Silent Movements

—The special exam of the mixed camp has ended. I must say that everyone did quite well. Now I will begin to announce the results —the person in charge started, and just as he had announced, the special exam had finished. Excitement filled me as I awaited the results.

—For the boys' group, no students have been reported expelled, so you can relax. The winner of this special exam is the group of... Kayden Osawa from the first year! —the person in charge announced. I had anticipated a possible victory, but there was still an air of uncertainty. After all, the second and third-year students were tough opponents, but still, my group had achieved victory.

Many eyes turned to me from all the classes, probably surprised that a first-year student had beaten the upperclassmen. Then, I met Nagumo's gaze, which showed no concern about the result, as if that wasn't what he was really after.

—Now we will continue with the girls' group. Unfortunately, there is a leader who will be expelled, and that is Ikari Momoko. Apparently, a girl from class B of the third year will be the one to leave —the person in charge announced. At that moment, Nagumo began to laugh, attracting everyone's attention.

—What did you do, Nagumo!? —a third-year student named Fujimaki shouted. Looking at Horikita, I noticed her face looked somber; she seemed to have already realized Nagumo's plan.

—The announcements are still ongoing. Senpai, please calm down. This has nothing to do with you, Fujimaki-senpai. Someone from class B was expelled; that's all. In fact, isn't it great that one of your rivals has fallen? —Nagumo replied with a mocking laugh.

His smile only irritated Fujimaki-senpai more, but I knew that in an instant, Nagumo could wipe that expression off his face.

—Um, please be quiet. This is truly unfortunate, but taking responsibility, Ikari-san will have to be expelled. However, since the group can opt for joint responsibility, please consult me later. Next, I will announce the girls' group that took first place...

Despite mentioning it was unfortunate, the announcements continued with seriousness. However, Horikita found herself caught in that situation, as if it had been her destiny from the start. She was defeated by Nagumo Miyabi precisely for being an outstanding and exemplary individual. An unexpected attack had caught her off guard.

Or at least that was what Nagumo hoped.

Then, he started walking toward Ikari and asked her a question:

—Ikari-senpai, please tell us. Everyone is curious to know who you will take with you —he asked, smiling.

Let's not forget that if a group leader is expelled, that leader can take someone with them, and that's where Nagumo's plan lies.

"Of course, the person who will leave with me... is you, Tachibana Akane."

Ikari's voice resonated loudly in the hall, and at that precise moment, the third-year students from class A finally understood the true purpose of her plan: to expel Tachibana Akane, the person closest to Horikita. A murmur of surprise and bewilderment swept through the hall like a cold gust of wind.

"Nagumo, you bastard!" —Fujimaki shouted, with his fists clenched and fury reflected in his gaze, ready to lunge at him.

But Nagumo only laughed, enjoying the chaos he had caused. However, his laughter was interrupted when Horikita confronted him with a cold calmness that contrasted with the tension in the air.

"Nagumo, I believe I told you that our competition would be only between us, without involving third parties. Where is your word?" —Horikita asked, her voice sharp as a razor blade.

Nagumo smiled, but this time his smile was cynical, tinged with disdain.

"Horikita-senpai, when did I break my word? The girls' group has nothing to do with me. Why would that be a breach of my word?" —he replied with false innocence while his gaze settled on Tachibana Akane, waiting for a reaction of anguish or fear. However, Tachibana surprised him; her face was serene, almost unperturbed, very different from the panic-stricken expression Nagumo had expected to see.

The uncomfortable silence was broken when the exam supervisor spoke up.

"Well, student Ikari Momoko from the third year has selected Tachibana Akane to be expelled. The expulsion can only be revoked if—"

The supervisor was interrupted by another committee member, who approached him quickly and whispered something in his ear. The conversation was brief, but the supervisor's expression changed drastically when he turned back to the group.

"We have just received crucial information regarding the girls' group. Since student Tachibana Akane achieved the highest average in all the tests, her expulsion cannot be accepted."

The hall exploded in whispers of disbelief.

"What?! That's not possible…" —Ikari Momoko shouted, completely bewildered.

The smile that adorned Nagumo's face vanished, and an expression of anger and frustration began to twist his features. The gears of his plan, which just seconds ago seemed to be turning perfectly, were beginning to crumble before his eyes.

The supervisor had not finished. He cleared his throat, savoring the tension in the air, and continued.

"Furthermore, we have received a series of compelling evidence regarding inappropriate behavior. Students Ikari Momoko from the third year, Aiko Tanaka from the second year, Hana Saito from the second year, and Yuki Nakamura from the second year have been bullying and harassing student Tachibana Akane during most of the exam days. The school will not tolerate such actions."

