Friday - a normal Friday evening

A moment passed and the trio from room 208 managed to get to the front of the external Tokiwadai dormitory, unnoticed. (They dint take the boxes with them.)

Of course our hero had a relatively bad mood as her shoulders were low. "Aghr, I didn't fully think it through." Mikoto blanched, wondering what junior-police volunteer Kuroko Shirai would say on the current situation. This girl, with a smile set in stone, had quietly joined the brown haired pair on their way out, as if it were the most commonplace thing for her to do. Railgun knew she must solve at last little. "Listen Kuroko, I can imagine you want answers... But the more I think about what to tell you, the more I don't want to tell you anything. It's not that I don't trust you. It's that knowing the truth, behind the truth, covered with a layer of truth; it could stain you so much, that you no will longer want to protect, but to arrest. Not all good ideas turned to have a net good results. It would only take a small part of that huge puzzle to blind one perspective and make a bad decision." She lifted her head so much, to glance at starry sky, that she bent over.

"Oh Sissy, such a deep consideration including your desire for the best for me. What an honor, Kuroko is moved to tears." Shirai keeps herself above the situation, ignoring Misaka's deep sigh. "However, Sissy, you don't have to worry about me that much. I can think of quite a few reasons why you're trying to keep Inoue a secret from the world. Second: I know you're not innocent. Sometime dull, odd or weird but pure hearten." Instantly these was a quiet side question from person in question, (if Shirai actually want to say something positive), but red-head ignore it. "Also while holding such important titles, I can imagine that those who are for no good, will sure try to use your own Blood for they advantage. Do not worry! I decided a long time ago, to trust you and wait for you to revealing yourself to me, don't you remember? That goes for yours Imoto as well, you can confide in me about anything. Also, a little help from my side doesn't hurt."

"Misaka warns, there are contrary to intentions! Based on this conversation, it can be assumed that Shirai Kuroko, due to her job specialization, is a person completely standing on the day side of Academic City. What the older sister is probably trying to say is, that Shirai Kuroko should stay on the day side and not try to over-step the border line into the night side. Misaka interprets the situation with a suitable analogy that was used in a different, but nevertheless similar case. Thus proving the importance and justification of her stay in this dormitory."


"How about saying the real reason for your interest, which is certain boxes? Don't worry, you won't lose them."

"That reminds me...if I'm understanding correctly, Inoue is heading to the hospital. As a teleporter, I can get her there in no time, saving you walking."

"Although the suggestion would be logical to accept, Inoue has to decline, feeling uneasy about a potentially ulterior motive. Especially when the suggestion is made by a person who causes suspicious vibrations in Inoue that make her wary. Misaka explains, already on full alert."


("At least.") Mikoto commented dryly. But soon she growled furiously to finally release the accumulated steam. "Agggghr! Inoue!!" She pointed a finger at her. "If Kuroko, or anyone else, tries to do anything dishonorable or unpleasant, don't hesitate to electro-shake them off." She sparkled herself and looked at Shirai with a serious expression. "And Kuroko, if you try to do anything unseemly with my Imoto, expect punishment."

"Oh- ho- ho- ho Sissy, it was a clear misunderstanding. There is nothing to worry about."


At this remark, with an angry look, the Railgun began to whip out discharges around her. That is, until the moment when they were taken over by the horn of the van. It was a mobile ice cream stand and it stopped right next to them.

An ice cream man, a familiar face to both Misakas, a friendly guy facing problems from low earnings, poke out from the drivers window. "Come o~on. Did you two fight again?" He asked understandingly, looking at the angry Mikoto.

Railgun snapped. "I don't even know, where I shall start with that. So much has happened that there is no point in going back."


Somehow the guy understand that. "I'm having a sad day too. So what am I going to do with you two? Um. As always, I have the perfect medicine for you." Grinning and whit raised finger in (Wait a moment) gesture, he disappeared inside the car.

"Hey, Sissy." Kuroko began with a scolding tone in her voice as she step closer to Railgun. "(As always, I have the perfect medicine for you?), he said. Who else, knew about Inoue so long before me?"

