27- My first kiss

Juliano: Stop right there - The teacher says cutting the scene, if it is possible to cut the scene in theater. - Something is happening with you today. Loise, why don't you keep your eyes on Amber? Where's the chemistry! - He says and Loise closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. Why did she decide to get involved in that?

Loise: Can I go get some air? - The girl asks and leaves the room, even without the teacher's permission.

Amber: Loise! - Amber shouts and stops the girl in the hallway.

Loise: What's wrong, Amber?

Amber: What's wrong with you? - She asks - Talk to me.

Loise: I'm nervous, Amber! - She exclaims. - I can't act with you and know that I'm going to have to... Amber: What, Loise?