The time of the second performance for the pair of brown-haired girls with the same face was mercilessly approaching. Still standing in backstage, there was this performance pressure even if the stage scenery cover obstruct the view. From the loud music and chanting of the audience, one could assume that some dance number from the repertoire of the Tokiwadai girls was being performed on stage. The stage itself was located inside of the filled swimming pool like a cruise ship. Similarly to that theme a bridge with a railing like on a cruise ship led to the stage itself. Of course, this route was accessible only from the backstage side where the dressing room was. Before Mikoto and Inoue could step onto it, a group of young ladies were waiting for them like a delegation.
Among them was the freshly revived, blossoming flower pot, Kazari Uiharu. "Misaka san, Misaka san, I have a request for you."
(("Please keep it constructive, this time.")) Mikoto sighed inwardly as both brunettes paid attention to the petite girl. "What is it?"
Smiling Kazari make proper asking gesture. "I have to ask you, to keep your temper in check for the next performance. I mean, the entire platform is made of metal and on top of that it's located in a pool of water. So no lightning and, ple~ease, try to stick to the program."
But big sister for everybody, was not easy to fool by simple smooth talk and smile. "Its amazing that you, from all people, calling any of this a performance, yet a program. From what you just told me here, it's clear to me; that you know something that will be really challenging for me to stay calm. Anyway, what kind of program do you have in mind? Isn't it difficult for everyone here to just improvise from the beginning to end, in the style of: (What comes to mind first'?) Or, do you want to tell me, that you're actually following a detailed script so complex it must be written in a mathematical matrix? Or the wild theory; that you've pulled a prank on me, when I'm the only one who has no idea what's going to happen? Like a birthday surprise party?" She let out a disgruntled sparkle from her temple. With folded hands on her chest, she watched as the other girls backed away to a safe distance of three meters, leaving flower pot without a support. "Furthermore, I don't like, that you compared me to a switched-on toaster that is about to fall into a full bath. Who do you think you have honor with? Have a little faith in me!" Half offended, she blew off a little bit of stem from her nose.
A dewy Uiharu could barely contain her forced smile. "Ehe-he-he, you two really are similar… A- anyway, when you're pulled up to the stage, try to look nobly, wave to the audience. Then follow the instructions from the show hosts. So shoo, shoo. (It's show time.)" She gestured the (main attraction) pair to cross the bridge, trying not to respond to earlier remarks from Misaka.
Since the other girls from delegation also had business smiles, Mikoto had no choice but to go to the stage together with her sister.
Staff personal with a purple scarves, led them to a wide tube with thick red curtains located in the wall of the set. This tube with rotating sides/walls served as an entrance to the stage. After they entered, they closed the back side behind them, so it was enough to wait for the front side to open, which would let them out onto a stage and in front of the audience. Fortunately, some genius came to a beneficial review and had the entire area covered with polished wooden boards, in the style of parquet, in terms of aesthetics and safety. Normally you will expect a rubber mats to cover the metal construction, but in this case, from the very beginning of planing production process, they included this type of surface option that was safe for bare feet.
According to the muffled sounds, coming to the duo from behind the curtain, it could be concluded that the musical number had just ended when the hosts start to speak. Of course it was again Ruiko Saten and Motoharu Tsuchimikado.
However-- As soon as they were inside that waiting area and had a bit of time to themselves, Mikoto turned to Inoue. "Well then, reveal to me, what's actually going on behind this show day on Tokiwadai, and I don't want to hear any excuses!"
"What is big sister talking about? Does she have stage fright? Misaka asks as she successfully changes the subject to something more interesting."
"So your success took place on a completely fictitious level. If you want to talk about something more interesting, I have a few suggestions." She leaned close to her. "How many of my clo… sisters…" She was going to tell clones, but she stop herself, quickly switching to sisters, but even that was not good enough. So she start anew. "How many of you... our girls are there? What's that mafia like commando doing here? What's in that suspicious briefcase? Actually..." She paused for a second. "I have an idea for the briefcase. But what I'm most interested in right now is..." She looked at her real mirror reflection more carefully and immediately checked her sister stomach, placing her palm on it. Checking that it is relatively flat even after her tween sister stuffed everything from breakfast or the cooking fiasco into herself, it's almost as if she didn't even participate in that gluttony. Mikoto hurriedly checked this girl neck to see if a certain necklace was dangling from it. Finding none, she pierced her Imoto with a spying look.
