact with the planet's surface, the crushing pressure forced them to kneel, their bodies straining against the unyielding force. Kairos swiftly offered his aid, his hands lifting them up with ease. "It's okay, I've got you," he reassured them, his eyes locked on theirs.

At first, the pressure seemed insurmountable, but as minutes ticked by, their bodies began to adapt, their inner strength rising to meet the challenge. The initial struggle gave way to determination, and soon they stood tall, their faces set with resolve.

As they approached King-Kai's abode, the wise and powerful being sensed the unmistakable aura of the Dragon's wish emanating from the ladies. His eyes twinkled with understanding, and he nodded knowingly.

Kairos, eager to begin his training, requested King-Kai's guidance. However, King-Kai's response was not what he expected. "You are still weak, Kairos," he said, his voice firm but measured. "There are many powerful masters in the universe, and you would do well to be cautious."

Kairos's determination and eagerness, however, would not be swayed. He pressed King-Kai to help him find a worthy opponent, and the wise being, seeing the fire in Kairos's eyes, relented. "Very well, I shall contact the other King-Kais and arrange a martial tournament. But be warned, Kairos, the competitors will be formidable. They can defeat you with merely a fraction of their power."

King-Kai's words were both a warning and a challenge, but Kairos's face lit up with excitement. He laughed with joy, eager to test his skills against the strongest opponents in the universe. Little did he know, the journey ahead would push him to his limits and beyond.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, King-Kai and the ladies began to feel an unusual, persistent phenomenon - a constant, earthquake-like shaking that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of their being. The tremors grew in intensity, a testament to the unyielding dedication of a certain warrior.

Four months had passed since Kairos embarked on his solitary journey, pouring every ounce of his essence into the crucible of training. And now, as the dust settled, a figure emerged on the horizon. Kairos, his countenance weathered, his clothes tattered and worn, stood before King-Kai and the ladies. His eyes, aglow with an unyielding fire, told the tale of a soul forged in the heart of a maelstrom.

Kairos eagerly approached King-Kai, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Master, when will the tournament be held?" he asked, barely containing his excitement.

King-Kai smiled, "In 15 days, Kairos. The stage will be set for the greatest warriors to clash."

Kairos's face lit up, his enthusiasm boiling over. "I can't wait!" he exclaimed, his mind already racing with strategies and techniques.

King-Kai's expression turned serious, "Kairos, how much have you progressed in your training?"

But Kairos just grinned mischievously, "That's a surprise, Master. You'll just have to wait and see."

For the next two days, Kairos spent his time with the ladies, enjoying their company and basking in the joy of their presence.

Meanwhile, King-Kai couldn't shake off his concerns. He sought out Kairos, his voice stern but laced with concern. "Kairos, stop being lazy! Resume your training with utmost seriousness. Remember, the opponents you'll face are formidable. Don't underestimate them."

King-Kai's expression turned from concern to disappointment as he beheld Kairos's overconfident demeanor. He had expected more from his student, but Kairos's attitude reeked of complacency.

The wise being pondered teaching Kairos the revered Kaioken technique, a powerful method to amplify his abilities. However, he hesitated, sensing that Kairos's current state of mind would only lead to disaster.

King-Kai realized that Kairos needed a humbling experience, a setback to shatter his overconfidence. The upcoming tournament would serve as the perfect crucible, forcing Kairos to confront the harsh reality that there were always those stronger than him.

By withholding the Kaioken technique, King-Kai aimed to teach Kairos a valuable lesson: true strength lies not in power alone, but in humility and perseverance. The tournament would be Kairos's trial by fire, and only through adversity would he understand the true meaning of growth and self-improvement.





But King kai didn't knew that Kairos has a secret help that is his panel and evolution energy within himself . During this 4 month of training a miracle happened .





