It cold….the smell of caramel that salty and sweet fill my mouth, I though that I was with Lusia…yeah I was with him…

Riz open her eye and see she was standing in a white void, nothing can be see as the eye look at her surrounding. "H…ELLO!" she shout and the echo only can be heard. A clinging sound can be heard from her side, she turn to the noise and see a girl that was once know. It was her, her younger self standing in front of her. Smile sweetly to her as it walk neared her while singing a certain lullaby.

'koe wo kakete ureta ne "issho ni kaerou",

(You called out to me, didn't you? "let's go home together")

Boku wa terekusa sou ni kaban de kao wo kakushi nagara,

(While I embarrassedly hid my face with my bag,)

Totemo totemo ureshikatta yo,

(I was very, very happy.)

Chiisa na kata wo narabete aruita,

(we walked with our small shoulders lined up)

Yume wo mitsumeteita,

(We saw the same dream)

She saw her and decide to ask "Are you 'lost big sis' ?" she then giggle sweetly to her as she twirl and spinning. "I know!, perhaps you want to play me. Ohhhh…I so excited now!!" she grab Riz hand and drag her along with her. "Wait!" Riz was startled by it and she ran as well.

The both of them ran toward nowhere then suddenly the scenery surrounding them changed from the white void into a familiar place that Riz know, she never would think that she would see this place again. Not even in a million, she thought she would stand there again, it was her old house when she was little. The smell of white lilies that her mother took care of when she alive were was her mother's favorite. 'Thump…. thump….' Her heart beat faster as she ran all toward the garden that her mother love. The more it became familiar, Riz felt the more she want to stop from moving forward; she was afraid of what she will see. "Ah! Finally found you!!" the happy face and full of carefree, little Riz actually saw a dear face that she adore and she yell loudly calling the person "Mommy!!" the woman see her adorable daughter running with someone's hand being held and was dragged along. "Oh my sweetie, there you are." Little Riz let go of her hand and neared her mother, she was been patted by her mother on her head. Riz who sees the longing face that she would never see again seem sad inside her heart. Why, does she see this? It makes her heartache.

"Mommy look I found someone to play with" Little Riz remembers she found a big sis and was about to introduce her to her mother. But as she turn the big sis disappeared and can't be found. She look around to see where she went but can't seem to find the person and that make her sad. Her mother saw that her daughter was sad "There no one dear, don't be sad… Mommy here, you can play with me instead." She smile and the sad little Riz sobbed a bit and smile back.

"I remember…dad always not home and I was alone with mom." Ah.. she understands now this is her memory.

"You hate it don't you?" Lusia came out of nowhere, he standing near her as he whisper those word. He took her hand and drag her into dance. The both of them were dancing while the surrounding of them changed into different scene each time. All of it changed from one to another, each of it was the past memory of her when she growing up. A loud Walt song was been played behind as their dance step became escalated faster. Her eye looks the surroundings while they dance, and her eye was filled with tear.

"It's fascinating isn't it Riz?, let's see what you TRULY WANT !!!"

Lusia was happy, dragged her even more and he twirl their body together. 'What I want. I…' she can't even remember what she wanted right now. Eh… what did she indeed want the most? Why is she here and why can't I remember it?

The both of them stop when the music was no longer can be heard. She panted loudly, Lusia who enjoy the dance was also the same. A warm feeling came from her leg as a bubbling sound of goo can be heard sucking her. She who was regaining her consciousness was shocked that she had been swallowed in by it. Lusia who seem fine was dancing back and spinning around her. Riz try to struggle to get out of there. A field with red lilies was growing rapidly around them. Riz who was unable to do anything felt that her eye were hurt and she saw everything in red. Red…red and that what she see… It hurt, painful as she wailed in pain a sound of laughter can be heard.

She shriek from her top lung and asked for help. The dye of red that covers her eye makes her almost blind. A black-dressed little girl and boy giggled happily and said 'WHAT YOU WANT?' 'WHAT YOU NEED' as they keep chanting the same tune. 'I want…. I want…'

"I want the truth…"

'Wake…wa…wake…up….' She heard a sound, it was Evan? Isn't it? He sound sad, I didn't mean to make you sad papa.

'Did you see the little girl that Master Evan bought home?' a person whisper to another person, 'Yeah, what was he thinking… bringing a girl back and she wasn't even strong.' The other reply back and there a snickering voice from it. 'A unwanted and not even helpful at all… a pain in the ass we have to take care a someone that not even worth at all' why they said cruel thing. I didn't mean to drag you guys, I try my best I promises please give me a chance please, I beg you. Why did you guys have to be cruel to me why…

"You were worth Riz" Evan look at her and put the peach blossom into her hair. He was a very kind person, never judge her and always care about her. "They were wrong about you. Don't worry I will take care those people for you. Just close your eye…everything going to be alright." Yeah that right Evan told me be myself. But lately, I feel like I wasn't myself. There something missing. Luska who suddenly death and some of my memories seem not accurate with current situation, I feel empty. I been having this pill that Hikkun made… since when did I take it? I…can't remember why I need it? Hmmm… my head it splitting what happen?.....

She woke up in her room, she seem to be on her bed. She look outside and saw that it was dark, probably already night. She stand up and get a drink from the glass that was already been pour from the side table. She cant remember when she went back to the mansion. " I'm the one bring you back" Lusia said from inside of her. She just stay silent until Lusia decide to talk again " The contract have completed… after the ritual I bring you back by take over your body. Time to time I might have to do it again." She just nodded, she seem to be in her thought and was in her own world. Lusia decide to stay quite until he see that she was walking toward the balcony and was looking at the moon that's shine brightly as it was lighting up the night.

She begin to sing the same song as the one that the little her was singing as she finish the song a tear fell from her eye was wetting her cheek. She took out something from her pocket and it was neckless with a crystal been tight at it. The crystal was been held high as she look from it to see the moon. It glisters and shine a aurora from it, inside the crystal there were writing 'Till we meet again'. Indeed, she mumbles those word "Till we meet again Luska."

It seem she finally knows what she wanted the most.