"What is it? Misaka asks, while appropriately reminding that fashion accessories are not allowed in the pool. In doing so, she averted her gaze, showing big sister only a victorious V-finger." And she put up that victory gesture, hinting that the original cant prove the unspoken person swapping theory.
"Is that so~o." Railgun replied with clear sarcasm in her voice. "Whatever you say, just don't get caught! Especially not by Kuroko. Never underestimate that depraved perverted stalker! Because you never know, when she's break away from leach and go pervert crazy." Her sister seemed like she want comment on that, but she stay silent.
Conveniently; there was a fanfare and the curtain leading to the stage parted to the sides. Both Misakas stepped into the light of the stage. After they were flooded with a flood of applause and flashes from the photo cameras, Mikoto stiffened a little and could only wave in greeting gesture with a forced smile. On the other hand, Inoue gave her a (Peace!) gesture pose.
The commentators called them sparkly sisters and had a lot of fun with their stiffs poses. Hosts pushed large light bulbs of an unusual shape into both girls hands. At first glance at the invention, one would say that someone was trying to create a fluorescent lamp for unlimited power input, which could theoretically illuminate an entire neighborhood. Good for firefighters at night. Or in space, to give a space probe an ability to illuminate a big asteroid for a footage and observation. Compare to Mikoto's (What the heck is this!?) suspicious glare, Inoue was really interested in the device.
In less than five seconds, Inoue's own one started flashing like a signal tower. She caught attention of many, included her older sister. She even had a clear answer to the question of what she was doing. "With the help of this fluorescent lamp, Misaka spells her given name in Morse code. With this method, she shows her experience and flexibility in adapting her ability as an electro-master according to the presented scenario. This is because she knows what method Onee-sama will choose." She looked at her older sister who was looking at her little sister with a questioning expression?. Since it was clear that Railgun wasn't going to spoke the question, Inoue answered it before anyone else could. "Onee-sama will definitely choose a brutally disproportionate and overwhelming force."
"Is that a suggestion?" Railgun commented sarcastically, accepting that challenge. Rising her hands directly up, she move the light bulb above her head. Then as she lowered her hands, she placed that invention partially behind her head. With an imagination, one can say that the bulb was put into a socket. Then Mikoto took a deep breath, closing her eyes.
It was like a sunrise on a horizon.
Inoue and Tsuchimikado managed to avert their gazes in time already covering their eyes. While Saten went with the shriek to her knees from the first second, trying to turn away from Misaka.
The other spectators were treated to a sight that could be described as 'the descent of a goddess among mortals'. With a halo above head and an aura of light around her body, that dazzled even the onlookers. In the flood of light, she stood there innocently, in grace shining on everyone around, leaving spectators speechless.
Similarly, as unexpectedly as the sun came, so it disappeared.
Among the first to do something was the male host commentator, who tactfully hand over the word to the jury. Yet Mikoto refuse to look in that direction.
It was the blonde judge who bite the bait and started scolding, directly certain athletic girl. "You just can't say (No!) to a challenge, cant you? Even a fake, that halo doesn't suit you at all. Whose runaway idea it was, to come up with such an invention anyway? What do they plan to illuminate with it?-- The ocean? Sure." She went into sarcasm. "If they're planning to light up 'Gakuen-Toshi' with it, I'm already strongly against it! I like the dim night lighting in garden."
A painfully-like sigh come from black haired jury member. "Why did I look directly into that?! Such bad luck…" He sounded as if he hold his eyes covered.
Displeased-- no, rather annoyed, the white-haired member snapped. "I'm surrounded by idiots!"
