The One

The one who knows of the 'one' can never become the 'one,' for to know the 'one' is to forfeit the privilege of becoming it. The one who wishes to be the 'one' will likewise fail, for a wish is but a plea for a reality that does not exist.

Yet, to even wish for the 'one' demands knowledge of its existence—a paradox, for one cannot know of existence while defying it.

But… defy existence is to challenge the fates themselves.

And to tempt the fates is to provoke reality.


…the one who becomes reality's enemy cannot be the 'one,' for the 'one' must walk in favor with the fates.

To truly become the 'one,' one MUST remain unaware of the 'one'.

But upon becoming the 'one'... becomes bound, a captive of destiny, as existence coils and orbits around the 'one,' ensnaring it within the very essence it sought to transcend.
