Our trio arrived at the dormitory dining room for a breakfast. As soon as they entered the hall, they attracted a lot of attention and the groups of students presented there immediately and enthusiastically started talking about them. It was as if rumored VIP entered the scene.
"Oh, it's pretty crowded in here." Mikoto pointed out that almost all the dinning tables were occupied by some group, whether we talking about siting inside the hall or on outside terrace.
"Well, nice. We're suspiciously full here for today." Kuroko commented dryly, dragging the administrative document boards with her. "There are even faces from the other dormitory here. I'm starting to have an unpleasant feeling, that they didn't just come here for breakfast. Too many eyes will be looking at you two."
We shall not forget Inoue that look around with her emotionless expression. "So the news report about this experiment being suspiciously over-popular with the fairer sex turned out to be true. Misaka gives a joint analysis, but still assesses the abilities of potential opponents with a suspicious look on his face."
Only one single table, where the trio would fit, was left empty, as if on purpose. It was located almost in the center and it was on a good view from every corner of the dining room. No wonder that the trio didn't flock to him quickly.
Railgun as always tried to hold the pace of discussion in her control. "How many time I must remind you that not everything shall be seen from the battlefield point of view. This event is not an experiment, nor a mission. It is a presentation, or a mini festival; a school publicity booster. Then, it is not the event itself that enjoys popularity, but its participants. If someone from Tokiwadai should cause problems, I can only think of two names and Kuroko is already among us. In addition, your expression is unchanged from the one you woke up with today."
Shirai on other hand feel the sarcasm subtext in this dinner setting. "You two are literally the center of attention here. I can totally feel the difference in the public views on you two and then on me. Almost like a couple of rare fragrant roses sending a sweet scent to air, but there is this barbed wire fence, that keep the ducks at bay. Yet they wait for yours reaction first. It will be best to avoid any conflict of wits and any hint of a real fight can be avoided altogether. However, if just the news of Sissy and Inoue has attracted such a large crowd from our school, I can imagine the ridiculous amount of visitors that will come to the event itself. It will be like a pavilion in the zoo. In short, keep your elegance in all conditions, not letting anything to get under you skin, and everything will be fine. I'm counting on you, Inoue, to watch over Sissy." On return she was rebuked from the Ace's: (Hey!)
"Understand…" A second (Hey!!) come. "Inoue nodded completely ignoring the objection, directed at her from big-sister."
As soon as they sat down, (brown-heads next to each other and red-head across from them), a girl in a maid's uniform stray/sauntered up to them, pushing a dining cart/tray in front of her.
Its was Tsuchimikado Maika, a maid in training, studying at a school for maids. Since Ryouran Maid School has a motto, that maids don't take a weekend brakes because maid mission is a serving, she is seen only in her maid uniform. Without any ability, except the maid radiance and smile, this blue-black hair pulled back in a hair-band-cap, she work at Tokiwadai to serve the ladies. She has a cheerful nature, and thanks to her love of helping others, her career as a maid has come true. Outside on the street she is some times seen to ride a cleaning robot on its head.
As always, she was shining right now, making an announced excitedly. "Congratulations on the downfall of the entire information network in Gakuen-Toshi." [Academic City]
As response Mikoto barked: "Hey!! I haven't done anything yet!!" But she immediately backed down because a certain redhead gave her a cold, deep stare. That's why she looked at the sister.
But this clone make a dismissive gesture, silently answering unspoken question from Original: (If she had something to do with it?)
"Maybe yes, maybe not." Maika made no bones about their reaction answer. She pulled out a clean plate from the bottom of the trail and loaded it with exactly six pieces of humble sandwiches before placing it on their table as she continue to speak. "In short, yesterday's event, in which you appear, triggered an avalanche of messages on the message boards. Its so intense that the same message has been twisted and improved so many times, that it is no longer even clear what the truth is. At the moment, it is almost useless to follow any message board, no matter what it is about, because the entire content has already been compromised. I have even heard that it is spreading to the non-discussed content, like a new type of glitch. If it continues like this, it will flood the regular news or the main news. There had already been a reports, that it will affect the business sphere as well. Rumors says, that higher-up taking this so seriously to the point, that there will be the first ever roll-back of the entire internet in Gakuen-Toshi." She continued by laying out on table three tea cups giving the trio of girls a choice between the three teapots siting on her trail.
"That can't be true." Mikoto tried an awkward fake laugh before stating fact. "The transfer of one female student between accommodation facilities could not have caused something like this."