A blood vein swelled on Mikoto's forehead and she threw an irritated look at them as well. "So listen, you three..." The moment she looked at the three (individuals), it was as if a certain switch was turned-ON in her. The fluorescent lamp that she was holding in one of her hands, in a safe direction toward the floor, glowed in a light blue aura so much so that a direct laser beam shot out from the head of the instrument in a steady stream. It was as if an innocent fluorescent lamp had become a laser cannon, or a cutter, or a light sword. At the place where the laser beam fell, the steady stream of photons broke up and created an illusion in which it seemed that a real light bulb was located and shining in that place. However, the rising streak of smoke or smudge, clearly revealed that the wooden floor in that place had begun to burn unpleasantly. "I don't care that you're talking nonsense. I don't even care about this whole circus. But what irritate me is..." Another blood vein of hers swollen up. "But what irritate me is..." The brunette gritted her teeth. " what you're wearing!! Why, just the three of you, look like a rowdy gang?!! -As if cut out of a certain part of a popular manga about troublemaking students?!!"
It was true, the whole trio in a single (dressing code)/ (high school brawler costume); bare-torso with a white bandage around the chest, with unbuttoned student's jacket just hanging on their shoulders, which additionally have golden gilded appliques sewn on their shoulders as if they were cut out from a Renaissance European army, topped off with army trousers and a cap officer. --the trio really resembled a gang from some manga, or maybe a pop dance group.
Regardless the fake smile, blonde was playing a long game. "Misaka-swaaan, I'll be happy to explain to you later, in great detail and at length, 'whose' fault it is."
Unlucky boy, had a desperate expression. "It's official, it's official,-- they labeled us as a delinquents gang. I object that decision and I want to quit this group!" Then he make a defensive gesture. "Wait! Hey! Don't even think about pointing that fluorescent light in this direction! It wasn't by any chance, that bulb thing was meant as a stress reliever? So how could you, turn something as peaceful as a flashlight into such a dangerous weapon? Its like to be life threaten by a tea spoon. People should seriously set a limits, since when things are no longer funny!"
"Tcs. Annoying as always!" The red-eyed one, utter between his teeth and then cast a reprimanding look at the other brunette. "Hey, you! Aren't you supposed to keep an eye on her? Finally do something with her!"
But she was not into it. "Nah. This is still fine. Misaka denying intervention, actually disappointed by second rate table role-play."
Their answers made Railgun seethe with anger. As she breathed so deeply, the brightness of the fluorescent lamp increased with each inhalation and, conversely, weakened with each exhalation. Until the second brunette decided to take the first one from behind in her embrace. As suddenly as that hug happened, in a moment the older sister calmed down so much that she could silently thank her. It would be appropriate to point out that the audience really liked the look of their pose.
Immediately, the commentators intervened, alluding to the display of God's wrath, calming down the audience with a hint that it was a presentation. After the hosts thanked the duo for their performance, a couple with purple scarves approached the brunettes to take fluorescent lights bulls from them. Subsequently, each of the sisters was escorted separately to the opposite side, where they were seated on a prepared row of chairs.
Right after electro-masters leave, the Loli trio was released onto the stage. The lollipop blonde duo show-number was with a small flying drone that operated without the usual power source. Normally such a machine wouldn't even buzz, but this one was really working. The drone flew around them, while the big-mouthed brunette provided commentary as if she knew all about it. As soon as she finished 'chatting', she didn't even wait for the questions from the moderators and went straight to the judge's table. There, she tried to show her supportive nature by forcing to the white-haired boy a can of coffee from the machine that she had brought him. Both blonde twins also took advantage of the commentator's momentary hesitation; bowing they heads respectfully, they parted to the sides according to the color of their clothes.
When Jannie in black walked up to her place, where Mikoto was, the brunette tried to start a conversation with her by saying hello, but the silent fish respectfully bowed her head to her, and sat down on a chair next to her without saying a word. After that, the blonde didn't pay any more attention to her and just boringly swung her legs back and forth. This left the brunette with an embarrassed expression.
As next participants, a Kaori Kanzaki and Kazakiri Hyouka couple descended/flew to the stage from the sky. Accordingly, something like a pair of angels in seductive bodies, descended from heavens. Both dressed in hot-spa yukata, as if they had just come out of the baths. While the one with the katana was enveloped in a bluish manna aura that at first glance resembled flames; --the one with the glasses had a halo/ring of light in rainbow colors above her head and what could be described as angelic wings of light sprouted from her back. After landing on the stage floor, they both deactivated their SFX [a special effect, from visual to musical, of a fun nature?] and struck good-looking photo poses, befitting a super hero entering-move at the scene. Since, by coincidence, their yukatas were at least one size smaller than they should have been, the ability of that garment to cover certain endowed breasts was considerably insufficient. In fact, it could be said that it was a blatant intention to show they cleavage.
