Ling Li's voice sliced through the tense atmosphere on the shoreline as she called out to Pharsa, her reliable assistant. "Pharsa, please fetch my wetsuit. We're heading out for a dive. I want to recover the black box from Shi Min's helicopter," Ling Li commanded with unwavering resolve.

Pharsa, concerned for Ling Li's wellbeing, interjected, "But Madam, how can you dive with your injuries? Let me do it for you!"

Firmly, Ling Li reiterated her prior directive, "Pharsa, didn't you hear what I said? I want to retrieve it personally!"

With unwavering concern, Pharsa persisted, "But your wounds are fresh."

Ling Li raised her voice, invoking the authority of Otako, "Pharsa, Otako is now ordering you to bring my wetsuit. We are diving! Are you disobeying the order?"

The mention of Otako sent shivers down the spines of those present. Even El Padre, El Capitan, and Mushu couldn't help but react to the weight of the name.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Pharsa and Mushu hurried to gather the necessary equipment.

Soon after receiving the urgent order, Ling Li, accompanied by her loyal companions Mushu and Pharsa, as well as a skilled group of security personnel, swiftly departed for the crash site. As the group made the necessary preparations for the daunting dive, the air was filled with the anxious murmurings of Ling Li's three guests.

Fatty leaned in toward his companions, lowering his voice. "Did you hear what Madam Li said earlier?"

Chatty's eyes widened in excitement. "Yes, I heard it clearly. Madam Li said it was Otako's order, right?"

Four Eyes, as always, remained aloof, offering only a noncommittal "Um."

Fatty pressed on. "Do you think she is related to Otako?"

Chatty's enthusiasm bubbled over. "Oh my! Isn't this awesome?! We are friends with someone acquainted with the wealthiest and most powerful person in the world."

As Fatty and Chatty shared a merry chuckle, Four Eyes maintained his usual poker-faced expression.

"Wealthiest or scariest?" Four Eyes arched an eyebrow, studying his friends.

An uneasy silence descended as the smiles on his friends' faces faltered.

"Scariest?" Chatty repeated, a note of uncertainty edging her voice.

"Have you forgotten what people say? Otako can kill a person by just waving a hand," Four Eyes reminded them pointedly.

Fatty and Chatty's once jovial expressions soured. "Ooooh…"

In the midst of an oceanic expanse, Ling Li and her determined team have embarked on the meticulous examination of the scattered remains of the downed helicopters. Simultaneously, another devoted team has undertaken the solemn task of retrieving the bodies of Shi Min's associates, ensuring that they are accorded the utmost respect and brought back with honor.

With unwavering determination, Ling Li, Mushu, and Pharsa are focusing their efforts on locating the crucial black box from Shi Min's helicopter, fully aware of the significance of unraveling the truth behind the tragic crash.

After successfully retrieving and securing the black boxes, Ling Li, accompanied by Mushu and Pharsa, began their ascent from the depths. Despite entrusting the remaining tasks to their capable crew members, they were unexpectedly propelled into the air by a powerful, subaquatic, fiery explosion before reaching their awaiting speed boat.

El Padre stood anxiously by the shore, eagerly awaiting the return of his crew. As the explosion echoed across the water, his eyes widened in shock, and went berserk.

"Damn it! This situation is spiraling out of control!" El Padre bellowed in frustration, his voice laced with anger. "Captan!" he called out urgently.

"I know what to do," El Capitan responded confidently, already springing into action.

"Move it, everyone!" El Capitan commanded, directing his men to board several waiting speedboats swiftly.

As the speedboat roared across the water, El Capitan swiftly dialed his phone, his face etched with concern. "We're at Pink Castle. She's in bad shape. Inform the others," he said firmly before abruptly ending the call.

Mushu gradually regained consciousness, their senses slowly returning. Mushu frantically looked around for Ling Li. Fortunately, their high-tech watches were designed to lead them straight to Ling Li's location whenever they needed.

Ling Li had made sure to equip herself with several trackers, ensuring that she would always be traceable, no matter the circumstances. Mushu found Ling Li immediately. She was unconscious; he knew her wounds had ruptured due to the explosion's pressure and needed re-stitching. "Dammit!" Mushu uttered.

El Capitan arrived swiftly and promptly to rescue them, efficiently taking them back to safety. Meanwhile, Mushu instructed the others to search for Pharsa.

El Padre instantly followed Mushu, carefully carrying Ling Li to the safety of the castle.

El Padre, a skilled medic like Mushu and Pharsa, utilized his extensive medical expertise to assist Ling Li. Together with Mushu, they dedicated several hours to meticulously re-stitching all of her wounds, using a delicate laser to handle her sensitive skin. Re-stitching her fresh wounds proved to be significantly more challenging than the initial procedure.

Ling Li required multiple IV solutions not only for hydration but also for medication due to the severity of her wounds, which had reopened. There was a concern about potential infections and other complications. Additionally, she required a blood infusion as she had lost a significant amount of blood since the previous day.

El Padre's face was etched with concern as he spoke, his deep voice carrying a weight of urgency. "Mushu, please recount in detail what transpired out there."

"As I observed the scene, it was evident that a guided missile had struck Master Shi Min's chopper and the two accompanying choppers. We meticulously examined the wreckage and managed to retrieve their black boxes. As we prepared to leave, I strongly believe a torpedo was launched to eradicate any remaining evidence," Mushu conveyed, his words reflecting the gravity of the situation.

El Padre pressed on, "Where is the black box?"

In response, Mushu handed over two black boxes to El Padre. "The black box from Shi Min's chopper is currently with Pharsa. Madam entrusted it to her after its recovery," Mushu explained, his expression earnest.

El Padre acknowledged Mushu's words with a solemn nod.

After carefully considering the situation, El Padre asked, "Mushu, who manages Shi Min's complex flight routes and has detailed knowledge of his daily schedule and whereabouts besides Madam?"

"In addition to Madam, that would be me, the General and Shi Min's incredibly dedicated personal assistant," Mushu promptly replied.

"Mushu, I don't mean to cast doubt on you, but in this delicate situation, I have to consider everyone as a potential suspect. I hope you understand. Shi Min's personal assistant is his childhood confidant; they share a deep history and bond, and he is tragically an orphan. This leaves me with only you and the General," El Padre said, with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I understand, El Padre," Mushu replied, feeling beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead. Being under suspicion within their group was deeply shameful. However, Mushu remained firm in the knowledge of his innocence. Nonetheless, he braced himself for the challenging process ahead, fully aware of the gravity of the situation.