"FUCK!" I scampered away as I heard the approaching sound of ryquins.
I couldn't tell how many they were.
From the loud stomping sound in the distance, I was sure of it.
They were about a hundred of them.
If I didn't find a way out of this tunnel, I was dead.
No two ways about it.
"Think… think… think," I muttered repeatedly, cracking my brain to find a way out of this harrowing situation.
I am sure I heard the sound of gears grinding before that explosion.
I am damn sure of it.
Where did it come from?
Don't tell me.
I looked around the metallic tunnel, but it was too dark to see anything clearly.
There had to be a trapdoor leading to a hidden location around these corners.
Whoever tried to kill me must have been watching my every move since I stepped into this tunnel.
Let me try something.