Saten immediately salivated, intending to asking a spicy questions; but Kanzaki didn't take anything for granted and flashed both commentators beforehand with a strict look, that told them she wouldn't hesitate to use disproportionate violence, if they step out of the line. Therefore, the female host turned her attention to Hyouka. "Wow, one would almost say that a real angels have descended upon us. However, Hyouka-san, where is your sword?"
At that question, the eye-glass busty girl Kazakiri got startled and suddenly went into a panic mode, frankly apologizing with a strong gesticulation. "What?!!-- Not that! Not that! Absolutely not that! I'm not going to show off that three-meter long fire sword! Its not a toy for showcase! Do you even know how dangerous that thing is? Do young lady like you really don't have even the slightest bit of self-preservation? Absolutely, not going to happen!" She put on an offended expression and decided to walk away to Inoue and Febry by herself.
Samurai busty girl Kaori, wasn't a second behind and also made her way over to Mikoto and Jannie. Leaving Saten alone, with a brooding expression that would suggest she was thinking about something one-sidedly amusing. "I was expecting something like.-- She will pull out a concert like glowing stick, with swung, swung, noises, pretending to be a figure from old painting. But this even better."
That's why Tsuchimikado, with the stone mischievous smile of the king of rock music, took the floor. "So these are our 'fallen angels'.-- Mind you, despite their gentle appearance, they are exceedingly powerful beings worthy of respect." His witty remark prompted laughter from the audience.
As the saint walked past Railgun, she gave the brunette a (very cold and observing glance?) before taking the third chair. And as usual, she leaned her two-meter long katana on her shoulder. So Mikoto gave her thought. (("Oh my! I can imagine that shes even sleeping with that katana. Never letting her go from her hands."))
As fourth pair; couple Shinobu Nunotaba and Estelle Rosenthal, stepped out of the tube. In the noble gothic version of the nightgowns, one was in black and the other in white. As usual, the first showed almost no emotions, and the second barely kept the (panic of the rabbit) at bay. From the little that the miss commentator got from them, the audience could get the idea that the first one is something like a psychiatrist who creates a personality where there is none. And the other one is something like a pathologist who makes corpses talk. One way or another, those two scientists, they tactfully disengaged questioning from Saten and headed each to their own color group.
Since Mikoto and Shinobu had known each other from before, Misaka somehow figured that she could get a good answer from her now. But as the emo-genius walked past her and their eyes met, the blackie gave her a (mocking smile?) before she too, sat down in her chair without saying a word. (("Hey, hey! I was joking, when I speculate; that I'm the only one who has no idea what's going on here.")) She glanced for a moment at the opposite side, where the white-team girls were talking passionately, almost cheerfully, about something, like at a wedding. Even her emo-sister was getting involved... Railgun carefully glanced back at her own group, (the black-team), that had an atmosphere as if cut out from a funeral scene, and got horrified. (("What is this darkness, that resides on this side? If the black is the basis for (role play), then they have taken it too far. Quick! I must somehow break the veil of awkward silence with some easy conversation.")) She frowned to lighten up a little. Then, with a forced smile she turned to the trio. "So, what do you think will happen next?" All three turned their gazes to her without a single change in their stony expressions. They were literally staring at her, so much, that she had to look away. (("This,-- wolfs corner,-- will be a really serious obstacle."))
She was saved when the crowd exploded with enthusiasm, because the pair Shutaura Sequenzia and Arisa Meigo, practically ran onto the stage. Both in pajamas and while the first one had a cat pattern on it, the second one had a bird pattern on it. Holding hands, they note/sang certain melody. It was just a few notes accompanied by a couple of dance moves. Even though they both started with visible enthusiasm, after a few seconds it was clear that Sequenzia, was not suited for a musical stage. She was getting red in the face too quickly, and it wouldn't take long before she collapsed in shame. At the moment, when they finished their performance, the black-haired girl stiffened so much that even the comments of the commentators did not move with her. So the purple scarves had to drag her to her seat. As soon as they sat her down, she hid her stressed out face in her hands...
