Harbingers Of Death, Aurelia's...

In front of the dark throne, the two figures knelt in absolute stillness, their forms shrouded in an unsettling elegance.

The first figure, clad in shadowy armor that seemed to drink in the faint light of the chamber, carried an ominous, curved scythe that rested lightly against their back. A crimson hood concealed their face, leaving only a sense of unyielding purpose radiating from them.

The faint flutter of a tattered, blood-red cloak was the only motion, whispering ominously as if alive with its own will. Even in submission, they held an aura of silent menace, a storm waiting to break.

Beside them knelt the second figure, her dark wings folded neatly behind her, their sheer expanse nearly brushing the edges of the chamber. Her armor was intricate, every curve and plate more like a masterpiece of art than battle gear. A black hood obscured her face, but stray strands of long, silver hair fell loosely across her shoulders.