Today should be about us…

The bright light from the sky was what woke me up, and pulled me abruptly from the sweet dream I was having. 

It was a dream about my little one coming into the world. The labor process was hectic but it was all worth it once I was holding my baby in my hands. Jake was full of smiles and couldn't stop drooling over the baby. Arlene and my aunt weee also there and they were so happy too.

Jake was about giving her a name when I woke up. 

I didn't want the dream to end yet so I shut my eyes tight again, trying to get back to the dreamland but it didn't work. I couldn't sleep anymore though, even after shutting my eyes for about ten minutes, I was still wide away.

I finally opened my eyes and turned to the side. My man was right there, and I stared at him with a new joy I couldn't even explain. 

I enjoyed as I watched him sleep peacefully like a baby. It was such a sweet sight.