The Family and The Dining table

After the things we did in corridor Me and Emma walked for some time without speaking to each other then Emma said 'We are Here your Grace' in front of me Two knights guarding The Door to The Family Dining room they saw Me and said 'Welcome your Grace' I gave them a Nod and Then Emma opened The Door to The Family Dining room then Maid's announced my arrival 'Duke Of Well John Well Is Here' I enter The room and I see My Sister Annie sitting and reading a book Usually People say My Sister is Beautiful but cool too Because unlike other women she is fit and learns Swordsmanship Some even call her a tomboy I said 'Hello Sister' she replied 'Hello John' I looked around and I didn't see Mother or My Wife so I asked My Sister 'where are Mother and Rose?' Then My Sister said 'Mother must be on her way here' Then She looked at me and said 'and you don't even know where your own Wife is? What would you do if she is cheating on you now?' My Sister is saying Exactly The same thing Emma said to Me this Morning Why do they think that My wife is cheating on me? Do They Know that Our sex life Is dead? or Do they think I am not man Enough for my wife that She would cheat on me? I said 'Sister I trust my Wife and Her honor as Duchess That She will Not cheat on Me' My Sister just looked at me and started reading her book again then The Maid's announced the arrival of My Mother 'Former Duchess of Well Jennifer Well Is Here' Then I turned around and saw My Mother In her Usual Dark Red dress With Her Black Long Hair Till Her Big ass and for some reason, My Family Women have long hair till There sexy Ass like My Mother even My Sister and My Wife Then My Mother said 'Everyone Sit Down at The Table' Me and My Sister obeyed and Sat at The table Then Maid's announced arrival of My Wife 'Duchess of Well Rose Well Is Here' Everyone's Attention went toward's my Wife but what I saw shocked me behind my Wife was Jake Emma's Husband and My Wife Was Blushing for some Reason She didn't even blush for Our Wedding night Why is she now?Seeing this I thought what Emma and My Sister said could be true? I hear Emma Giggling and I see my Sister Shaking Her head and My Mother looking at me and sighing I was angry I wanted to leave but for some reason, I find this arousing and thought This is My Family!

[Former Duchess Name - Jennifer Well

Age - 41

Relationship - Mother

Black Hair

Status - Widow

Aura - Strict and Cold.....]

[Name - Annie Well

Age - 27

Relationship - Sister

Black hair

Status - Engaged

Aura - Calm and Cool...]

[Duchess Name - Rose Well

Age - 26

Relationship - Wife

Red Hair

Status - Married

Aura - Commanding....]

[Head Maid Name - Emma

Age - 40

Relationship - Nanny / Head Maid

Brown Hair Brown Hair

Status - Married Status - Married

Aura - Mischievous...]

[Name - Jack

Age - 41

Relationship - Emma's Husband / Sword Trainer

Brown Hair

Status - Married Status - Married

Aura - Dominating...]

My Mother told Rose 'Come Sit Beside your husband Rose' Rose Obeyed and sat beside me I wanted to Ask her Why was she with Jake and Why was She Blushing But Everyone Was there and I was scared about how she would react and What she will say Then I hear Ava.

Ava - Host Task Wheel Is Spinning



Task - Ask Rose about What Happened to Get 5 H-points

Ok I asked her 'Rose Why was Jake with you and Why were you Blushing' Everyone was shocked and looked at me Then Rose smiled and Said 'Dear A Situation happened while I was coming down Stairs I slipped and was going to fall then Jake came and Caught Me but In the process, He Grabbed my Ass It was kinda Embarrassing but he saved me' I didn't understand how to react about another man Grabbing my wife's Sexy ass even I Her Husband didn't touch it Forget about Grabbing it but a Commoner did Thinking about this I got a boner and I wanted to hide it before anyone see's it but My wife sitting beside me saw it and she smirked and said 'Dear why don't you thank jake for Doing Something You Couldn't ' I was Shocked by what She said I understood The double meaning behind her words That I Couldn't Touch Her Ass but He did I was Silent....Then My Mother said 'John You should thank Someone if they did something you Couldn't where are your Manners' What Did she mean by I Couldn't? That I Couldn't save her or I Couldn't touch her Ass...I was embarrassed but Now I have to Do it ....' Jake thank You for Doing Something I Couldn't 'After I said That I wanted to bury my face Because of This Humiliation yet I see it was arousing For My Wife and I see My Mother / Sister and Emma Looking at How pathetic I was for Thanking another man For Grabbing my wife's ass Then Jake Said ' Its Fine Your Grace I would do it again If it's The Duchess' What Does he mean by again? Saving her or Grabbing her ass?

Everyone Started Eating breakfast...H-Points Received 5 Then I heard Ava again

Ava - Host Task Wheel Is Spinning



Task - Tell Mother about People Calling The Well's Dukedom as The Shame of The Empire and Get Punished by Your Mother H-Points - 20

John Saying - 'Again a Task Ava?'

Ava - 'As I said before Wheel Will Spin Randomly.'

John - 'Ok Ok Ok'

I was Scared to tell Mother about The news I heard Last night While I was Drinking but Now I have to Tell her for The Task 'Mother I have something I wanna say' Mother said 'Ok Tell me' I Stared telling her The News 'I got Reports That Everyone In the Empire Is calling Our Dukedom as ....Shame of The Empire' Mother glared at Me and Then She threw Water at Me and Shouted 'What fuck are You Doing about it Then?' I was scared and I said 'Mother its because Of The Empress and Snow's' Mother Shouted 'Shut up You Incompetent Fool'.....After Mother calmed down and said 'Tomorrow morning I want you and Rose in my Office' I didn't understand why Rose? usually, Mother would call me alone and punish me By using a cane on my Legs but Now I have a humiliation System I Wonder what type of Punishment She would Give me?.