Mikoto wondered if she was simply not built for the stage spotlight in general, the mafia bro-squad who can call her Aniki, or if it had something to do with the supposed smart talking Loli, that is acting boss of the corporation, this girl worked for. Mikoto heard that the little one, regardless to her (supposed?) young age, is a real devil and troublemaker, like a villainess. "Ehe, he-- Looks like I'm not the only one having a trouble, survive through this performance. But there's definitely something wrong with this team division." She tried again to start a conversation in their group. "There's no point in stressing,-- so~o, how about we ease the tension between us a bit?"
Shinobu sighed. "Unbelievable. Ignorance must be so sweet, that I almost envy you."
Mikoto took the remark as an insult to her. "Excuse me? It's been a hectic day full of twists and turns, so it would be expected that I'm missing a piece or two of the overall puzzle. However, from your comment, it sounds to me like you are trying to tell me; that everything is my fault. If you want to accuse me of something, first explain to me what you are accusing me of."
Her outpouring was stopped by a faint tug on her dress from tiny Jannie, not pulling her lollipop out of her mouth, she address that girl in distress. "Don't 'feai' [fear] Miko [Mikoto], I 'foigive' [forgive] you." The brunette wanted to object, but the blonde shook her head in no gesture. "It's 'bettei' [better] not to know, Miko. Don't 'woiiy' [worry] 'anymoie' [anymore]." Little Jannie understanding look took the last wind out of Mikoto's sails, who had no idea how to react to such an adorable face.
The blonde Commentator walked to the center of the stage with his usual big smile. He did one of his cool poses and started pointing his finger at the audience. "So my dear audience, I guess, that most of you expected our clerics duo to arrive by now. But Index chan and Himegami chan, have their own discipline in eating contest. Isn't that right, Saten chan?"
"Write that down! Their fight is really spicy to the point, one can think that is a tribute to the crops harvesting festival. The amount is unreal... But, as can be observed, they battle won't end anytime soon. That's why we have a replacing alternative for you. Believe me or not, it will be a heat bomb that will make many people sweat in a healthy way."
The host duo continued. "A beautiful comparison, Saten chan. This pair of guests is unique in many ways even without being compared to the young ladies of Tokiwadai. So it can be expected, that anyone's head will spin dizzy just by looking at them. And so, without further ado hesitation--"
"--please welcome weather forecasts that make many heart to skip the beat. Get ready to be really fired up!"
Stressed out, Mikoto gave up her attempts at any conversation in the black team, preferring to redirect her attention to the new additions to the show. However, watching the pair of (woman's!) step out of the curtains onto the stage, getting a powerful and tumultuous cheer from the audience; her jaw chin fell down, fully opening her mount in shock and her brain almost suffered a short circuit. (("What the hell is going on here?!!"))
The first young woman was a Mugino Shizuri, #4 Level-5 Esper: [Meltdowner] Tall and slim brown-eyed brunette [rather tea-colored] with a model figure. She makes a point of always be elegantly dressed in fashion. Including underwear who is often so spicy challenging, that one would think: "Its for someone special!" Blatantly competitive with a quick temper and a dangerously short match. Cruel and completely ruthless even to her own team of mercenaries, who leads the dark side of the AC, under the silent auspices of from 'Board of Directors'. Although she is a daughter from a wealthy family, that look at violence as another way of diplomacy, she chosen to work as hammer for upper ups, that hammer down any nail/head/anybody who daring to get out of the line. In a sense, she can be marked as real secret service operator for AC, if it wasn't for her straightforward mafia style approach to problem solving. Her iconic move, particle beam, breaks down molecules so it look like she melting stuff. As for food, she prefers to order in restaurants bento. [packed home like dish]
The other woman, (against all odds), was a Misaka Misuzu, a University student, with no ability. Brown-eyed attractive brunette who looks so young for her age that they can think of her as an older sister to Mikoto. In contrast to her daughter (Mikoto), Misuzu seems irresponsible, easy going, open to others, and sometimes flirty with younger that her. She not just prefers clothes for younger people, she trying act and pretend as if she was younger that she actually is, to the point she successfully blended between students and studies number theory at the University. Although she loves her Mikoto, sometimes she teases her because of the opposite dimensions of their breasts, which bothers Mikoto a lot.