Catch off guard Mikoto started looking for excuses in hint of a panic. She really cant say something like (then of thousand-- ish? [tens of thousands]) "It couldn't be otherwise. You're to blame for it yourself. (A misunderstanding...) as you said, it's all a misunderstanding and I'm not in the mood to explain everything to you right now. Leave me alone!"

The brunette wanted to add something more, but the redhead cut her off with a dismissive gesture. She smiled as a sign that she would leave it at that, for now. With a satisfied expression on her face, she pointed in the direction of the van and its open shop-window, where the other brown-haired girl was restlessly stomping ground, or rather hopping, in front of the counter of the mobile stand. She had an interested conversation with the seller about what kind of ice cream she would like to have.


"Oh?" The ice cream man sounded stunned as he handed her an ice cream cone. "For someone so young, you already have a lot of knowledge about sweets. If you are planning a career in this business, take my advice. Leave room for another direction as well." Although he originally sounded enthusiastic, he suddenly became sad. "A sweet business is not a highly profitable business as one will think at first. The sweet romance can be quite illusive, but always expensive to run. I really, really, need to start earn more."

Mikoto walked up to the counter and took her portion in cone. "Don't look at me like that, today I became an involuntary investor in a certain farm, which I don't know how to deal with now." She half-eyed the person [Inoue] who drove her to the purchase. "Would you stop be so greedy glutton? Please be patient with eating. Damn it..."

But Inoue ignored her and instead of licking, she crunched the whole ice cream at a good speed. "Your ice cream is flawless. Good job. Gives Misaka a thumbs up." And she raise her hand with thumb up.


"Watching you so passionately eat my ice cream is always an experience." It moved the guy to tears. "You two are like the textbook definition of twins with opposite personalities, one white sweet like an angel and the other nasty black like a demon. How fitting."

Like a hissing cat raising its fur, Railgun jump into action, slightly blushing. "Hey! What's up with this comparison?! This isn't a manga, where Imoto and I switch roles once for a while, because it sounded like an interesting idea at first!! For your sake I hope you didn't mean me, by the black one!! Did you?!" With an angry expression, she stomped on the ground until the guy flinched [jerked away].

Shirai reacted on those theories. "What?!!" Her Idol was still in the throes of an outpouring, when Kuroko lost control of her model lady manners, above the situation. "True! Certain clues have been there all along." In shock at the potential misrepresentation, the sudden realization of the truth, which couldn't be further from the truth, she began to express her thoughts quickly and loudly, in the fashion of a seasoned detective on the trail of unsolved mystery. "Sissy, sometimes, has really acted like she's a different person. She always seems like she has stamina to give away and wanders off too often. I was suspicious of how often Sissy gets into trouble, so long before reactions from Judgment and Anti-Skill. I originally thought, that as someone on her level, she was attracting or causing the problems to appears. However, if she wasn't in it alone, it would be possible to attracting problems just by wandering around the city. However, could the secret of Sissy be, that they are both the #3 Railgun? No, it's not, the difference in Level between them, is enough for me to tell which one of them is my Sissy, even with my eyes closed. Or they acting it? How did she say it?: (Truth behind a truth, covered by layer of truth?) Could it be that Sissy somehow cheating the level system itself? --And for her to be a Railgun, she need to be wirelessly power supplied by her sister? Like when a device need more that one battery to run properly? Then, Imoto is the base state for both of them, and then Onee-sama state is something that can be moved between them when needed? Something like a collective conscious, when the personal reality of each individual in the group moves, focuses onto single point, and that is Onee-sama. Then her constant denial of our mutual love comes from the fear that she might lose me if I knew the truth? -Her be a Imoto? Or about her feeling, to be the cultivation of both of them, into a single entity?"


Railgun grabbed the Teleport girl with a free hand by the girl's shirt collar and shook her furiously. "Kuroko!! STOP FANTASYING ABOUT NONSENSE'S!! With that wild fantasy you chosen a wrong carrier path and shall become a writer."

Shirai's eyes sparkled. "Oh, of course! No worries, I'll order another right away." She beamed proudly with a smile on her face, freeing herself from the grip and reaching into her pocket for her wallet. Just as she pulled out a bunch of bills, intending to hand them to the gentleman behind the counter, Mikoto snapped at her.


