The Siege of Veridia

The Siege of Veridia

The sound of war drums echoed in the distance, their deep, rhythmic pounding sending shivers through the camp. Tensions ran high as Tarek’s army stood ready, faces grim and eyes fixed on the horizon. Veridia’s capital lay behind them, its towering walls looming in the shadow of the mountains. John, Rebecca, Michael, and David stood with the soldiers, watching the dark clouds gather in the sky. Nefertari was coming, and with her, a force that could tear Veridia apart.

John’s heart pounded in his chest as he tightened his grip on his sword. They had no choice but to join the fight. He could see the anxiety in Rebecca’s eyes, but there was also a newfound strength in her, something different since her magic had awakened. She wasn’t the same person she had been when they first arrived in Veridia. None of them were.