Then there was the detective point of view. "However, Sissy, you were quite restless last night. Perhaps you had an inkling of something. Maybe, this baseless connection will be disproved over time as just a deceptive coincidence."
As soon as the maid finished pouring tea onto their cups from the larger teapot, she motioned to them with gesture to began to eat. All three took one sandwich each before starting their breakfast. Each at their own pace.
Then maid Maika spoke up again. "I don't know, Shirai-san. One way or another, there is general uncertainty, a cold panic, and many actions are subject to repeated checks. Whatever is behind it, I hope it will be resolved soon. Normally, as celebrities, I would offer you for a morning dinner a wider selection, but at this moment we are running on makeshift program. For some reason, the deliveries are delayed and the staff is allocated elsewhere."
"That's strange." Mikoto though on loud with slight confused expression. "In addition to its own supplier, backup logistics warehouse, shouldn't Tokiwadai have a decent-sized warehouse and a refrigerator right in this building?"
Kuroko suddenly paled with a shocked expression as if she had seen a ghost. "Maika,-- please tell me,-- the current state of the food stores, especially when we are supposed to be stacked before we start the today's event.
Inoue finished her sandwich and took another from the plate.
Maika flashed the widest smile she could muster. "Almost completely bleached." (Even mice complains about empty shelves.)
Panicking, Kuroko stood up and dropped her bitten sandwich on the table. "That can't be true!!" She teleport right in front of the trainee maid, grabbed her by both shoulders and began to shake her aggressively. "Such a coincidence couldn't happen even if someone wrote it as a script!! Tell me you're kidding me!! I'll pay you for it!!"
Mikoto silently nibbled on her sandwich in small bites.
Inoue finished her second sandwich and took another.
However, instead of the expected answer, there was a loud slap in the dining room, as maid silenced the hysteria of the redhead. "Shirai-san, get yourself together! The organizer must have everything already arranged."
Holding her sore cheek, Kuroko was horrified. This time she turned her attention to the audience in the dinning hall. "He(y),- hey!! Please, tell me that somebody else, beside me this morning, (few minutes back), has been assigned to the organization of this circus?! Or at least, that someone has been given the instructions for the plot? Or anything useful related to the event? ...Anybody?..." She looked around, but no one answered her call, or raise its hand: The dining room was silent. "Don't tell me, you all came here as spectators? And only the three of us were given a questionably shallow assignment??" She was drenched in sweat and panicked again. She grabbed her head and began to furiously comb through her hair. She screamed out her frustration. "The old glassed fury!! AAAAAAAGHR!!!"
Mikoto took a sip from her tea.
Inoue finished her sandwich and took the last one on the plate.
Maika slapped hard the redhead's other cheek. "Shirai-san, control yourself! Where are your manners? What are you talking about?"
Except red-hair fight to keep her sanity. "The fury dormitory manager knew about this pitiful state, that it would fall flat and threw the full responsibility on me. And why do you seem so enthusiastic? You don't want to tell me, that you were waiting for an opportunity to slap me with impunity?" Although Kuroko was staring at maid with her eyes wide open, Maika's stone wide smile seemed wider for a moment.
Mikoto saw that expression and don't hesitate to spoke up one of her quick-on spot made, one lines. "Then slap her for a third time and you can mark out (Slapping Shirai Kuroko) off your (To do) list of life goals."
Kuroko wanted to object, but she didn't even had a chance and already moaned from the third slap. The humble servant beamed with happiness that she could (legally train) the disobedient mistress. The mood in the dining room indicated that the audience took this play positively.
That is, except for Inoue with her stony gaze, who had just finished her fourth sandwich. Since the dinner plate in front of her remained empty, she looked at the uneaten piece in her sister's hand.
However, the older sister recognized the fox's intention of the younger one. She turned her head to look directly into her Imoto eyes. "You, gave up on that! Get another one by yourself!" Mikoto finished her sandwich on her pace, while being watched by (hungry eyes?) from her sister. But she had already a serious expression. "The truth is..." Railgun spoke so that everyone could hear her, including those outside terrace who were now standing at the door to the yard. "By a mysterious coincidence, our dorm manager is indisposed in her own bed and Kuroko here, is our new temporary acting administrator of the envent. The program and equipment for today is missing. There is panic and disorientation in the city and in the internal structure. Most likely, for now, we have practically no supervision or logical support. However, the success of our event is expected. So, I think we can sum it up to three options." She lifted the first finger from the raised hand. "Either there has been an incident in the city and something serious is really going on, creating delays." She held up a second finger. "Someone, started a dubious experiment and simply the current state of affairs is a side effect of it." She held up a third finger. "Ours today event, is a very stupid test that someone made up." She withdrew her hand and folded both on her chest, doing the same with her legs, crossing them getting into her lady position. "One way or another, we only have a few hours before we have to open the gates to visitors, some of whom will be potential students for next year, passerby VIPs, and so on. The reputation of the school is at stake and it is up to us to defend it." Everyone around was excited by the deep speech of the icon from their school, who was also proud of the title of Tokiwadai Ace.
