Warm bottle of chocolate milk caught my eye.

Alone in my chamber, I allowed myself a moment of quiet reflection, the events of the day replaying in my mind. I removed the Imperial veil that concealed my face and pushed aside the unknown head lying on my table.

It was unrecognizable.

Taking a deep breath, I welcomed the air into my lungs, creating a haven for contemplation. The weight of today's events pressed down on me.

I commanded shadow guards of mine, who always followed me but camouflaged themselves in the environment to not be a bother------to attend to the table where a trace of red sauce seemed to have spilled.

They gazed at the table in surprise as if there was no red sauce, exchanging a silent question with their eyes before complying with my command without further inquiry, and promptly cleaning the table.

Yearning for refuge, I eased into the welcoming embrace of a cushioned chair, the opulent velvet enveloping my fatigued body, offering solace amid my weariness.


Did I sleep?

What time is it?

Sleeping in a chair brought back memories; I chuckled.

A warm bottle of chocolate milk caught my eye.

I felt a surge of happiness knowing my shadow guards must have left it for me. They were so considerate, always lingering in the background. I couldn't visually spot them, so I relied on my combined Qi sense and system powers to detect their presence.

"Thanks for this," I telepathically conveyed my gratitude. "You didn't tamper with it, did you?"

In response, they seemed to make a move, likely to clarify their innocent intentions.

"Stay right there. Just kidding," I reassured them.

Finishing up the chocolate milk, I prepared to head to bed. However, something felt off.

The bottle that was supposed to be now empty appeared completely full. Odd.

I decided to test my instincts and pulled out a knife from my Spatial ring, slightly wounding my right hand.

A bucket of blood dropped out.

Now this was funny since this should not have been the case.

I inspected the bottle and glass again; they seemed to be empty, as they should.

"It's probably just my imagination," I reasoned, given I saw an empty bottle again after getting clarity from stabbing myself.

I focused my attention on the bottle, making sure everything was as it should be before my hand healed.

"Hui, this was all your fault. You made me harm myself," I muttered.

Not receiving any messages directed at me, I assumed Hui wasn't observing me at that moment through those peculiar 18 formations she had placed on me.

As I moved towards the bed, I stashed away the cleaned knife within my inventory instead of putting it into the spatial ring.

Slight clink.

A series of alarming sounds followed – clatter, crash, smash, thud, crack.

I had turned off the lamp and candles; I had no intention of checking what sound it was, so I summoned my shadow guards to investigate. Strangely, there was no response from them.

I attempted to contact my tall, big-haired, dark Squad leader, Acantha (who had taken over the role of head maid too and hence must always be available to me).

I was met with unexpected silence.

What time was it, again?

I utilized my Qi sense and discovered shattered glass and remnants of a bottle scattered across the floor. It appeared they had fallen off somehow.

Questions swirled in my mind. How did this happen?

Ignoring the spilled milk, I attempted to sense any emotions or cues from the system directed toward me.

"System?" I called out, receiving no response.

"What the fuck is happening?" I exclaimed in frustration, my confusion and agitation showing on my face, if not in my mood.



A sound came from the door of the Royal Guest chamber I was resting in, which was getting faster and faster. A sound that was getting louder and louder.

The persistent rap at the door grew increasingly urgent with each passing moment.

I used my Qi sense and found nobody past the door.

I then heightened my hearing to detect any sort of heartbeat and found nobody past the door.

I slowly walk toward the gate.

But as I walk towards it the sound slows down.

I come closer to the door, keeping ready one hand to open the door for, a second to feel the heartbeat.

I keep it on the door and feel the soul. It was horrifying, It didn't seem humane. I could feel it, hear it.

"NoNoNoNoNoNo" voice protested

I wash away my smile which appeared, opening the door.


It was empty. I spot no one in my sight.

An unsettling tingling sensation enveloped me, leaving me completely frustrated "Who the fuck disturbed my sleep?"

I went back, seeing the bottle and glass not broken.

Well, they shouldn't be broken since they are made up of diamonds crafted by beings from the Lower Svartalfheim realm. A rush of happiness comes to me as I realize that my Glasses are made from Vitranium metal which doesn't exist naturally in the world, unlike the ubiquity of diamonds in the universe.

They are also crafted by the Middle Svartalfheim realm Dwarves.

Ting Ting

As morning unfolded, I found myself seated on the chair, evidently having dozed off there. Acantha draped a warm yet lightweight blanket over me, its fabric undeniably of superior quality.

Surveying the room, I observed the absence of both bottle, glass, and any remnants from the previous night, causing me to dismiss what had occurred as some peculiar dream.

System? I summoned it inwardly.

Its demeanor and address seemed different now. The satisfaction derived from tormenting Obanma had fulfilled three of my objectives.

Acantha inquired if I required her to give me relief.

I declined.

"Is there anything on my agenda for today?" I inquired.

"No, Milord," she replied.

"Excellent. Have you made preparations for going to the lower realm?"

"Yes, Milord. Which realm would you like to grace your presence with?"

"I'd go to Lower realm Hd 509c"

"Understood Milord"

'By who?' I ask inwardly.

I've met her twice through a video calling mirror. Brat used to care about her but I don't like her.

"I'd like to go take a stroll outside," I tell Acantha as I run my hand through my hair.

I ask her to activate Cleaning formation since I don't have time to stroll around Bathing.

I was completely flushed with water and daycare treatment.

I get out of it and wear my Imperial Clothes.

My imperial robe is crafted from the finest silk, woven with intricate patterns in adee in a deep shade of sapphire blue.

I read the news of my Gandhara Jianghu and Got ready to leave.


The closer I am to the subject, the more stat points I achieve. The more intense the emotion, the higher the stat points.

So is this the restaurant where she is dining? The stats point I'm getting here is increasing.

I don't want to meet her. I'm a human and we humans are created in the image of Allah Kabber and her parasitic species is created in our image by Allah Kabeer.

This is why I don't like the idea of marriage with a vampire and my intel tell me that all vampires are a bunch of inbred products of kidnapping rapists mothers.

If not for the fact that our marriage symbolized union between Middle realms Vampires and Upper realm Humans. I could do something about it.

Nevertheless, I anticipate gaining substantial power since her lineage is tied to the Immortal world of the upper realm despite her being the princess of the Middle.