"Hey!! What are you trying to do again?! That money amount is suspiciously several times the price of these ice creams. One doesn't equal two hundred! What kind of meanness/villainy are you trying to do again?"

"My?? I'm not trying to do anything mean. I just wanted some infor--mation…" She was unable to finish her sentence as she looked at her two brown-headed companions. Her eyes saw something unheard of. Her pupils dilated, her body hair stood on end, and a drop of sweat ran down her face. She literally froze with a combination of senselessness, fear and wonder. Instead of words, only a grunt escaped from her fallen jaw, as if after a neck massage from the dorm manager.

Even the salesman was staring at the brown-haired couple with mixed expression. "Hey, hey, you seriously shouldn't have done this to your sister."


Railgun give him a strict glance. "What?! What are you talking about?!" For a moment she had no idea what that commentary was about. But suddenly she give up pursuing the topic stating a simple excuse. "It- it's not like I won't indulge her, if you not set a boundary, she will keep asking more and more, and there won't be an end to it. She can bankrupt you if you let her. But... I just..." Mikoto blushed, losing her resolve to speak further. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. "I only wanted to help." She put the cone in front of her mouth to lick her ice cream.


However, Misaka Mikoto, was licked with her tongue onto empty space.


#3 slowly opened her eyes to check if she imagined it, but the empty cone was no illusion. She already knew what had happened: At the moment when her sister was munching on her own portion, the guy made a noise that threw her off. Kuroko then started blabbing nonsense and she completely let her defenses down and even lost sight of her portion. After that, it was only a matter of time before a certain tricky cat jumped for the sweet prey. Arriving at this conclusion, she turned her head to look at Inoue with a dewy face and her eyes widened.

Her mirror image was absent or simply had (I don't care!) look. What's more, as if on purpose, a piece of her sister's ice cream remained on her cheek.


"Again... you... did it..." As she let out word after word, not only her voice but also her whole body shook. One would have thought she would cry, but even when tears appeared in her eyes, her violent nature prevailed. So she shout: "WHY DID YOU DO THAT AGAIN?!!"

Except the tricky cat was acting innocent. "What is big sister talking about? Inoue asks, pointing to the fact that it was another Misaka. Moreover, big sister acted as if she didn't want the given flavor and was waiting for Shirai Kuroko to order a more favorable flavor. That's why Inoue took the initiative for the next step. Misaka explains the situation patiently."


Whoever Railgun saw right through that. "These are just excuses to stuff yourself with Ice cream!!" 'Aghrrr!' She growled angrily. "You caught up with me again..."

"Did she catch up?... We weren't running anywhere. Misaka thinks, that big sister is starting to talk from the road." As reply to Inoue smart talk Mikoto barked at her: (Stop trying to trick me!)

("Moe... ♥ ") Kuroko was in seventh heaven watching the interaction between the two, completely ignored by them. But something caught her attention, so she looked towards the dormitory but a little higher. Her blissful smile was instantly replaced by an embarrassed smile, as if she wanted to make a desperate laugh. She turned her gaze to the dormitory entrance and suddenly got a sour expression all over her face. However, the pair of Mikoto/Inoue did not react to her.


But once again Mikoto give up. "This is so stupid, not even worth for me to react on it." She sighed deeply, tired and defeated. "Alright you won, I almost don't even care anymore. Its you life." She lowered her shoulders. "Just tell me what you would do if our roles were reversed."

"First of all, Elder Sister wouldn't be given the opportunity to make an unexpected outburst. Misaka answers, tilting her head to the side, worriedly observing the swelling on Elder Sister's face." Even though Inoue's face remained unchanged, Mikoto puffed her cheeks for both of them.

