The Competition Begins

The day of the final exam had arrived, and although some nervousness might be expected, I wasn't worried. Over the past month, my classmates had trained intensely under Kayden's strict supervision. I must admit, as a trainer, Kayden shows no compassion whatsoever. His way of pushing and demanding the best from each person, up to their limits, borders on relentless, but the results are undeniable.

Fortunately, my role as commander spares me from the intensity of his training sessions. Of course, that doesn't mean I've stopped training, just not in the same rigorous way as they have. My approach has always been different: I prefer to teach, guide, observe the development of each class member, and make sure everyone is prepared for what lies ahead.

At the moment, I find myself in the strategy room, reviewing the final details and selecting the students who will participate in each event. The seven official events in which we will face off against Class B are already defined: women's volleyball, men's soccer, an English test, chess, a chemistry exam, a math quiz, and a modern literature quiz. These will be today's challenges, all selected by the school.

For now, only Chabashira-sensei and Sakagami-sensei are present. According to school rules, homeroom teachers must accompany opposing classes during these kinds of exams. I don't completely understand the logic behind this rule, but I imagine it's to prevent favoritism or inappropriate intervention. However, I honestly don't think this will affect my class's performance in any way.

This special exam is no cause for concern. Now that I know the events and know what we'll face against Class B, I can confidently say that my class is ready to win. I know each person's abilities and the effort they've invested in every practice. This confidence I feel might also be thanks, in part, to Kayden; his influence has changed something in me, strengthening my resolve and determination.

I can't help but think that, in a way, his relentless attitude and unwavering confidence have rubbed off on me, and I don't see it as a bad thing but rather as an inspiration to give my best and lead my class to victory.


Sakayanagi-san finally arrived in the room. We exchanged formal greetings, but little more; there was a certain tension on her face, as if she were upset. Could it be that she's still bothered by the rejection of her previous request? Frankly, I don't care if she's angry or not; I see no reason to worry, and I don't feel we have much to discuss.

"Alright, now that both of you are here, we will begin the year-end special exam," Chabashira-sensei announced in her usual firm tone.

Immediately after, both she and Sakagami-sensei began explaining how to use the computer in front of us. On each screen, the names of all my classmates appeared, excluding myself, of course. For each event, which would appear randomly on the screen, I would have to select the participants from my class who would compete. However, once selected, there would be no turning back; I wouldn't be able to make changes. Therefore, I had to choose very carefully, assessing each person's strengths and weaknesses.

When the explanation finished, I took the opportunity to address Sakayanagi before the selection began.

"Sakayanagi-san, what do you think about leaving the chess event for last?" I suggested, meeting her gaze.

She raised an eyebrow, intrigued, and replied with a slight smile of curiosity.

"Any particular reason for that?"

"Nothing in particular. I simply thought that, given how skilled you are at chess, we could leave it as the 'icing on the cake.'" I returned her gaze with a slight smile, looking for that spark of competition in her eyes.

"Alright, I have no problem with that," she responded, smiling confidently. Just as Kayden had said, Sakayanagi exudes confidence when it comes to chess; she seems almost proud that others recognize her skill.

"Chabashira-sensei, is there any issue if we agree to this?" I asked, seeking final confirmation.

"No problem, as long as both parties agree," Chabashira-sensei replied, nodding calmly.

With this agreement in place, everything was set. Now, all that was left was to wait for the first event to appear on the screen. The tension in the room was palpable, but my confidence in my class was firm. I knew each person was ready to face this challenge, and with the first event about to be revealed, I felt that the battle was just beginning.


The first event appeared on the screen: Men's soccer. This single announcement marked the beginning of the special exam. My heart raced; although everything was calculated, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement and anticipation. Quickly, I began selecting the players I had already decided on beforehand. Among them, for obvious reasons, was Kayden. His skill in soccer was unmatched in the club; his speed, precision, and stamina made him practically a guarantee of success. Along with him, I included Shibata, Hamaguchi, and eight other classmates who had proven to be solid assets on the field.

I glanced sideways at Sakayanagi-san, who seemed as prepared as I was. She barely took a few seconds to confirm her selection. Both of us had planned ahead, leaving no loose ends, and at that moment, I felt the weight of rivalry; every choice was crucial, and every strategy, fundamental.

With the teams ready, the selected players quickly headed to the locker rooms. There was no time to lose, and everyone knew that in every minute of the match, not only points but the pride of the class could be at stake. Soon, they were on the field, dressed in their uniforms and lining up in formation. Kayden took his position at the center, his gaze fixed and determined. From my position in the strategy room, I could see him on the screen, noticing his usual confidence in his posture.

The formation was already defined, and both teams positioned themselves on the field. All that was left was the starting signal. The tension increased, and the silence was broken when the official, with a firm voice, gave the order.

The sound of the whistle echoed in the air, and in that instant, the first event had truly begun.