Chapter 13: Eldest son

In other world

As Carlton stood before the hedge maze, he felt a sense of frustration building within him. He longed to explore it and see what secrets lay hidden within its walls, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

The reason? Seven mini koalas were clinging to his legs, preventing him from moving freely. Ever since he had awoken from his stupor, the seven children that Alaric claimed were theirs had been incredibly clingy towards him. They refused to let go of him and looked at him with worried expressions on their faces.

Carlton wasn't fond of children; in fact, he found them weak and helpless like delicate cotton balls. He feared that any sudden movements on his part would harm them in some way. The thought of hurting one made his heart ache with guilt. But despite this realization, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something important about these kids...something that demanded his attention.