"That's it!!" Kuroko exclaimed realizing something and dashing across the file-holding boards for documents from the dorm supervisor. Subsequently, she eagerly searched for something in the documents. "Here it is!!... Budget!!... What is it supposed to be?" She make a skeptical grimace. "The budget is broken down for each category separately. From catering to additional staff and personal?" But something surprised her enough to, make a step back and think on it again. "Enclose a receipt for each shipment. It is not recommended to exceed the total budget." She was back in her old state of detective dog sniffing a clue. "Okay, that last one line is definitely hasty written by a weakened hand. It must be addition from dorm manager."
"The project?" Inoue asked as Shirai paused.
This one word was enough to dispel any doubts the girls in mess-hall possibly had and the groups all around started talking. Tokiwadai was known for its free hand approach to preparation its students for real situations. Simulations, tests and tasks worked with real data, whether it was market research or planning. Even such an unlikely scenario, such as this event project, can be a form of preparation or study.
That's why even Shirai dropped her biased attitude by babbling criticizing ("Hag! Why didn't you tell us straight away? We shall skip the threatening part all together.") She immediately submerge into work tasked to her. Without delay, she kidnapped Maika, under the pretext of inspecting usable assets, currently present in their dormitory. One (teleport woosh) and the responsible duo was gone.
The moment when the red-haired guard dog left his mistress unattended. The entire population of dining hall siege certain table. Shoulder to shoulder, a wall of girls surrounded the duo in excitement at the presence of the mysterious student. The duo were bombarded with questions and comments. Mikoto did her best to keep their curiosity at bay with her reserved, patient attitude, not giving in to answering their questions. However, the passionate mistresses very quickly found a subject on which Inoue reacts the most. Plates and portions of mostly fruits and small sweets and treats appeared around her, certainly not from the canteen's repertoire, but from the dormitory occupants room's own supplies. Taking into account her proven appetite, they actually tried to feed her under the pretext of making her taste this and that. Her unique style of consumption was quite interesting for the general public, but with clever comments, she was quickly taught the feeding method of (Say: aaaah!) with one hand under the spoon as the etiquette dictates.
When a few over-enthusiastic girls took turns like this, Mikoto couldn't take it anymore and her eyebrows twitched. "Hey! Stop taking advantage of the situation. Even though she's new here, that doesn't give any of you the right to go all over her and overfeed her like that. What if she gets sick?" She snorted in displeasure, hoping they would leave it at that and disperse. But then something occurred to her. "Wait!" She looked at her sister urgently. "Aren't you trying to overeat on purpose? So that you end up in the infirmary and use that as good excuse to avoid participating in today's circus?" A second of silence passed before she put her hand over her face to hide her embarrassed face. ("I'm sorry, and I thought you were just a glutton who doesn't know when she's had enough. You've got yourself to blame for taking mine too.")
"Onee-sama..." Inoue spoke to her sister to get her attention.
"Yes?" Railgun looked back at her sister to see Inoue leaning towards her with a large grape stuck on a toothpick.
With her hand under the given toothpick, she uttered the doom spell. "Onee-sama, aaaah!"
In an instant, Mikoto blushed, and her cold composure was scattered all over the dining room. The enthusiasm of the watching girls could also be felt physically. Inoue was offering her the berry again and she knew that it could go wrong again if she didn't bite it right away. But she remembered Kuroko's words about the fact that she had slip to the girls something to satisfy their (hunger). She didn't even want to get involved in something like that, but when she noticed something in her sister's eyes, which were as if lifeless, they got a hint of a weak yet unborn spark. That's why she gave in for this one time and, like a cat predator from the wild, she attack leash, directly grabbed the berry with her mouth, expressly grabbing the berry until Inoue was left with only a toothpick in her hand. "I hope that was enough for you." She turned away with a hint of resentment to chew on her catch.
"Onee-sama, aaaah!" The clone went for the second round, this time with a piece of cake on a metal spoon.
