Chapter 82: Mysterious Time machine!!?

Kairos told Trunks, "You don't need to worry about 17 and 18 anymore. I will take them with me for observation." He then flew towards 18.

"You and your brother will stay with me," Kairos declared, looking down at 18.

She nodded in agreement. What else could she do? She was not strong enough to resist the man.

Kairos turned around, ready to fly away. 18 quickly picked up her fallen brother and followed behind the ancient Saiyan.

Trunks watched them leave before looking back down at the unmoving 16. He saw that 16 had been watching the exchange and said nothing.

Trunks then asked, "Do you have any plans for your future?"

The android replied, "I will stay here and watch over the forest and its inhabitants. That is all I wish to do." saying this 16 also flew away in another directions.

Hearing that, Trunks knew that 16 would not pose any threat to humanity in the future. With a final wave, Trunks flew away to meet up with the rest of his allies.

"Hmph!" Vegeta, who had been observing from the sidelines, scoffed at Trunks' departure. He turned and took off towards Capsule Corp, with the intent to train himself more to take revenge against this android for the humiliation.

Trunks met up with Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, and Bulma. "What happened?" Goku asked, looking around at the group. "Where are 17 and 18?"

"They were taken away by Kairos." Trunks explained.

Piccolo's eyes narrowed. "And what of 16?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"He will not be a problem," Trunks replied. "He only wishes to watch over the forest."

He then proceeded to tell them about the rest of his conversation with Kairos.

The group was amazed and relieved at the news. They had been so worried about the future, but it seemed that they no longer had to.

"I can't believe it," Krillin said happily. "The Earth is going to be safe!" he exclaimed, a smile on his face.

"We won't have to worry about the androids anymore!"

Piccolo added. "It's finally over!"

Gohan sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." he said, shaking his head. "I was so worried about this Android."

Krillin smiled. "You should have trusted me," he teased Gohan. "I told you senior brother , would work out everything."

He chuckled as Gohan rolled his eyes.

"Where is Vegeta?" Yamcha asked, looking around.

"He left before you arrived," Trunks replied.

"Oh..." Yamcha said. "Did he say where he was going?" he asked curiously.

Trunks shook his head. "No."

The group chatted for a few minutes, but when it became clear that Vegeta would not be returning, they decided to head back to Kami's Lookout.

As soon as they entered the Kintoun-powered machine, Gohan leaned over towards Trunks and quietly asked, "What is my future like?"

Trunks hesitated, unsure of how to answer. He wanted to tell Gohan the truth, but he was afraid.

Goku seemed to sense something was wrong and looked at Trunks curiously. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," Trunks said quickly. "I just need a drink." saying this trunks got up to get something for him , leaving Goku confused.

Krillin watched Trunks go and then turned back towards Goku. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Goku nodded and then looked at the telecom phone that Bulma had installed in their vehicle. It was ringing, but it didn't sound like a normal ringtone.

Krillin got up to answer the call and saw that it was coming from Capsule Corp.

"Hello?" he said, picking up the receiver. "Oh, hi Bulma! Yeah... what? Huh... no, we're all on our way back now. Can it wait? Okay... alright." he hung up the phone and then turned to face Goku, who had been watching with interest.

"What was that?" Goku asked. "Was it Vegeta?"

Krillin shook his head. "It wasn't Vegeta," he said. "Bulma found something in the North Mountains. She wanted us to check it out."

Goku thought for a moment before shrugging. "Well, I guess we should go see what she found," he said.

"After all, it might be important."

Krillin nodded and then walked over to the controls of their vehicle. He fiddled around with some buttons until a photo appeared on screen.

"Bulma sent this picture," Krillin explained. Goku, Trunks, Piccolo, and Gohan gathered around behind him, watching as he scrolled through the photos. The first one was of a machine that Trunks recognized instantly.

"That's similar to time machine I used to travel here from the future !

But it looks kind'a broken " Trunks exclaimed.

"Where did you place your time machine?" Krillin asked

" I placed it at Capsule Corporation "

"Did you bring 2 time machine?" Goku asked.

" No" Trunks replied, confused. "I have never seen this broken time machine before." he looked closer at the photo , trying to see is it really his time machine . The telecom phone began to ring again.

Krillin answered it, and this time they all heard Bulma's voice clearly. "Hello," she said excitedly. "Have you looked at the photos yet?"

"We did," Goku replied. "But what's going on? Is that time machine?"

"Probably ," Bulma after some pause said with doubt.

Goku frowned, still confused. "If it is a time machine, then who brought it ?" he asked

Bulma sighed. "I don't know," she admitted. "That's why I want you to go see it for yourself." Goku looked over at Krillin, who was still fiddling with the controls.

"Are we close?" he asked.

Krillin nodded. "We'll be there in just a few minutes."

The call cut out, and Krillin turned the direction of their machine towards the North Mountains.

A few minutes later, they arrived at their destination. They stepped out of their vehicle and looked around at the barren mountain landscape. There was forest , covered green around them for miles.

"Where is it?" Gohan asked curiously, looking around.