The tension in the hall became palpable. The faces of those involved paled, while everyone else held their breath, waiting for the final verdict.

"Therefore, from now on, Ikari Momoko, Aiko Tanaka, Hana Saito, and Yuki Nakamura will be expelled from the school, with no possibility of revoking the decision."

The silence that followed was overwhelming. No one moved, no one spoke. The surprise was total. Nagumo, who seconds ago seemed to be in control of everything, was now motionless, his eyes wide open, unable to process what had just happened. Two of his closest allies had been eliminated from the equation, and his plan had collapsed before everyone, severely affecting his class's points.

The incredulity was palpable on his face, a mix of fury and bewilderment that he could not hide. The entire hall was in shock. All eyes had turned to Nagumo, who no longer had that arrogant confidence he had before.

For my part, I couldn't help but smile at the spectacle. Nagumo's face at that moment was worth it all. His public humiliation was a small but satisfying victory, a preview of what was to come.

"Nagumo," I thought, "I initially had nothing personal against you. But since you tried to mess with Honami, you sealed your fate. This is the first blow of many to come. Survive if you can."

The atmosphere remained tense, but victory was felt in the air. Nagumo's fall had begun, and there would be no turning back.


Second day of the special exam

After finishing my meal, I headed to one of the benches in front of the entrance to the facilities. The fresh air welcomed me as I sank into the seat, looking for a moment of peace. I needed a breather to relax and let the food settle. The bustle of students in the distance felt far away, almost like a distant murmur that allowed me to disconnect for a while.

I was lost in my thoughts when someone sat down next to me. I turned my head and found Fuka, who hadn't been in contact with me much lately. Her carefree smile and playful eyes greeted me as always.

"Hello, kohai-kun," she greeted me with her typical nickname, her tone filled with familiarity and a hint of mischief.

"Hi, Fuka," I replied casually, though I felt one of her jokes was coming.

"Kohai-kun, you're so mean. You've abandoned Nazuna and me." She pretended to wipe away imaginary tears, her expression exaggerated with sadness.

"I'm sorry; I've been busy with exams and, well, those things. Being a leader isn't easy, you know," I replied with a light smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"I know, I know. I'm just joking. Although Nazuna has been complaining about not spending time with you," she said, her tone becoming slightly more serious while still keeping that playful spark in her eyes.

"Alright, after I finish this exam, we can do something," I proposed.

"Sure! So it's a date," she responded, winking at me flirtatiously, her smile widening. I couldn't help but let out a slight laugh at her carefree way of approaching things.

"So, Fuka, how have these two days been during the exam?" I asked, changing the subject while trying not to take her previous comment too seriously.

"Boring and tedious," she replied almost immediately, slumping a little more on the bench. "Having to listen to those girls' endless conversations is torture."

"Right, you weren't in the same group as Nazuna, were you?" I asked, remembering they had been separated.

"No, I was with a group of stupid girls," she said in a resigned tone. Then, her expression changed slightly, as if something had come to mind. "Oh! That reminds me… Do you know that they're bullying the girl with the ribbons? The one who's always with Horikita?"

"Tachibana-senpai?" I asked, now interested. I hadn't expected to hear that, but any information about her could be valuable.

"Yeah, that's her. She's having a pretty rough time, and it's only been two days of the exam." Fuka seemed to be speaking casually, but my mind was already working on something.

"Hmm, tell me a bit more about that," I urged her to continue, my eyes already analyzing the possibilities this information could provide.

Fuka looked at me curiously, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you want to know more?"

"It's just curiosity… Plus, this could be useful for my plans," I said with a smile that I knew would pique her interest.

"You have plans?" she asked, clearly intrigued, her eyes shining at the possibility of being part of something bigger.

"Yeah, something quite interesting," I replied with a mysterious tone, letting her imagination take care of the rest.

"Then I'll tell you everything I know. If this helps with your strategies, I want to be a part of it. You always surprise me with your moves," she said excitedly before proceeding to give me the details.

In summary, four girls—three from the second year and a third-year leader—had been bullying Tachibana-senpai. They forced her to do tasks that were supposedly group assignments and insulted her whenever they could, although without resorting to physical contact. They probably wanted to avoid getting into serious trouble, but it was clear they were harassing her.

"That's all I know," Fuka concluded, waiting for my reaction.

"Thanks, Fuka. This is more than enough," I replied with a smile. My mind was already working, building a plan based on this new information. Now I had the starting point I needed. The next step would be to meet Tachibana-senpai to move my plans forward.

As Fuka stood up to leave, I remained seated, looking up at the sky, visualizing each piece of this new puzzle.

