Queen of Breakups

Jiang Siming, who initially wanted to refuse, found that the other person kept repeatedly inviting him.

In other words, from the time he drank the potion to the time he went to the bathroom for a shower, the other person had been waiting, at least for an hour had passed.

The other person had been waiting for him the whole time, at least for the past hour.

In Dumb little Sister's livestream...

Normally carefree and always smiling, Dumb little Sister had lost her smile.

She hadn't started the game, just staring blankly at the game lobby interface under 'Recent Games' on the right side.

Her mouse kept clicking and refreshing behind the ID 'Ming', repeatedly sending invitations.

She kept doing this for an hour, doing nothing else, just waiting for Jiang Siming.

Even though many viewers in the livestream were getting impatient, she didn't want to give up.

"It's been an hour already, are we playing or not? If not, I'm unsubscribing!"

"Douyu streamer dazing in the livestream, making millions per month."

"Newcomers look confused, asking what's wrong with Dumb little Sister today, did she get upset by someone?"

"It looks like Dumb little Sister has fallen in love, look at her eyes, they're red."

"Oh no, the old lady seems to be really in love, look at how teary-eyed she is."

"Wow, breaking news on Douyu, the old lady fell for a random pro player 'Ming'!"

Reading these comments, Dumb little Sister felt a bit uneasy.

Internally, she was questioning herself, could she really like Jiang Siming?

But she had only played one game with Jiang Siming, how could she possibly like him!

Then why was she obsessively waiting for his reply?

An hour had passed, and Brother Ming still hadn't accepted her invitation. Did he really dislike her...

Dumb little Sister, her mind all muddled, felt extremely aggrieved, her nose tingling with the threat of tears.

Luckily, her best friend ran over at that moment and apologized to the audience, saying:

"Dumb little isn't feeling well today, so the livestream will end here, sorry everyone, see you later."

While speaking, her friend closed her livestream.

This was the most rational way to handle it. If she continued, Dumb little Sister would definitely lose followers.

Besides, she was so absent-minded right now, she couldn't continue the livestream anyway.

With the livestream off, Dumb little Sister finally couldn't hold back and quietly cried on the table.

"Dumb Dumb, don't cry, it's nothing, if he doesn't agree, it's because he doesn't know how to appreciate, there's nothing to be sad about." Her friend hurried to console her.

Choked up, Dumb little Sister confided in her best friend:

"Er Qian, I'm feeling something for a boy for the first time, but he seems to dislike me, sniff..."

"I know, I know, don't be sad, failed first loves are good, you'll gain experience and meet someone better in the future."

Her friend's comfort didn't do much, Dumb little Sister's mood was still not good.

Feeling upset, she shut down her computer and lay down on the bed for a while.

Little did she know, at the moment she turned off her computer, someone entered her game lobby, but Dumb little Sister didn't see.

After accepting the invitation, Jiang Siming found that the other party was offline.

After waiting for a while and not seeing the other person come online, he left the team and played solo.

After Dumb little Sister ended her stream, Douyu started a new round of news.

Renowned streamer Dumb little Sister falls for a random gamer, invites him to duo, waits for an hour with no response and sadly ends the stream - instantly becoming hot news on Douyu.

Moreover, the male lead in the news was none other than 'Ming', who had stirred up a bit of news yesterday.

Two pieces of news in a row were related to Jiang Siming, and there were many discussions about his identity on Douyu's forums.

There were even many of Dumb little Sister's die-hard fans wanting to track down Jiang Siming to stand up for their streamer.

After all, she was a popular female streamer with a large number of fans. Her gossip was something Douyu's viewers were eager to see.

Moreover, Dumb little Sister wasn't leaning on any wealthy person, just a random player she'd never met before.

The video of the two playing together circulated on the forums, showing no signs of any monetary transaction or mutual benefits.

This pure relationship made many viewers look at Dumb little Sister in a new light, contradicting the notion that all female streamers were money-driven and only attached to wealthy patrons.

Dumb little Sister's actions clearly proved her innocence and won her many viewers' hearts.

But Jiang Siming, who didn't pay much attention to livestreams, was unaware of all this.

Playing games until the afternoon, Jiang Siming temporarily stopped playing.

He went out to deposit the hundred thousand credits he had earned in the bank, transferring it to his dad's bank card.

"Son, why did I receive a transfer notification on my bank card, a whole hundred thousand, did the bank make a mistake?" Jiang's father called, inquiring about the matter.

Jiang Siming, enjoying the breeze by Huangpu River in Shanghai, leaned against the railing, smiling as he replied over the phone, "It's true, Dad, I transferred it to you."

"How did you suddenly earn so much money? Son, you didn't do anything illegal, did you?" Jiang's father asked suspiciously.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but laugh, saying, "Dad, don't you understand your son? Am I capable of doing anything wrong?"

"What about this money? Explain it clearly, otherwise, see how I deal with you when you're back home!" Jiang's father questioned seriously.

Jiang Siming quickly explained, making up a reason, saying he sold a house today and this was the agent fee.

This explanation dispelled Jiang's father's doubts, making him happy again.

"Well, you don't have to give it all to me, keep some for yourself, I'll transfer it back to you."

"No need, Dad, I still have tens of thousands here, it's enough for me. You keep this money, spend it wherever needed. Sister hasn't bought new clothes in a year, let Mom get her a few outfits. She's almost entering high school, she needs proper nutrition. Mom also, she lost weight the last time I visited."

"Don't worry, Dad will use this money, or save it. You'll need it in the future, whether for my marriage or buying a house."

Jiang's father talked about how even if the family was in difficulties, he still thought about his son's future.

"Marriage? Don't worry, Dad, when your son gets married in the future, if the girl only wants riches, demands a house and car, I'll immediately dump her." Jiang Siming half-jokingly said.

"Oh, you can't say that. If the girl follows you, having a house is expected, otherwise, how can you make her happy, silly child." Jiang's father was very open-minded.

"Don't worry, Dad, if the money runs out, I'll make more. Your son has that ability, so relax and spend it as you like."

"Alright, stop talking, Dad knows how to arrange things. Hang up, the call's getting expensive."

After reminding Jiang Siming to take care of himself and rest well, Jiang's father hung up.

Actually, every time Jiang Siming called home, Jiang's father would hang up first and then call back, just to save some phone bill for his son.

This time, Jiang Siming decided to buy two smartphones for his parents when he went home and teach them how to use them, so they wouldn't worry about making phone calls.

After hanging up, Jiang Siming looked at the night scene by the Huangpu River, determined to work hard and make his family live a good life!"