Mr Grumpy IV

Because I was naked, if he carried me differently, my intimate parts would rub against him and be visible to everyone else. The prospect of any other person seeing me exposed under makes me very similar and I wildly look around in alert, realizing that anybody could see me without warning. "Alejandro. I can't risk having these people see my bare coochie if I do something." I hiss. He moves toward the pool's edge with a few curses under his breath as a frustrated sound comes from the back of his throat. My eyes broaden, does he truly believe I will get out and streak this large number of individuals? Sure he's irritated with me yet he couldn't really place me in a circumstance like that. I'm going to shout at him however at that point he talks, surprising me totally with his order. "Fold your legs over my abdomen." As I look up at him, my face gets hot and I swear my entire body blushes. He moves uncomfortably as he clears his throat and keeps his gaze above my head. "Just... Attempt to get it far from contacting me." I do as he tells me to do when I realize he's serious, and he lets me latch onto him with his hands lightly grabbing my hips. I loosely wrap my legs around his hips, making sure to keep my private parts away from him, only now realizing that he has bare chest. I then wrap my hands around his neck. I am shielded from one side by his body as he begins to move, and from the other I am shielded from the pool ledge. Also, his hands and look are anyplace however my body. Awkward.... I do a good job of keeping my bare coochie away from his torso, and we don't talk as he moves. That is until somebody shouts "Cannonball!" and swoops down behind Alejandro into the void.. I get pushed up against the ledge as he shifts. My butt scratches against the side of the pool yet that is not what makes them heave out and enlarging my eyes. When my exposed puss makes contact with his lower abdomen's skin, that is the moment. While Alessio's face constricts into a strained expression, I flush out of total mortification. He doesn't move, though. I blink, expecting him to move, but he does not. He stands like a hard rock. "Allow it a second." He inhales, and we stay like that until the pool clears up behind him. His movements cause my body to slightly glide up and down, and I cringe as my front skims his lower abdomen. I instinctively loosen my legs around his waist so that my pussy isn't flush against him. I reluctantly look up to see that he has a tight jaw and looks uncomfortable whenever he looks somewhere other than at me. It suggests to me that he is most likely dissatisfied with the circumstance and me. Be that as it may, it isn't my shortcoming. He could have handled this differently, which didn't bother me because it brought me closer to him. I blink up at him while encircling his neck with my arms. "I didn't lie." I let him know in a soft whisper that I was actually telling the truth when I said I wasn't the best swimmer. He moves quickly towards my two-piece bottoms, a light murmur sounding from his chest against mine while as yet declining to check me out. "I've got that." We get far enough into the profound end where my swimsuit bottoms are a couple of feet from us, a careless. behind a gathering. Once more, his hands reach my hips, sending tingles up my spine. "Wait here and turn around." He mutters and I agree, grasping onto the edge and pivoting. "I'll be right back." Before swimming off, his low voice rings in my ear from behind. I squirm in discomfort when I sense his absence behind me, but it only lasts a split second before the warmth of his body covers mine from behind. "Here." He says this as his steamy breath drips down my neck. I crane my head around, my grasp on the edge fixes as my feet hang into the profound end. "Umm. I believe I will require a little assistance getting them on except if you have any desire to return me to the shallow end." I say it in a muddle. It's tranquil until I hear him murmur. "Alright I won't look I'm about to have to go down and get them on." He says, and I acknowledge his respect with a nod. It requires a moment before I feel his fingers on my calves as he fires sliding the material up my legs. I'm enticed to crush my legs together for I feel his fingertips frequently brush my uncovered skin. However I will myself to quiet down. His hands hurry to pull them over my butt, and I even hear a little moan of help pass his lips, before he begins tying the string at my hip. "Maybe you ought to stop wearing these kinds of things." He grunts and looks down at me. I wouldn't have done it if I had known you were going to push me into the pool, where I would have nearly drowned. I respond as I watch his big hands work on my hip knot. I can hear him laughing out loud. "Also you almost streaked this large number of unfortunate kids." I turn to glare at him, but as the reality of what just happened hits and embarrassment tints my cheeks, my response becomes stuck in my throat. "Be quiet." His eyes gleam to my cheeks and his lips jerk. "The Principessa's humiliated, huh?" He hums, then gently pinches my reddened cheek as the action continues. As he smiles down at me, I narrow my eyes. Extremely bothered to answer, I quickly pivot and hold onto the last option prior to moving out while he laughs behind me. I only turn to see him still in the pool staring at me when his laughter stops. "You coming?" I ask. He makes a sound as if to speak, quickly shaking his head and turning away prior to swimming away without a word. I furrow my brows because I wasn't sure what I did this time to upset him, but I was too tired and hungry to give him any more attention. As a result, I turned away.