Third day of the special exam

The day after my conversation with Fuka, I found myself walking along one of the quieter paths on campus when I saw a scene that stopped me in my tracks. In front of me, Tachibana-senpai was being harassed by the four girls Fuka had mentioned: Ikari Momoko, Aiko Tanaka, Hana Saito, and Yuki Nakamura. They stood around her like predators, blocking her path and whispering venomous comments. Their mocking giggles echoed in the air, but Tachibana kept her gaze down, trying to ignore them, although it was clear how difficult it was for her.

As I observed the situation, what I had suspected was confirmed: this was not just a case of school rivalry or resentment. This was clearly orchestrated. But by whom? There was only one answer that fit: Nagumo.

Why Nagumo? His ambition had been evident from the start. He had challenged Horikita just before the exam began, seeking a confrontation. Nagumo had always wanted to face Horikita, but since she was a year older, direct confrontations were impossible within the normal school context.

After much insistence from Nagumo, Horikita had accepted the challenge, but under a clear condition: their confrontation would be between the two of them, without involving other students. And Nagumo had agreed… at least on the surface. Clearly, he didn't intend to follow the agreed-upon rules. Using Tachibana, the person closest to Horikita, as a pawn in his game was a dirty but typically calculated move.

Tachibana-senpai continued to look at me with skepticism, her eyes still red from the stress and harassment she had endured in recent days. I knew it wouldn't be easy to convince her, but this was the key moment to get her on board with my plan. After all, she was an important piece to dismantle Nagumo's game.

"And what do you propose?" she asked, her voice still cautious, as if she were evaluating every word that was about to come out of my mouth.

I leaned in a bit closer to her, making sure my words resonated with enough conviction. "What I'm proposing is simple: teamwork." I noticed her raise an eyebrow, showing her doubt. "You'll continue to behave as you have been, allowing yourself to be intimidated and doing everything those girls ask of you."

Tachibana looked at me in disbelief, her eyes wide open. "Didn't you say you'd help me? Why should I keep enduring the harassment?" she asked, her voice reflecting a mix of surprise and disappointment. She obviously expected my help to mean an immediate end to her suffering.

I smiled slightly, anticipating her reaction. "It's part of the plan, senpai," I said calmly, and I could see her frown. Before she could object, I pulled a pen from my pocket and handed it to her. "Look, take this."

She looked at it in confusion. "A pen?" She took it in her hands, studying it as if she expected it to hide something more. And she was right.

"This isn't just any pen," I explained, leaning in a little closer to her. "If you press the top twice, it will start recording. And if you hold it down for five seconds, the recording will stop."

Tachibana looked at me with narrowed eyes, still suspicious. "How did you get something like this? I've never seen one."

I chuckled softly, shrugging. "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is how you use it." I pointed to the pen she was holding between her fingers. "Every time those girls bully you, you'll activate it and record everything they say. With that, you'll have irrefutable proof of what's happening. And when we have enough, we can expel them."

I saw her eyes light up slightly with hope, but she was still hesitant. "And why do I have to wait until the last day? Why can't we use the proof as soon as we have it?"

"Because this isn't just common bullying," I explained, my voice taking on a more serious tone. "Nagumo is behind all this. He wants to expel you to hurt Horikita. He wants Horikita to fail, and you're his tool. But if we show the evidence ahead of time, Nagumo will know we're acting and change his strategy. Instead, if we do it right before the results are announced, we'll catch him off guard. He'll think he's won until the very last moment, only for all his plans to crumble before his eyes."

Tachibana remained silent for a moment, processing what I had told her. Finally, she let out a sigh and looked down, her expression somewhat somber. "Does Nagumo-kun want to expel me…?" she murmured, more to herself than to me. "I guess he attacks the weakest person because he can't take on Horikita-kun."

"It's a simple but effective tactic," I added, confirming her thoughts. "But it's not enough just to record. You have to keep pushing yourself to the max in this exam. It doesn't matter if they keep bullying you; your performance has to be impeccable. That way, you'll avoid getting expelled for your own performance and won't give Nagumo any advantage."

"Those girls will probably start fighting over anything during these days," I said firmly. "You won't pay attention to that, and you'll keep focusing on your own things. The important thing is to keep recording. The more they distract themselves from each other, the better it will be for us."

"Let them fight," I said, smiling slyly. "Don't get involved. Focus on what you're doing. The more distracted they are, the better for you. Just observe and record."

There was a moment of silence between us, broken only by the soft rustle of the wind among the nearby trees. Finally, Tachibana looked me in the eyes with renewed determination. "I understand... but I still don't see what you gain from all this."

