An Empire Without The North, and The South, and East?

Acantha looked at her father when they arrived at their own home. They went straight to his office, and she sat in one of the chairs.

"Father, isn't it impulsive to say those words to the Empress? And what about the Emperor? Isn't he one of your closest friends?" Acantha said to her father as the latter poured some wine on his glass that was on his table.

"That wasn't impulsive; I knew them when we were kids; Helena was even your mother's closest friend, as the Klartis family rarely attends any ball." The duke said as he sipped on his glass.

"Besides, I don't want her to treat you like that; you are a Solaris, as well as a Klartis, you came from; I just don't like the way she insulted you just to favor the Abellardes. Now let us see how the Empire stands without our support," he said as he looked at his glass and played with the wine.