"Don't,- don't try to think that with this approach, you can iron that audacity you do to me yesterday! Besides, this is the last thing I allowing with this (Open you mouth with: aaaah!) trope." Offended, she turned directly to her mirror image. This time she took the offered piece, as originally intended, elegantly like a lady. The delighted crowd rose with enthusiasm, over this fan-service, and began to rejoice. On the other hand, the heart of a tsundere was getting busy and her gaze sank into the ground. She felt a strange tension build up in her. Suddenly, she felt an even more direct look from the crowd than before. A restless drop of sweat settled on her cheek she looked at her sister.
Inoue, was leaning towards her, with closed eyes and a strawberry in her mouth.
Tokidawai's Ace turned red like a tomato and started releasing electric currents/shocks around her. That was the signal for the crowd of girls present on siege, to disperse fully to the sides, fleeing like a flock of duck. So when a certain impulsive martial person with a strong older sister complex had an outburst, there was plenty of space between the pair and the rest of the school crew. "THAT'S MY IMOTO YOU'RE PLAYING WITH!!" Accompanied by thunder and blue sparkling (fireworks), many girls took advantage of the opportunity and enjoyed themselves by shrieking enthusiastically.
Mikoto dropped to bend her upper body over the table, her elbows resting on it and her red face buried in her hands. Ignoring the offering that was a horde of plates and bowls of food [aside from sandwiches] from probably every female student, she slipped into an absent state that only return of Kuroko, by-teleporting, brought her out of.
Shirai registering the ozone scent, (after electrical reaction), she rise her guard. "What happened here?" She asked, but as she suddenly saw her withered loved one, as if something unspeakable happened, the table was strewn with food, from fruits to desserts, plus her bitten sandwich, and Inoue, who was enjoying herself as if nothing had happened, went into an urgent tone. "Seriously, what happened here?? Why does this scene look like, offering gifts to the gods??"
"Shut up!!" Railgun snarled, fully recovering, but still with red ears. "Don't you dare to finding it out!! The first person who tells you anything about it will get zapped [electro-shocked] along with you, for double time!" And she continued to sink into her previous pose of an inaccessible lady with crossed limbs.
"Uh, well…" Kuroko blanched, but suddenly pointed to the side. Where below table level Uiharu crouched over Saten kneeling on all fours limbs. Uiharu was helping Saten with her motion sickness.
Uiharu Kazari, is Level-1 Esper [Thermal-Hand], a first year at Sakugawa Middle School. She have the same short body as Shirai but with sporty short black hair and brown-gold eyes. The main distinguishing mark that attracts attention is her headband full of artificial blossoming flowers from side to side. Like her job partner, she is a member of the 177th branch of Judgment. Her hacking skills are also widely known in the Anti-Skill ranks. Her nickname in organization is 'Goal-Keeper' or a 'flower pot'. She loves sweets and admires the noble ladies of the garden. Plus, according to some, strange things and people. Right now: She tried to comfort her friend."Saten san, enough of it! You really have all your organs in the right place. It's just nausea and it will pass in a moment."
Saten Ruiko, is (Level-0x Esper [Aero-Hand]?), a first year at Sakugawa Middle School. She is tall with blue eyes and long black hair with a small white flower on the left side of her hair. She is a capable cook and Troll/ prankster, going so far that she teasing people. She's a total Level-0, but the ' Level-UP ' incident has given her hope, as long as she can have fun. She loving mystery and unusual, especially looking for urban legends and gossips. Has a tendency to ignore signs of hidden danger and walk straight into a deadly situation. Right now, she is in trouble. "I don't know you Uihara." You could hear from her voice that she was just barely keeping the contents of her stomach at bay. "I thought the famous Kuroko Express was something amazing to experience…" She hold her puke. "But I was wrong. I was confused the whole time, constantly falling and resetting somewhere else. I was completely out of it after the first two, not two hundred more. How can you stand it?"
"There weren't that many jumps. If it help to easy yours worries, I also ended up in tears after my first express…" She stop for a second as if that piece of information shall stay as secret. "Actually, what I mean by that, everyone will feel nausea, at their first ride. From that it will get better. Try to think about it like, a bit extreme crash course."
"A better? That one time was enough for me. I'm done! From now on I prefer walking on solid ground."
Mikoto smirked slightly as that last remark was something similar to what she had said to her teleporter after her first Kuroko Express experience of 50 meter jumps in quick succession over a distance of one kilometer, when they were relatively faster that a sport car. But even so, she tried not to make a single sound, so as not to get involved in anything more.
