How could a dead person listen?

There was an air of incredulity at the perceived incompetence or lack of understanding that prompted the cutting remark before she confusedly asked.

"But, Lord," came the hesitant reply, "she is dead. How could a dead person listen?" The words trembled in the air, a mix of uncertainty.

"They do listen. For 2 minutes, the heart; for 20 minutes, the brain; and for 4 hours, the eyes. Whatever those eyes show to the brain during those 20 minutes." I stop for a moment and continue. "After the brain sees the wicked faces of their loved ones, it would surely torment them, transforming them into vengeful spirits."

"I apologize, my Lord, and congratulations on reaching the True Acquired realm," she says, attempting to change the subject, but her congratulations seemed genuine, so I ignored it.

"Your acting was phenomenal. Even though I understand it was acting, witnessing the vulnerability of the True Acquired realm against an Elemental five Qi realm expert makes me feel..." I pause and continue, "Forget it and remove your mask, change your body structure and voice back to normal."

She quickly complies to my command and pose a worrying Question.

"Lord, the problem is much larger than we anticipated. The Round Table is involved. It's the highest authority of the Parliament, representing the Three Great Theocracies."

"Yeah, Even I can't believe NígulasI Qiuchill himself is targeting us."

"Forget it. The worry can't bring a solution to the problem and only makes it appear to be bigger than they are. I need to practice Qi telekinesis and become better at repulsion and redirection with it. I need to learn to have good and firm control of that Telekinetic shield. I couldn't even use it in a fight against you."

"I understand, My lord, but mastering such an ability might be unnecessary. It'll become as natural as breathing with time as you progress. Instead, investing time in martial arts training and formation arts would be more beneficial."

Useless, huh? She's technically correct. Qi telekinesis is limited to redirecting, moving, and lifting things. It becomes ineffective against higher-realm martial artists who will always have higher prowess in Qi telekinesis and can easily outpace it with their Higher prowess in Formation arts and Martial arts. there's a reason people prefer Formation arts and martial arts.

Though these primitive Murim people often focus more on martial arts because mastering good and formidable formation arts is nearly impossible. Well, I was made to learn all sort of good and formidable formation arts at just one to 3 years old in this life So it was easier.

And in easier terms, I would say, 'A single formation art of a reputable sect is worth and nearly infinite difficult to learn than the entire native literature of the Blue Star I once belonged to.' (This includes all imaginable and possible subjects possible belonging to PhD and postdoctoral level.)

"Didn't you use Telekinetic shield against us to redirect the Android attack just now?"

"Lord, as an expert in the elemental five Qi realm I can simply manipulate the entire structure of the Qi-Element inside them and completely deconstruct them at the molecular level. I only used a Telekinetic shield to not make things too difficult."

Monstrous strength! As expected of the Elemental five Qi realm expert. Prime Qi-Doll 13 can easily release energy in a magnitude greater than the energy output of the stars over Nonillion of years old, easily surpassing even the total energy released in gamma- Death ray bursts.

"Ok ok, I understand. All you people care about strength, don't you? I wish to practice it because I believe It will make me cheerful and give me joy."

"But my Lord, Isn't strength the ultimate need and only reason to do this? Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we can only persevere and endure it through strength"

"You didn't take any lesson from what happened, did you? You're technically correct but didn't you listen to the last words of the maid?"

"Pardon my lord, I did listen to it."

"Wrong. You only heard it, but did you really listen to her last words? Let me ask you a question: If Cloud roars and Mother Nature sings, if you don't listen, can you truly hear?"

She looked at me without blinking and I could tell she was utterly confused. Her face was showing no expression though. Maybe I posed too profound of a question for her to comprehend. My fault.

"You see you're right. Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving. It's like an ever-increasing continuous struggle. You could say it is full of suffering if we don't succeed. But Did you not hear the last word of the Head Maid? It was full of regret. In her daily life, she didn't pay attention to subtle but significant things around her, as she was always preoccupied with foolish desires and treacherous thoughts and never lived in the present, in the moment. What a foolish life she led. A life devoid of happiness and full of pain."

This time her expression wasn't of wordlessness, like a tattered dress.

"All hail, Lord". Suddenly Guards screamed in unity with a loud voice interrupting our conversation.

"You all are finally out of Illusion formation?"

"For what are you apologizing?"

"We took time to get out of the illusion formation"

"No worry, I asked you to remove your mental protection and Lose yourself in illusion so we could fool that Maid, or she would have easily seen through our act. Good job, I'm impressed."

It was an Illusion formation that controlled all 5 senses while exponentially increasing the Rage within them and They still were able to control themselves and come out of the illusion on their own. What Amazing Talent. I really feel pity for them.

"Any one of you go and cut That treacherous woman's head and bury it in the ground. Also, perform some rites for her so She would not become a dream corpse."

One of the soldiers asked, "What about the body?"

"There are so many man-eating Beast in here. leave it for them. They should get some reward for being intelligent enough to not dare to attack us but just observe. We'll be leaving now all of you go and Make preparation."

"Squad leader, You also may leave and make preparations for departure and from now on Your name will be Acantha. This name was originally for you but I just decided to give it to that maid as she would have been dead anyway."

"As you wish, My lord". She said while showing no expression.

' hmm I liked her obedience, I never liked people who can't understand things at one go, especially dumb.

"System you can see my memory, but You fail to see complexity. I liked them all at one point in time of relationship and cherished each of those relationships equally. It was so beautiful and joyful to stay with them that I could lay down my entire life for them but Everything is impermanent. I was always the type to live in the present. We met, We loved, We enjoyed the moment but then Love simply dried out, and I left. Why live in misery and ruin those beautiful moments you spend together? It was better for them and I did it for them for their own good and I also provided them with sufficient financial support."

I answer it and thank myself that I had visualized beforehand various fake scenarios and lived in thousands of different lucid dreams, ensuring it can only see some good qualities of mine through my memory. However my crimes are endless, they can't be hidden completely.

"C'mon System, Don't be so hard on me, In the later portion of my life, I used to only engage in sugar dating or some Transactional one-time with prostitutes, but I understand what you're saying. I'll work on it and will not do the same thing."

This fucking AI blue screen hid its sentience quite well. Thank Ji Yan I am cautious. Deep breath—deep breath. I'm calm now.It seems there is more to this system or is it evolving? It never talked to me like this. It's talking to me like how my Father and Girl best friend used to talk to me. It's maybe adopting personalities from people who used to guide me and were a positive influence on me by seeing my memory. Thank heaven, for this system can't read my thoughts due to...

"Lord all preparations are made and all Qi-Dolls that were destroyed have been brought back to life". Acantha told me.

"Then Let's depart for Taharka kingdom. You ready Prime Qi-Doll 13?"

"Departure for the Taharka Kingdom is confirmed. All security protocols have been verified. All preparations Completed. All systems report optimal functionality. Initiating departure sequence promptly."