And keep in mind mosquitoes are present at all times. Lastly, there are a lot of edible plants, but there are still many that are deadly to eat. For your basic knowledge, I have this book I'm giving you; try to familiarize yourself as much as possible." Mushu stated.

Everyone in the room is very attentive. They listen to the lecture and want to get all the information while looking at the pictures flashed on the screen.

"Primarily rules, avoid plants with white and yellow berries. Don't eat mushrooms; some are edible, but many are highly toxic or deadly. So why take the risk unless you are very confident of the mushroom you have.

Avoid plants with thorns. If you eat something that tastes bitter or slimy, spit it out. Steer away from shiny leaves, plants with leaves in a group of three, and plants with umbrella-shaped flowers. Also, avoid beans, plants with seeds inside a pod, and anything with an almond smell. Any milky or discolored sap is a warning sign.