The one who spoke was Shirai, acting exalted. "It was your idea, Saten-san, to cover the distance at top speed. You got what you asked for. Next time, it won't be Express, but Economy Class." She was fixing her hairs into a ponytails hairstyle. Completely ignoring the two's remarks, she turned her attention to the dinner hall. "Well then, I see that a collection of other faces have joined us here. So please come and present to me what idea you have come up with. Since I am already the temporary representative administrator, each of you will put a hand to the work. As said yesterday: There is no onlooker, spectator or anything like that. If you're not in the infirmary, then let's figure out who will be performing on stage, or who will be backstage, or whatever." She look around and suddenly got an idea. "I know how to make this situation more clear. Lets divide to two groups. Those who have plan to fulfill and-or willing to be in front come to this side. And those who dint have anything useful on mind, and similar; move to the backstage section." She hand gesture to the side, quite strictly dividing the seating in the cafeteria at two, maybe equal, half's.
There was a commotion and movement as the students moved around the cafeteria. She therefore turned to her two friends from Sakugawa.. Exhausted Saten was still relatively out of question from dizziness, so she need a help to get seated at table. Just from looking at her was clear, that she for a wile will be out of the conversation. But the moment that girl saw that food spread around the table, she must hold her hand to mouth again, to resist the temptation to puke.
Therefore, the redhead turned her attention to her partner from the branch, not allowing her to even speak to any of Misaka. "I'm sorry Uiharu for being so rushed, but we're pressed for time. Here are all the documents we received for the project, including the suspiciously low quality budget. On one glance it seem like someone take out a several pages out from the damn thing." She handed her the file-boards, which the flower girl immediately began flipping through and reading. So the red-head continued. "I made a list of what we have. So it will be up to you, to work your magic with your laptop to get everything done right and on time." Uiharu was about to make an unpleasant remark to Shirai, but she stopped her with a gesture. "Before you object anything, your salary will be to borrow the Tokiwadai uniform for you. Plus for Saten, you can choose whether it will be for a student or a servant." Uiharu immediately imagined it, linking one to the other, and her eyes lit up starry.
There was a textbook (allegedly elegant) laugh of an overly rich lady with a high standard of living (oujou-sama). "O--ho--ho--hoo." At Tokiwadai, however, this voice and output belonged to a single person. It was Kongou Mitsuko, a Level-4 Esper [Aero-Hand]. A lady with a large forehead, long black straight hair, and an attractive figure. Accompanied by her stylish folding hand air-fan. Although she is a proud person, determined to naively face any obstacle or challenge, she has also learned to show her shy and humble side to her friends. Due to her upper-class personality and lifestyle, after transferring to Tokiwadai (and without a servant), she was completely oblivious to the common everyday matters that ordinary citizens take for granted. Right now: Covering the lower part of her face with a fan, she approached their table, politely bowing slightly to greet those present. "What a dangerous bargain that happened before my eyes. Shirai-san, I am seriously surprised at the extent to which you are willing to go."
Shirai immediately soured, going into an annoyingly sarcastic tone. "Kongo Mitsuko, how unexpected of you to come sign up to bask in the spotlight. By that, I mean: completely predictable."
"I have to apologize, but I already promised Awatsuki and Wannai, that I'll only be helping on their backstage team, so don't count on me this time." Thanks to a suspicious look from the red-haired police predator, her forced smile was getting cracks that were visible despite her efforts to hide them behind the fan. "Besides, there is one more regrettable piece of information to reveal." She averted her embarrassed gaze. "And I think you'll find the issue, when you look around."
The group led by Kuroko looked around the dining room. Just as this acting director ordered: the girls, they split into two groups. On one side of the dining room, (the front acting side), among the empty tables, there was a single table with six figures. On the other hand, (on the backstage, supporting side), not a single chair remained empty. But what's more, one would say that at last hundred of girls stood closer to the opposite wall than closer to the center of the dining room.
Shirai hair, as they stood up, seemed to ignite with dark energy. For a moment; As if animated, her mane, they rippled, not looking like hair, but reminding snakes on the head of a jellyfish. "HEY!!" She shouted out to the crowd, looking back as human. "Don't you dare to tell me!: That until now, you've only been gossiping about hot or second-hand topics and haven't worked anything out??!!" She pressed for an answer, but only complete silence was her requested response. Sometimes derogatorily referred to as the 'barking dog of Tokiwadai', Shirai almost howled before she yelled in anger. "It's completely clear to me what you're planning!! But it won't be that easy again!! Who would have ever thought that without the iron grip of madam dorm manager, no one would lift a finger?!! As a punishment, you will work like ferrets, use your skills, muscles and knowledge and, above all, maximum elegance. I don't want to hear any excuses!!" Some can claim that she was growling at them. "It is necessary to ensure everything from scratch. Catering, possible stands, a program that will interest the girls and at the same time satisfy the dignitaries and honored quest. Ensuring the logistics. Uiharu, I am counting on you. Onee-sama, suggestions?"
