No man is worth your tears


I stood there in the restroom, still staring at my phone, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of me. The headlines, the photos, the rumors, it all played over and over in my mind. Jake had a family. He had a fiancée, maybe a daughter, and possibly even a wife. And here I was, standing in a restroom, heartbroken over a man who never even thought twice about me. 

What was I expecting? That Jake Robbins, the billionaire heir and playboy, would fall in love with me, his poor assistant? It's even hard to believe he was committed enough to a lady to marry her. 

Believing he would harbor feelings for me was plain stupid. The thought was laughable now. I had been delusional, letting myself get swept up in the idea that there was something more between us. The moments we shared, the tension, the glances, the stolen kisses, the sex… they all seemed like lies now. I felt like a fool. A stupid, lovesick fool.