Slap the Future

Mother Told Rose to remove my pants I thought If Rose did remove my pants My Mother would see me wearing Women's panties, and then In My Mother's Eyes I would no longer be a man I would just be an incompetent son I have to stop this but I can't disobey Mother either can My Wife Rose Just wanted To Humiliate me by making me Wear Women's panties but now Mother will see me In this pathetic state I was nervous but....... I was Horny Thinking How Humiliating it would be to see her son Wearing Women's panties a Fomer Duchess and one of The Most Powerful Women In The Empire seeing me like This Then My Wife looked at Me with a worried face but She saw My aroused face Then Rose smiled and whispered To me 'you are really liking this situation aren't you' I started blushing and whispered To Rose 'W-What are you Talking about Think of a way To get out of This situation' Then Mother Said 'What are you both whispering To each other? Rose do what I told you' Rose Kneeled behind me and started pulling my pants down But I held my pants desperately so I could save whatever Dignity I had left In front of My Mother Then I said 'wait wait wait please wait a moment Mother I am sorry for what I said' Mother glared at me and said 'let go of your pants now' and I let Rose remove My pants Then there was silence......

...........Then Mother blushed and asked Me 'What are you wearing' I was embarrassed and couldn't answer Then Rose stood up and said 'He is wearing my panties, Mother-In-law' Mother was shocked there was silence again....... Then My Mother asked me 'John are you so Manless That you are wearing your Wife's panties' I blushed and said 'I am wearing them because My Wife Is punishing Me' My Mother asked 'Punishment for what rose?' Then Rose Smiled and said 'Let me tell you everything that happened so far' I Touched Rose's hand and asked 'Wait You are going to tell her Everything?' Rose Touched My face and said 'Dear It's better To Tell Mother-In-law Everything now Because She's going to find out one way or another' What Rose said made sense so Rose told Mother everything From Having a Boner at Breakfast To peeping at My Wife and My Submission To her as a submissive cuck...after listening to everything Mother looked at Me and Rose sighing Then said 'I don't care What your relationship Is Husband and Wife or Mistress and a Cuck you can do Whatever you want Behind Closed Door's But What I do care about Is you are Duke and Duchess so Behave like one' Me and Rose Looked at each other seriously Then Mother and said 'Yes Mother/Mother-In-law' Then Mother said 'as for My punishment To you Rose place your hand below your husband's Ball's and John I will ask you 3 questions answer them Honestly, or Rose will Slap your balls on my command' I was scared what questions She will ask Then Mother asked the first question 'John why Is our Dukedom weak now?' I answered 'Our Dukedom Is weak because of the Royal family and Snow Family' Mother said 'Slap It' Then suddenly I felt pain on My balls Mother Shouted 'Stand straight Now answer again' Then I said 'I-It's because I was incompetent our dukedom Is In This state' Mother said 'Correct second question are you the man of The House? I answered 'Yes' Mother said 'Slap it' I fell to my Kneels holding my balls then Mother looked down at me and said 'Then why are you wearing your own Wife's panties are you the man of The House?'.......I wanted to say yes but that would mean one more slap to my balls so I said 'No' Mother smirked and said 'Good son I am doing this for you so you can understand your reality now stand up and answer the third question what are you to Rose?' I thought this was easy so I answered 'Husband' Then I felt Rose touch my balls smoothly I thought I answered correctly Then I heard 'Slap it' and for some reason This time Rose slapped it really hard I fell to the ground while holding my balls and rolling on the floor I see My Mother and Rose looking down at me Then Rose said 'what are you to me answer' I understood what they want me to say 'I am Rose's Cuck' Both Mother and Rose smiled Then Mother said 'Good now that you understand your reality'

Ava - New Kink Unlocked - Cbt (Cock and ball torture)

Ava - Task Completed - Tell Mother about People Calling The Well's Dukedom as The Shame of The Empire and Get Punished by Your Mother H-Points - 20 Received.

Mother sat on her chair and Rose helped me up then Mother said 'Now let's talk about the future first we need to stop getting weaker for that to happen we need the royal family's support' I said 'But Mother why would they support us after making us weaker and Empress Isabelle won't allow the Emperor to support us' Then Mother said 'I know that's why If we want to survive we need to make a deal with royal family and Snow's' I was shocked that mother was Proposing an Idea like that but that shows how desperate we are and I asked 'What kind of deal? we don't have money or anything valuable' Mother sighed and said 'Yes we don't have anything so we have to give whatever they ask' Mother looked at Rose and said 'Even If someone has to shake their ass' I understood what Mother meant I was angry but Then I saw Rose blushing Which made me horny and thinking what the future hold's.

[ Power levels of the 4 Dukedom's ]

1 - To The North - Duke of Snow

2 - To The West - Duke Of Eagle

3 - To The East - Duke Of Sword

4 - To The South - Duke of Well