But in contrast Railgun stand up from the table. "I'm sorry Kuroko, but I'm sure you'll refuse anything I want. So, I'm going for a walk."
Except the new dorm manager launch a rapid fire of ideas. "For example, like a snowball by the pool in children's bathing suits? Make it a contest to conquer the ice castle in the middle of the pool? Put a larger-than-life Gekota [frog figure] on top of it? Anyone who can hit the giant gets a free ice cream?" Even though Shirai's tone was purely sarcastic, Mikoto blushed, giving her roommate a wide-eyed stare.
Unimpressed, another roommate Inoue, muttered something about food as she continued stuffing herself with impunity.
"You're still eating? You ate it all? Oh you..." Railgun put her hand on her face. "How about something that doesn't involve eating food? Like preparing it for someone else than yourself?"
The black-haired girl with the fan assessed the situation with a careful look on Inoue. "Uh, that's quite a lot you've put in. I'd almost say you're stocking up on that black kitten of yours so he'll have enough milk. The kitten must be really a happy-ball when you think of him like that."
"Shrodinger's dog?..." Inoue looked at Mitsuko silently for a few seconds, then without another word she got up from her seat and started running towards the corridor.
Kongou, not understanding anything, worried that she might have offended her. She lose her cool and wanted to call her, but Mikoto stopped her. "It's okay, she tends to run off without explanation like that. Actually, I'll also move away until I'm needed or something that requires my skills."
"Not so fast Misaka-san!" Uiharu announced as she was finishing a phone call, her laptop spread out in front of her. She dint even look up from the screen, hands on keyboard. "I found a stage platform suitable for the pool. You and Shirai will go to that address and find out if it can be used at all." Mikoto looked at her in surprise.
"Very well Uiharu, this is what I want from you." Darkened Kuroko with a sinister smile, effectively massaging the flower girl's shoulders. "Nicely work out the best script we can afford. Command the Tokiwadai students as you please. You are their empress and your word is the word of God to them. Rule them with the iron hand-grip of a tyrant. Whoever resists, I will deal whit it, personally." For a moment a really dark expression come to her face. "Heh, heh, did I express myself clearly? Also if someone don't know, Uiharu here is a valued member of Judgment, who is capable to take on an Important task from Anti-skill." She turned to the crowd and they unanimously approved her totality. However, Uiharu had mixed feelings which she tried to control by slapping her cheeks. That make the red-hair to step away from her. "Anything you need me to do, I'll be on the com-line non-stop." Shirai clipped her own com-link to her ear.
Mikoto smiled. "So... as long as Uiharu is in charge, to keep a leach on Kuroko, I don't think I have to worry about what will happen." Then the electro-master kindly ask her classmates as well. "Everyone, just keep your imagination within the limits of ordinary people, please."
Their little boss got even more excited. "Oh, Tokiwadai is counting on me. What an honor."
Next person to assure the Level-5 worries was the other little boss. "Oh come on Sissy. Who do you think you're talking to? In addition to be your closest friends who came to your aid, we're also Judgment professionals in our element. Have more faith in us, Sissy." Kuroko talked-highly for a moment while walking to Railgun and placing her palm onto the taller girl shoulder. After an innocent smile she use her ability to teleporting the two out the hall and then heading to the given address.
[Notes/explanations (in case someone doesn't know something):]
Since the primary purpose of the city walls and cutting off of the Academic City from not-regulated contact, is to prevent advanced technologies (20 years ahead of the rest of the world) from getting out and causing an economic collapse in the world. The Internet is also surrounded by its own walls, while the city walls act as signal jammer barrier, and communication is ensured through massive satellite parabola. First of all, communication in and out is under strict supervision and nothing that shouldn't go out (like techs) doesn't get out. Second: the powerful AI automatically deletes everything based on the selected keys. That is why the organization of the Internet or forums falls under bulletin boards. It is something like a hub or just a website dealing with a certain area. (Imagine an email provider)
roll-back- loading data, page, server from the last functional backup in cases where it gets to the point that you'd rather iron out the lost data