"Madam, would you like to freshen up first, or would you rather have dinner now?" the Butler asked.

"Let's eat. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Ling Li replied, her steps echoing as she made her way towards the dining hall with the guest following close behind.

When everyone was seated, Ling Li proudly introduced Mushu and Pharsa to her guests. "I'd like to introduce you to my two trusted assistants, Mushu and Pharsa. They are like family to me, and we've been through so much together.

If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask them. I value their words as much as my own. That's how much they mean to me," Ling Li expressed with a sense of pride.

The three guests showed their respect by bowing and acknowledging their importance to their host. This time, they took the opportunity to introduce themselves.

"I am Chu Yan," said Four Eyes.

"I'm Quan Ye," said Fatty.

"I'm Murphy. I'm the only one among us with an English name, but my Chinese name is Tong Xue (which translates to 'classmate' in English)," he said with enthusiasm. Pharsa couldn't help but chuckle when she heard his Chinese. Chatty looked at her curiously.

"I should mention, however, that your Chinese name is quite unique. Perhaps I ought to adopt the nickname 'Peng You' (which directly translates to 'friend' in English)," Pharsa said jokingly, her eyes glinting mischievously.

"That would be great. Then we could be best friends!" Chatty replied with certainty, his eyes filled with excitement.

Pharsa's face returned to her usual seriousness as she said, "Who wants to be your friend?" and rolled her eyes.

Before Chatty could reply, the parade of food came out and was laid before them, making their stomachs growl.

"Eat up, and don't be shy. It is prepared especially for all of us." Ling Li said.

"Mushu, please organize some activities for them. They can go whale-watching and scuba diving. Let's also arrange for parasailing and let them try spearfishing, but we must ensure their safety," Ling Li instructed.

"Take them to the next island and let them experience surfing, or perhaps take them wakeboarding," Ling Li added.

"Why not suggest water skiing? It could be more fun!" Pharsa suggested.

Mushu almost choked. He knew how challenging it is for an ordinary individual to learn how to water ski.

But Pharsa looked at him and asked, "Why? Don't you agree?" Mushu knows that Pharsa is targeting Chatty. "I understand your point," Mushu could only agree with her. Pharsa happily winks at him.

After dinner, Ling Li told her guests to enjoy the castle. There was an outdoor pool, a jacuzzi, and many other activities; they could also laze out at the beach.

Because tonight she is going spearfishing and has been looking forward to it.

Not only is she very fond of night spearfishing, but she is also skilled at it. With her eight-man team, who usually accompany her, they have formed a great troupe.

That night, they sailed their boat and dived into their usual spot. Their bows, spears, arrows, gadgets, equipment, and suits are all state-of-the-art, custom-made, and specially tailored for their needs.

Once they arrived at their desired site, they began fishing. Their spears had high-speed rollers, allowing them to retrieve their catches with their bows quickly. Ling Li and Mushu both caught a sizable tuna and were ecstatic."

While they were swimming in a new location, they suddenly noticed two mysterious figures gliding through the water nearby. A pair of creatures were spotted swimming swiftly just a few yards ahead. At first glance, they seemed like dolphins, known for their fast swimming abilities, commonly found in these waters.

As they continued swimming, the creatures disappeared but then reappeared, heading straight toward them at high speed. It's possible that the two sharks, which were hunting, were attracted to the blood of the fish they had caught.

Ling Li found herself in a difficult predicament as a colossal shark suddenly lunged at her. Despite her valiant efforts, she quickly realized that confronting such a massive creature alone would be an immensely difficult task.

Everyone on the team, including Mushu, put forth an incredible effort. Pharsa found herself in a fierce encounter with a smaller shark. With astonishing speed, she expertly launched a knife and a bow simultaneously, instilling fear in her attacker. Despite her agility, the shark managed to inflict a savage bite on Pharsa's body before swiftly disappearing into the deep waters.

Ling Li bravely battled a colossal shark, which relentlessly clung to her body, causing her to lose consciousness. Despite being shot multiple times, the shark held onto Ling Li tightly. Mushu and Pharsa had to act swiftly, using their daggers to cut into the shark's mouth meticulously.

The team fearlessly battled the creature until it released its grip on Ling Li's unconscious body. Urgently needing to reach the surface, they faced challenges due to their deep-sea location. Pharsa desperately wrapped Ling Li's body, applying intense pressure to the most severely wounded area. Ling Li lay motionless, and Pharsa also bore the marks of the fierce battle.

Upon boarding their boat, Mushu adeptly tends to Ling Li's injuries. All her bodyguards, especially Mushu and Pharsa, are highly trained in medicine. Their extensive training goes beyond ordinary expectations.

Mushu carefully removed Ling Li's wetsuit, revealing the extent of her injuries. He carefully tended to her injuries, gently cleansing them with pure water.

'Damn!!! These wounds require immediate stitches!' Mushu pondered deeply. 'We must delay this until their arrival. This boat is incredibly bumpy.' Mushu decided as he carefully secured the heavy gauge, ensuring it was tightly wrapped with a bandage.

"Faster! She's losing a lot of blood and radio to prepare for the infirmary." Mushu instructed with complete urgency and concern in his voice.

Rockie is also working on Pharsa's injuries; like Ling Li, she also needs several stitches.

Upon reaching the shore, the Butler and the entire staff were already waiting. Despite the early hour, everyone had gathered upon hearing that their Madam was injured.

The sudden commotion from the castle roused the guests from their slumber. Upon learning of Ling Li's injury, they, too, became anxious and waited at the shore.

Mushu acted swiftly, carrying Ling Li's unconscious body in his arms. Simultaneously, Rocky also carried Pharsa, and they made their way to the castle.