Chapter 30: Shocking Power

Seeing the triumph victory and shocking power of Kairos , Pikkon,Olibu shows excited expression and East, West, South King-Kais shows shocked expression.

The four King-Kai convened in an emergency meeting, but their faces etched with concern and intrigue. "Kairos's power has surpassed our expectations," said the King-Kai, his voice laced with a mix of awe and happiness.

Now the other King-Kai no longer shows dissatisfaction towards Kairos as he has earned it through his power .

"Indeed," agreed the South King-Kai. "His defeat of Caterpy and Arqua was... impressive, to say the least."

The West King-Kai nodded in concurrence. "We should let Kairos's face against rest of the warriors to make the match more enjoyable and exciting."

The East King-Kai spoke up, "We must adapt. Let us pit Kairos against all the warriors, one by one. It will be a true test of his abilities."

The other King-Kai nodded in agreement. "Yes, it will make for a more... enjoyable match. The outcome is no longer certain, and the warriors will be forced to give their all against Kairos."

With a unified decision,North King-Kai can only accept it as the other side as more vote . The North King-Kai announced the change in the tournament format.

The stage was set for a series of epic battles, as Kairos would take on Tapkar, then Arqua,then rest of them and lastly with the strongest of them all, Pikkon. The King-Kai watched with bated breath, eager to witness the unfolding drama and the true extent of Kairos's abilities.

The air was electric as Tapkar and Kairos faced off in the arena. Tapkar, confident in his abilities, charged forward with a fierce cry. His superhuman strength propelled him like a bullet, fists flying in a whirlwind of punches.

Kairos, his eyes gleaming with intensity, stood firm, his combat power of 500 million radiating like an aura. With a mere thought, he summoned a shield of energy, deflecting Tapkar's attacks with ease.

Tapkar's speed was no match for Kairos's telekinetic grasp. Kairos seized Tapkar's limbs, immobilizing him in mid-air. Tapkar's martial arts skills were rendered useless as Kairos's energy constricted him.

Tapkar's telekinesis faltered against Kairos's overwhelming power. Kairos's regeneration abilities healed any damage before it could even register.

In a flash, Kairos unleashed a devastating blast of energy, striking Tapkar with the force of a supernova. Tapkar's defenses crumbled, his body shattered by the sheer might of Kairos's attack.

The fight ended in a mere 10 seconds, Tapkar's 100 million power no match for Kairos's staggering 500 million. As Tapkar lay defeated, Kairos stood triumphant, his dominance undeniable.

And then Tapkar was taken away from the stage to give him immediate treatment.

Soon the next match is about to begin between Kairos and Arqua.

The stage was set, the crowd held its breath, as Arqua and Kairos faced off in a clash of titans. Arqua, a master of fluid movement, danced across the water-covered arena, his superhuman speed and agility allowing him to weave and dodge with ease. His energy manipulation capabilities crackled with power, as he unleashed a barrage of blasts and shields, each strike aimed with precision.

But Kairos, a behemoth of combat power, stood unwavering, his eyes blazing with intensity. With a single cry of "Kamehameha!", he unleashed a colossal energy wave, shattering the water beneath their feet. The blast ripped across the stage, obliterating every drop of water, leaving the ground dry and cracked.

Arqua, caught in the maelstrom, tried to defend himself, but Kairos's power was too great. The energy wave engulfed him, lifting him off the ground, and sending him crashing to the earth. Arqua's telekinetic grasp faltered, his martial arts skills useless against the sheer might of Kairos's attack.

As the dust settled, Arqua lay battered and unconscious, his regenerative abilities struggling to keep pace with the devastation wrought upon his body. The match had lasted mere minutes, a testament to Kairos's overwhelming strength. The crowd gasped in awe, recognizing the unfathomable gap between the two warriors.

Kairos stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion, his eyes still burning with the intensity of battle. Arqua, a formidable warrior, had been reduced to a mere spectator, his abilities no match for the sheer force of Kairos's combat power.

North-King Kai announced a break to let the warriors prepare themselves and to recover their energy .

Soon Kairos after returning to his seat , saw Celeste ,Julia, Mia standing together , and start scolding Kairos for taking so much beating . Seeing their looks, Kairos know that they are probably very much sad at that time . He then tells that nothing can happen to him as he has Senzu bean if something happens then after eating he will recover and surrender immediately.

Hearing this they relax and then when there was noone Kairos decided to check his panel .

No Pain No Gain

Name - Kairos

Year - 749

Power- 10M

Life Stage - 4.3

Intelligence - 330

Endurance - 8M

Ability - None

Techniques - Floating Technique(level 3), Ki(level 8) , Afterimage fist(level 5) , Kamehameha(level 2)

Bloodline - Saiyan

Physique - Saiyan

Evolution Stage - 4.9 [-]

[Gained Power Bank - 1.2M ]

Detail: "Power Bank: Where hard work deposits power! As you toil, energy accumulates, like coins in a treasure chest. When you withdraw, the bank's mood-based multiplier kicks in, surprising you with a random boost - 2x, 5x, or even 10x! Your diligence fuels the surprise, making every withdrawal a thrilling gamble of combat power!"

Talent: [+]

Form: Normal Saiyan [+]


Seeing the upgrade in his combat power, defence , life Stage, evolution and Power Bank .

✨Kairos beamed with euphoric pride, his eyes sparkling with uncontainable joy, as his immense power coursed through his veins triumphantly.

The Power Bank energy increased because of all the hard fight he did at first and then him being on death bed increased it .As it also falls under hard work , as he persist hardly in death bed. But what confused him is that how come his evolution and life Stage increased so much . But no upgrade came to his panel , he thought that after his evolution reach 2 he should gain something but it seems it's wrong .

He soon stopped thinking about it and decided to let it happen naturally.

Kairos then starts to rest and look forward to fight with maraikoh then Olibu and then with the champion Pikkon.