Shared a sweet kiss under the moonlight


The conference room was bustling with activity, the PR team huddling over last-minute adjustments to the setup, and there, at the center, was the interviewer, young, poised, and effortlessly professional. I had seen her a few times in videos but I never really took a good look at her. Seeing her now, I realized what the hype about her is, she's pretty and seemed so professional.

Her smile was warm but precise, the kind that communicated both empathy and the expectation of answers. It was a small comfort, in a way, the last thing I wanted was to face an adversarial interview. Not today, when so much was already riding on this.

I stole a glance at Laura, who was standing quietly off to the side, her face a mask of calm encouragement. She caught my gaze and nodded, as if to say, 'You've got this.'