When Four Eyes woke up the next day, he found Ling Li already dressed in her elegant kimono, tending to his infusion. Four Eyes was still lying in bed, covered with a cozy blanket.

As Four Eyes sat down, he observed Ling Li, who appeared to be in good spirits.

"Should I take responsibility for last night?" Four Eyes inquired.

His question caught Ling Li off guard.

Ling Li snapped her finger on his forehead. "Why do you think you need to take responsibility for me? I'm an adult. I'm capable of making my own decisions!" Ling Li's response was tinged with irritation as she rolled her eyes.

"You kept touching me. I'm a man. And it's..." Four Eyes began, but Ling Li didn't allow him to finish his sentence.

"Am I dumb? I did it because you were sick and freezing. It all happened because I allowed it to happen," Ling Li snapped, her frustration evident.

"No one is going to ask you to take responsibility, ever! Understand? Put that in your right mind," Ling Li declared, pointing to Four Eyes forehead, her tone firm and unwavering.

"Someone will bring you food. If you need anything, tell the servants," Ling Li told Four Eyes before striding out of the room through the connecting door, her emotions in turmoil.

Ling Li felt her heart crumble into many pieces. She really couldn't trust any men. That had been her motto for many years. 'How could I fail and put my guard down this time and even give myself to this brat?' Ling Li scolded herself silently, her inner turmoil palpable.

"I will have all my meals in my room, and don't disturb me if it's not a matter of life and death!" Ling Li's stern message to Pharsa was a clear indication that she was in a foul mood and wanted to be left alone.

Knowing the implications of her boss's message, Pharsa immediately relayed the warning to all the staff members, emphasizing the need to be extremely cautious in their interactions with Ling Li.

The tension in the air was palpable, and even the slightest misstep could spell trouble for anyone involved. Ling Li's unusual behavior set everyone on edge, and speculations ran rife among the staff, including Mushu, El Padre, and El Capitan.

As they gathered to discuss the situation, the question lingered in the air, "What could have transpired to put her in such a bad mood?" El Padre wondered and asked.

"I have no idea," Pharsa replied, shrugging her shoulders.

That's when Mushu mentioned stumbling upon a company group chat the previous day, which piqued the group's curiosity.

"Yesterday, I was browsing the company's group chats," Mushu stated.

"What group chat?"

"Each company has several group chats. I have a pseudonymous entry to the company's most exclusive group chats." Mushu disclosed that this grant him rare access to high-level discussions. He recounted a scandalous exchange among the top officials of our mining company, describing their shocking gossip about "a man being spotted entering Madam's room in nothing but shorts and without a shirt." Mushu told them.

"I read that too, but in another account," Pharsa chimed in.

The group's reaction was palpable, with El Padre expressing vehement disapproval, "How dare he!" El Padre exclaimed, referring to Four Eyes, whom everyone knew was staying on the same floor as Ling Li.

"Let me kill that bastard!" El Padre angrily spat out while pulling a gun from his waist as he stood up.



Mushu and Pharsa both yelled at the same time, their voices echoing through the hallway.

"Why are you stopping me?! That scoundrel is probably causing trouble for Madam!" El Padre exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration and concern.

"We can't be certain. Even if Four Eyes is, Madam will handle it herself. We mustn't intervene without Madam's orders," Pharsa cautioned, her tone calm and steady.

"Otherwise, we'll only be causing trouble for ourselves," Mushu added, his voice tinged with a touch of impatience. "Let's just wait for Madam to calm down. We'll learn the truth soon enough."

"Damn it," El Padre muttered, reluctantly holstering his gun.

The three of them settled at the coffee table by the foyer, positioned to keep an eye on the staircase, ensuring they wouldn't miss Ling Li's descent from her room. It was a comfortable spot for El Padre, with plenty of fresh air and enough space to indulge in his cigar.

At the same time, Mushu and Pharsa can update and maintain the camps under their supervision while seated here. In addition to managing the camps, they also receive occasional instructions from their boss through messages, which they must then execute.

Ling Li summoned Pharsa to her room. As Pharsa entered, she was greeted by Ling Li who proceeded to issue her detailed instructions and finalize the signing of contracts to be sent out.

"Madam, the entire group chat is abuzz with chatter about you. Could you shed some light on the matter?" Pharsa inquired eagerly, having just received all the necessary instructions.

Ling Li narrowed her eyes and pressed her lips together. 'That brat!' she thought once more of Four Eyes.

"Ling Li!" Pharsa called out to her. Pharsa could call Ling Li's name, especially when the conversation veered away from work matters, signifying their close bond akin to that of sisters.

"What is it?" Ling Li asked, feigning innocence.

"They are discussing you, and you seem to be ignoring it. Who is that man they are all referring to?" Pharsa pressed for an answer.

Ling Li's voice dripped with amusement as she addressed Pharsa. "Since when did I have a man? You tell me. You know me better than anyone else. How could you believe gossip? Are you even my sister!" Ling Li reprimanded Pharsa.

Pharsa, unmoved, shot back, "You! Have you ever heard of this saying? When there's smoke, there's fire. There won't be gossip if there is no source."

"Heh, since when did you get so smart?!" Ling Li stood up and waved to Pharsa, dismissing Pharsa without giving her a chance to say anything more. It was already past eleven in the evening.

****Four Eyes, whose proximity to Ling Li added an extra layer of intrigue to the unfolding drama.