The redhead put on her commercial face and gain their attention with her diplomatic tone. "Well, since we're done with it, I should finally get involved." Both brown haired girls directed their gazes at her. "Sissy, you worry too much about Inoue." She raised her voice as if she were speaking in front of an audience and wanted the crowd, currently non-existent on the deserted street, to hear her. "Sure there is a good reason for complete secrecy, and I'm sure no one would make the mistake of mining any information that would cause someone from the top to use the security clause and relocate the two of you under the pretense of necessary protection. However, Tokiwadai and 'The garden of education' is also here for such cases! Please trust us more! We are more than capable of protecting her ourselves. Of course, hiding her from the world would protect her from adversity, but in order to save her, you have to bring her into the light of the world. Do not forget that it is possible for the light of life to fully return to her eyes. And Tokiwadai is the first step for that."


"Are you went crazy?!" Level-5 didn't shared her tween-tails roommate's enthusiasm, instead she was properly irritated.

"Think about the nonsense that you have now released from your mouth into the world! Not all good intentions ended up with a net good overall results! No matter how much you manage to transcribe your confused vision into reality; if even a fraction of (what is in play behind the scene) will leak out here, outside the garden, outside the city; it will be the end of Gakuen-Toshi. [academic city] You think that those at top will going to take that risk? You better forget what you've seen all day, because if you continue your babbling, you'll actually be the one getting my arrest warrant."

"Sissy..." Irritation crept into Shirai voice. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop trying to do everything by yourself? For quite some time, you and Inoue have someone to turn to. All you have to do is: ask for our help." Taking a deep breath, she turned towards the dormitory. Risings her head, she look up, glanced at upper floors windowa and she exclaimed: "I'm right?!"


Mikoto, followed Shirai gaze, looked up at the upper floors and suddenly bristled from head to toe like a cat. Only now did she realize that the plan to move away from the dormitory had already failed on the sidewalk, still in front of the building. The windows of the corridors on both upper floors were crowded with girls from their school who were watching the events below the windows and as soon as they suddenly realized that they were spotted by their 'princess', they stopped holding their breath or whispering and immediately flooded the street with a positive response to Shirai's question. As expected, the comparison to a kitten was suitable, and #3 let out a loud shriek 'Kiaaaaa!!!' and shook from heel to head. At the same time, out of shock, she released a massive bolt of lightning directly into the sky, which for a moment lit up the facade of the dormitory on blue. Many girls used this opportunity to playfully shriek. However, none of them ran away, hide or take cover. Instead, laughter, wonder, and excited conversation echoed from the windows, with the main theme involving the twins under the windows. They even shouted down motivational voice-lines like: (Welcome!) or (Go for it!).


The dorm manager, who had been standing at the dorm entrance until now, approached the trio under the windows and immediately fixed her glasses, (menacingly). "Are you done with the play yet?" Nothing but official austerity could be read from her voice and body language. However, Railgun panicked and went into a defensive position against the Hawk-eye woman. "Fine. So,-- where should I start?... I already know, so first..." She turned her gaze to the supposedly younger of the brunettes. "Your name?!"

Inoue thought for a second before deciding on an answer. "Misaka Inoue, seria..." [serial number]


"That's enough for me!" Manager interrupted her. "Keep the details to yourself! Welcome to the external dormitory of Tokiwadai High School. Follow its rules. I don't care about excuses. There will be an adequate punishment for any missteps. Until you ask for something else, you will be housed with these two for the time being. Let them initiate you into everything. It's usually like this, when one from the room break the rulles, the punishment for it will also fall to the other. That's all from me for you." Inoue dint say anything only bowed respectfully.

"Secondly…" Manager gave Shirai a hawkish look. Red-heed trembled like a prey that is evaluated in the eyes of a predator as to whether its catch is even worth the effort. "You have uttered quite bold words. So let's test them at tomorrow's event. You officially take the highest responsibility for its organization. Its all in you hands. Show the world, if you have anything in you at all." Kuroko swallowed loudly, letting out just the faintest hint of agreement.

"Third…" Woman leaned towards Mikoto, looking directly from eye to eye. "Because you are a Tokiwadai icon, an exemplary representation is expected from you. Above all, make sure that nothing happens to the city that would cause its demise. Did I express myself clearly enough?" The brunette nodded, "Absolutely."

