“Are you, Angela, ready to beg for it? Will you entrust your gratifications to me?” He pinched a breast.
A yes escaped through her lips. Ouch, hey that's cheating.
Yet he continued. A second dash to the other nipple has her whimpering out a yes.
“Still can't hear you.”
He gritted out.
Reaching downward, he inserts his middle finger into her core, maneuvering between her clitoris and labia, fingering her pussy with determined velocity.
The lady is in a pile of bliss, at the junction of ecstasy. She twists, legs gripping his hands, greedy for more. Tears of pleasures slide to coat the bedspread as she swings her head, left to right, scared to experience further euphoria but unwilling to unclasp his fingers.
Such a muscular arm. The other worked to open her up, her limbs convulse.
Still, Rex kept on his dominance, nipple pinching, sucking, and slapping her bouncing breasts. He was all over her, groping without asking. When her arousal sought more, she freed her state of mind, ultimately addressing him as her sir.
“YES… Yes. Oh! Jeez, I would. Please, climb me, rub, do it to my core’s release, sir… Sir?”
That drew Rex's attention. He puts a pause to teasing her body. Using his palms, he lifts her chin up to meet with his gaze.
“Little butterfly, that's not how this works. To make you climax, my dick would pound into your unused pussy. When it gets to your hymen, it will tear it apart, bringing a sting of pain before it gives pleasures.”
“Drill into it. Heck, your hands are working it. Climb already. Rub your heat to align with my arousal.”
Rex sighs. At twenty-nine, she still doesn't know it's more than rubbing.
18+ and above.
A few weeks prior
Everyone has always scorned Angela, or so she thought.
Reaching a breaking point and about giving up on job hunting without achieving success. A twist of fate brings Jeremy, her buddy, to rescue her diminishing passion.
After the long call between the pair, his suggestion motivates Angela to apply for a position at Rex-field, to the same company Jeremy works for.
This time, though, she is determined to put forth a renewed effort to get hired.
Sounds easy?
Envision being nervous, palms sweating and dripping to the surface of a keyboard.
Angela moves to wipe the sweat off her hands, right on her skirt, and yet anew. Her face, a visible picture of apprehension. The tension that comes with writing to the topmost successful communication companies in sleek-city.
Yup, thought so too.
She has always marveled at Rex-field’s facility. With its proud walls, the building stands tall. It has long tugged at her thoughts, to be a part of its servitude. However, inadequate esteem that stemmed from past rejections kept her glued mind-limited from reaching out to a heightened dream.
Still, she can't believe Jeremy talked her into giving this a shot.
“Nope, I must not think low of my abilities. Jeremy thinks I'm worthy. I know I am enough. I trust I will receive a positive response this time.”
With mind made up, the lady keyed in the first alphabet to what would later become her application to Rex-field.
The next day, she and her roommates reviewed the words of the letter. It read simple, highlighting Angela's adaptability. A skill useful for work management.
Now, all that's left to be done is for her to find the courage to send the documents to Rex-field’s mailing address.
“Girl, hit the button. Dispatch and wait for their response.”
“What do you mean she should forward without reviewing if her draft is up to Rex-field's standard?”
Maya, just how many times do we have to go through the paperwork? The expressions are in rhythm, her skill preferences recruit-able. Girl, are you sure your ex fiancé didn't pull a string on your career, erm… what was his name again?
“Ben? You think Benedict is behind her job hunting failures?”
“Me? I'm just saying the male is influential. But don't you dare let that derail you, Angie? Remember, be prepared to slay this time.”
“Hold on to that thought, Amelia. Can you try to not forget, those declines could have incurred her a lowered esteem. What if she doesn't get accepted? Wouldn't that further urge her to give up?”
“Alright, Maya, your opinion is relatable. Still, differentiate between accepting failures and the need to create improvised chances. If Angie chooses not to send in this request, she has everything to lose. However, if she clicks on the forward button, she generates the opportunity to market her skills to an employer.”
“Amelia, you are wrong,”
“Oh no, girl, you are the discouraging one.”
“Me? I'm preventing her from further depression… do you find it humorous to always come home to meet her crying?”
“So what? Those were lessons, not a means to an end.”
“Angela, don't listen to her or Jeremy. If the other companies couldn't recruit you, what makes you think Rex-field will contemplate your resume?”
Gosh, the two voices above belong to Angela's friends. Though they sound like the devil and angelic forms of her existence, she, however, appreciates both.
It's true she fears becoming rejected anew, but Jeremy's call rekindled her zeal. Oh, how demanding and yet passionate she feels when composing words to life. Staying without a job this long, her hands could grow rusty.
The application on her laptop’s screen sends Angela's thoughts in conflict. Still torn between the known and the unknown, closing her eyes, she made a wish before keying her growth door toward accessibility.
“Now, can you two please knock it off?” she spoke loud to them. Her shouting was intense enough to gain their attention, but a glimpse of their faces, Angela, brings her puppy eyes to display.
“Tell me you didn't send that in to get scorned again?”
“Well, yes I did. It's done. I will either become accepted or face another rejection. Who perceives?” she replied, shuddering her shoulders together.
Her roommates stared at her. Although she's yet to gain employment, there remains a secret, one she couldn't tell her friends. She's a dreamer of good tidings. Being optimistic, she knows it's appropriate to let the doors of opportunities open, than not to put a foot forward.
“Look, Maya, I understand your concern. However, Amelia is right this time. It's best to send an application than to conclude, Rex-field will also decline my request for an interview.”
“See right there? That's the helluva spirit. But excuse me, just what did you mean I'm being assertive about this?”
Amelia asked, not finding it funny. Angela, however, squinted her eyes, aiming for the unfriendly appearance at her.
“Before you two can get to argue who is correct or wrong, could you both pause and allow us toast to Angela's resilience?”
Maya spoke, diminishing the growing tension between the pair. A look at what her hands presented has Angela and Amelia gasp out their surprise.
“Maya, you didn't have to bring your cherished wine to have us celebrate what could become another job rejection.” Angela asserted.
“of course, I know I didn't support you sending out the letter, and you two might be the most shitty friends a girl gets. Still, you're also the best buddies life has privileged me to roll with. I wasn't saving it for myself, but for the day we deserve to share it with merriment.” or to suck up to you, Angela, should the big company hire you, Maya mumbled only to herself.
“Isn't this gift a valuable treasure of hers? Angela, she spent over fifteen years guiding it. No way, this feels awkward to crack its cork open.”
“Maya, you couldn't bring yourself to burst this bottle on your birthday last weekend, don't on my applications… ”
“Which part of my speech did you not note? Girls, grab a glass and quit stalling.”
Amelia was right again, Angela noted. This was too big a gift coming from Maya. She's always protective of this wine. According to her, she's been securing the drink as long as she was a teen. It's a lasting memory she has of her family and the one thing that survived their household fire, on the day she lost her parents.