Truth, the kind that's unattainable at this moment, is nothing but a source of headaches.

"By the stars, what just happened?" Anu Anu Anu's voice echoed, laced with shock. "He wasn't supposed to breeze through the trial that fast," disbelief vivid in his eyes.

"Indeed, quite unexpected given his temperament and the dark deeds in the first trial," remarked the old woman with big boobs and great ass said, her widened eyes reflecting astonishment, her furrowed brow etched with disbelief.

They rose from their seats, lazily advancing into the premises through flying chairs and carpets, perhaps due to laziness, advanced age, or, dare I say, an advanced monkey-like brain. Fools.


------------Anu Anu Anu.

------------Anu Anu Anu.

------------Anu Anu Anu.

----------Gichu nag

-----------Carl Leo Stien V

The intense amount of envy and jealousy is directed toward the host by

Bonus Achievement points have been rewarded.


I like 'em for their smarts, you know? They're sharp, with no discrimination there, which speaks volumes about their wisdom. Ain't no phonies or buffoons, I'd say.

Anyhow, As I slowly unfurled my eyelids, a golden light emitted from within me, suffusing the immediate surroundings with an otherworldly luminosity that captivated every corner it touched.

Glancing around, I observed Smarties and Buffoons everywhere, all geared up for this trial, seemingly having prepared their entire lives for it, yet somehow, still falling.

"Alter your darn memories and fortify your mind against the influence of the four great evils," I pondered quietly, observing their senseless folly.

Prince Carl Leo Stien V took measured steps toward me, his approach deliberate. With a composed demeanor, he softly pronounced, "Congratulations," his tone carrying an air of formality slightly beyond what seemed intended.

Acknowledging his words, I responded with a factual observation. "It seems the trial's completion is approximately an hour away, and we're bound within the premises until its conclusion,"

"Ah, yes, milor... I mean, Jack Gautama," he stuttered, swiftly correcting himself. He continued " Each passing second feels like an eternity," He said trying to strike up a conversation and please me.

His attempts to navigate our conversation were pitiable

"Patience is truly a virtue worth nurturing." I tell him "It grants you others respect."

"Yes, milord... I mean, Jack Gautama," he replied, discomfort evident in his voice.

"Say it," I urged. "Don't pretend ignorance; simply say it."

"Say it," I said "Don't feign ignorance, Just say it"

"Jack Gautama," he finally articulated, though unease still lingered in the tone of his voice.

"Have you got something else in mind too? Just spill it out; I won't go around in circles," I tell him annoyingly but still in a reassuring tone.

"I beg forgiveness, my lord, for I have failed to dispatch that uncouth Brute," he conveyed telepathically.

"No need to worry about it," I say.

"In the end, that foolish cicada is nothing but a pawn needed to lure the mantis," I say plainly "And Have some confidence, You're a prince of this kingdom and a 17-year-old adult," I say with my true voice tinged with a touch of resolve and charm.

"Yes, yes, yes, I mean, yes, milord," he said telepathically, appearing hypnotized and with a red blush on his face completely forgetting what I said before. Fool.

"You appear to harbor self-doubt and look down on yourself despite being the prince. Would you care to share?" I inquire. "I'll offer assistance if it falls within my capabilities."

"It's nothing trivial, Milord." He says looking down "I can't trouble you for this."

"You have the right to keep silent, Silence is a virtue that everyone should have but sometimes it can become poisonous," I remarked "We are comrades, perhaps like brothers if fate wills it, I'll keep confidentiality"

"Even as a prince, you understand right? That this excessive courtesy doesn't befit your stature. I am a city lord, though my status is just like your father, but I'm not the emperor nor the Theocracy apostles or sages," I added, emphasizing the importance of confidence and dignity in his position.

He hesitated momentarily, however with a few words of reassurance and a bit of persuasion, he vomited everything—unloading the bottomless pit of insecurity residing in what we commonly refer to as the mind to reveal his past.

I need to help him but only to the extent of reassuring him and some advice. He'll be a very loyal and useful person in this part of the continent

'What the hell is this, This isn't an obsession rooted in love but it's rooted in deep-seated insecurity,' I say inwardly regretting not manipulating the formation. "I should have manipulated this footage too."

'System, while I harbor no current hatred toward anyone, an inner yearning for peace persists within me and I am aware that I can only achieve it when I serve you as dinner menu to your so-called creator at gunpoint and feed him' I articulate to the system calmly.

It became silent. Does that mean I could potentially serve it as dinner one day?

Ah, the capability of the system is indeed fascinating. It can take the human form. I need to reevaluate my plan if it has many features it hasn't disclosed to me.

Since as a king(Royal Capital City lord), I only have appointive and supervision power where I can only Appoint authorities or private players to administer or do business and as a child, I can only leave most of the matters to Provincial leaders.

I can't act too smart but only apply this brat-bookish language to suggest policies and ideas since I can't have the Provincial leader doubt my identity. In the end, Guard didn't question my recent act due to the oath, loyalty, and brainwashing.

Hui Ying didn't question my identity since my soul and memory are completely fused with this brat hence there is no difference between us other than the different experiences both of us accumulated.

Wait, am I this brat with past life memories or just a police officer who's somehow transmitted into this body? I mean, this system could deceive me as well.

"Truth, the kind that's unattainable at this moment, is nothing but a source of headaches," I consoled myself.

Since I can't do much here, I should go to lower human realms after this.

"Lord, it's—" Prince began, but I swiftly intervened, signaling the presence of guests and cutting off his sentence.