"Very well, that's it..." This Supervisor straightened up and started counting the points she had in mind/agenda on her fingers so she wouldn't forget any of the task. "Fourth…" She adjusted her glasses and take an inhale for a furious roar that unreleased on Mikoto. "When I said, that you are allowed to overstep the curfew and should get out, to let off some steam!!... I didn't mean by that, that you shall hang out right in front of the dormitory!! Maybe you have a deficit in common sense?!! Or is yours semester-task, is something about how to artificially produce a wrinkles on someone face?!! What did you fools think, that was going to happen, when you were inconspicuous like a firework over the city?!!" While Inoue had her stony semi-absent look, Mikoto and Kuroko were like deer/doe blinded by the cars long lights.

Manager take another inhale and continue to count. "For five…" She reach for Shirai with her hands. She took her head, putting her hand under Kuroko neck. The following move of the mysterious martial art, produced the proverbial sound of a snap of celery and the redhead with pigtails went unconscious. The Supervisor threw that motionless body aside. Mikoto only managed to call after her fallen companion. (Kuroko!)

"At six…" Hawk-eye turned to the upstairs windows. "The show's over, as results, everybody is taking a part tomorrow, go to your rooms. If anyone's interested in ice cream, now's their only chance. I want each of you in your rooms in ten minutes, it's long past the curfew and no more missteps! Otherwise there will be severe punishments!"

"At seven..." Ignoring the brunettes, she approached the counter of the ice cream delivery van, whose clerk, only now sobered up, and was considering whether to flee. But she aimed for a business, when she measured the goods on display with her sharp eyes, and quickly agreed what she ordering to take with her.


Mikoto sighed so deeply and solemnly that one could say that with that sigh she would release her own soul from her body. "That's it. No matter what happens, no one will blame me for staying true to my principles." Ignoring the crowd of excited girls who ran to buy ice cream, or rather to say hello to her and her sister, she took the limp body of her roommate in her hands and slowly headed to her room, intending to lie down and let this all go.

Her Imoto followed her. She threw in a few more commentary notes. Well, she tried to continue the conversation thanks to that.

But her original was so tired, or rather shaken from the whole day, that she was literally absent in spirit and went toward her room as if on automatic. One can say she had no more crap to give up. She was so out of mind, that she didn't realize that Shirai in her arms, regained her consciousness. Ignoring that fact, they even arrived like that on the room 208. Mikoto laid Kuroko down, putting her onto Shirai bed, as if she was placing sleeping person on its place. Of course that caused Shirai to short circuit her thought processes and fall straight into sleep.

After a while, Mikoto went to her bed and sleep came for her too.



[Notes/explanations (in case someone doesn't know something):]

Herald - is a profession and an authority. As a profession, it is an expert in coats of arms [Erb] and their use. As an authority, they decided in the affairs of noble families. From the middle of the 12th century, they appeared in royal and noble courts. (Europe) Announced reports and legal decisions. They also played the role of messengers, law enforcement and occasional poets. At knightly tournaments, they announced the opponents, decided whether they used the correct insignia and jewels on their helmets, made sure the rules were followed, and announced the winners. In Shirai version, it is a romanticized and idealized allusion to Misaka being the princess of Tokiwadai. The third among the seven esper knights (Level-5) of Gakuen-Toshi. [Academic city] Therefore, as the only one suitable for the role, she should stand by her side and thus get rid of the competition in the fight for her heart. (Wikipedia)

Education Garden [Manabiya-no-Sono] (School Garden) In short, a small town in District 7 surrounded by its own high walls. Inhabited exclusively by a female population, most of whom come from rich or prosperous families: the architecture, design and supporting infrastructure are subordinate to this fact. The focus is more on the historical and aesthetic look with yellow-light lamps against the ultra-modern blue-light of the rest of the Academic City. This place is under the control of five elite schools for ladies. The male part of the population is completely excluded, including members of the Anti-Skill. The barricade check-points are enough to not let in anyone who does not have a permit, an entry card, or an invitation. Another point is ensuring privacy, which also includes darkened satellite images showing only the main roads and walls of important institutions. The last point is the very name school garden. It is a comparison of the gentle population to flowers and a safe place (a sanctuary) for their undisturbed growth without 'outside influence'. (Wikipedia)