With a sigh, he started the process of getting everyone to bed. One by one, he gently scooped them up, their bodies limp with sleep or swaying with drowsy contentment as he guided them to their rooms. Alexa leaned on him heavily, mumbling something incoherent about how he always smelled so nice. He chuckled, tucking her into her bed before moving on to Alera, who muttered in protest about not wanting the night to end.
"Sleep," Pyris said softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "We'll pick this up tomorrow."
Emilia wasn't much better, insisting on one last sip of wine as he carried her off. She pouted dramatically when he denied her but was out cold the second her head hit the pillow. Aurelia and Madeline followed, both too far gone to do anything but mumble their thanks as he settled them in.