I smiled, knowing that question would inevitably come. "What I gain is simple: a hit against Nagumo. I have some unfinished business with him, and this is the perfect opportunity to settle some scores."

Tachibana seemed satisfied with my answer. She didn't need more explanations. Her shoulders relaxed, and for the first time since we started talking, she managed a small smile. "Alright. Osawa-kun... thank you for helping me."

"We both win in this situation," I replied, getting to my feet. "You don't have to thank me."

She nodded, and I could see that although she was still nervous, there was a spark of confidence in her eyes that hadn't been there before. I had planted the seed. Now, all I had to do was find Fuka and make her part of this game. After all, every piece was important on this board.

Third day of special exam lunch time

The classroom was a buzz of murmurs and laughter, with the sound of chairs scraping and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the air. I sat in my usual seat, watching the chaos around me until Fuka approached and sat beside me.

"Hello, Kohai-kun," Fuka said, her smile lighting up her face and highlighting her dark hair, almost as if it absorbed the sunlight streaming in through the window.

"Hi, Fuka," I replied, feeling a little lighter with her presence.

She leaned a bit closer to me, curiosity shining in her eyes.

"So, how's your plan going?"

"Just one last detail to finish it," I said, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.

"Oh, really? And what would that be?" she asked, her voice a whisper filled with intrigue.

With a mischievous smile, I looked her straight in the eyes.

"Well, Fuka, from now on, you'll be the star of this plan."

She fell silent, tilting her head like a curious puppy.

"Are you going to include me in your plan?" Her voice carried a hint of surprise and excitement.

"Yes, exactly what I want to ask you. I want you to start sowing chaos in your group. Do things like stealing clothes, hiding accessories—anything that causes stress and frustration for the girls who are bullying Tachibana-senpai."

Her eyes widened in surprise, and a glimmer of malice appeared in her gaze.

"And what result will we get from doing this?"

"Simple," I responded, leaning toward her with enthusiasm. "When humans find themselves in stressful and frustrating situations, they seek to release it somehow. So, by increasing the bullying against Tachibana-senpai, we'll provoke a chain reaction."

Fuka frowned, thoughtful.

"You want them to keep bullying her?"

"Yes, it's part of the plan. She already knows they will continue to bully her; I've talked to her about this. So, Fuka, will you join?"

With a clever smile, Fuka crossed her arms, showing confidence that inspired me.

"Of course I will. It'll be a little revenge on my part since those girls never shut up. So count me in."

I smiled at her, feeling a wave of gratitude.

"Thank you for that, Fuka."

"All for my cute Kohai?" she said, with a wink that made it clear she was enjoying every second of this little scheme.

Class started to calm down, but in that moment, the spark of our conspiracy shone brightly. The adrenaline of what we were about to do filled us with energy as we prepared to unleash the chaos we needed. It was a dangerous step, but at least I wouldn't be doing it alone.

End of flashback

When the results were announced, the girls began to cry desperately, begging Nagumo to help them. Their cries of anguish echoed in the classroom, but he, instead of showing compassion, looked at them with a face reflecting anger and frustration. He wasn't mad at them; his anger was directed at the one who had orchestrated this entire event: me.

Nagumo scanned the room, searching for the culprit among the faces crowding around him. His eyes stopped on Horikita, and from her expression, I understood that he knew she wasn't responsible. He was the kind of person who would never expel someone unless it was absolutely necessary. So the burden of guilt didn't fall on her.

As Nagumo desperately searched for the culprit, our eyes met. A slight smile appeared on my face, and in that instant, I understood that I had caught his attention. Surprise flickered across his face but quickly transformed into rage. A flash of fury lit up his eyes, and his expression turned threatening.

From now on, I would probably have to deal with Nagumo more actively, but that was exactly what I was looking for. He had messed with someone he shouldn't have, and now he would start paying for his actions. This was just the beginning of something much bigger.

The atmosphere grew dense and electrifying. The murmurs of the other students faded away, and all that could be heard was the pounding of my heart, resonating with the excitement of the moment. I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins; I was at the center of a storm I had unleashed.

As Nagumo advanced toward me, his expression hardened, as if each step he took was charged with a promise of revenge. But instead of fear, I felt a chill of anticipation.

This was the moment I had been waiting for. The pieces of the game were moving, and I was the architect of this chaos. I looked Nagumo in the eyes, silently challenging him. The battle ahead promised to be intense, but I was ready to face the consequences.

And as the rest of the class held their breath, I realized I had crossed a threshold from which there was no turning back. The war had begun, and I was the commander. With a confident smile, I prepared for the inevitable clash, knowing that every action I took would only reinforce my role in this ruthless game.