Both attractive woman's in bikinis gushed with seductive appealing aura. Somebody can already see the imaginary crowd of suitors that lines up toward the horizon just to speak with them. In addition, the first woman gave-out the type of cool-like impression, that she is able to beat up everyone not just into submission. On the other hand, the second seemed that she would conquer everyone with her friendly charm. Mugino was the first to strike a pose cut out of a modeling textbook as a professional model. That itself was enough to imagine her unspoken demand (Bow to me peasants!!) On the other hand, Misaka warmly waved at the audience like an inexperienced and unblemished beginner who could use a lot of training. Or she just saying hi to her friend at beach.
One way or another, the audience was in such a euphoric rapture that the commentators had a trouble to calm down the cheering and shouting people. They approached the couple, offered them microphones to say a few words to the audience.
Misaka immediately grasped the opportunity to introduce herself. "Hey, I'm Misuzu and I study number theory at university. I like swimming."
Whether she had anything ready to say or nothing-- Whether it was a public performance, or the audience's reaction to her presence or presence of the other brunette, or a collection of everything. Mugino was stressed to the point where she froze, as if she got onto (I didn't really think this through.) point of realization. She barely got out her own name with a forced smile. "S-- Shizuri..."
They presence impact was so strong, that even the female host was excited. "Wow. I a though, that this is an RPG, a pair of Bosses just appeared. While one of them is a top skill at the Academic level, the other is a top skill at the Social level. Where else have I seen something like this?" As expected from Saten's remark, the audience cheered again. To this, the black haired girl gave a cat's smile as she noticed the embarrassed reaction of the two women.
But Mikoto had hard time to process correctly what she was looking at. She didn't stress that of all the people who could showed up, it was actually her mommy, who shall knows best of all that Mikoto is her only child. In those two days, it didn't even occur to Railgun, that her family member might appear. Especially when the sensation news spreads quite fast. In addition, Mikoto has no idea how to explain 'Sisters' to her. She didn't even stressed that #4 showed up, who in past already showed how much she dislike #3, over-ranking her. Mugino would probably welcome if she could settle the dispute between them, with a fierce battle. But none of that question was relevant here. Railgun simply stopped her thoughts at the point, when these two personality opposites appeared next to each other. It was as if the love of life and death from battle stood side by side. Misuzu seemed so friendly and open that anyone would start flirting with her. Shizuri, on the other hand, seemed irritated to the point where she could barely keep her bubbling temper in check, trying to appear level-headed.
Maybe that's why Mikoto was even more shocked when,-- with panic in her voice, Last-Order rolled in front of the two woman's in bikini's and shout at them urgently, yelping in shock. "Huge!! Huge!!" That statement clearly catches wide attention. "Both of them are so huge they're almost bigger than Misaka's head. Misaka as Misaka complains with jealously, about this Misaka's chest appendage. While barely hiding her concern that this big Misaka might use this unfair advantage in her quest to raise a flag." The little one was showing a patchwork of different feelings. From fear, envy, through amazement to anger.
Misuzu's cat eyes sparkled, as she gasped for air. "Ka-- Kawai--iii!! [Adorable]" She couldn't hold back and enthusiastically pounced herself on the little one, starting to caress her, like a mother with her own child.
The mini version tried to resist, but… "Misaka can't-- Misaka can't--" --after a moment a blissful smile settled on her face. "Misaka can't-- resist this pleasure, says Misaka as Misaka, while taking the opportunity to bury her head deeper."
On the other hand, the tea-haired youg woman in the bikini, standing next to them, clicked her tongue in displeasure. She turned her gaze away from the two to look around. But when her eyes fell on Mikoto, her eyebrows twitched and a sensitive person would say that, the aura of a ruthless hunter who had seen his prey, materialized around her.
However, the organizers decided that for the sake of the show, they would invite the remaining two Misaka's to join the trio in middle, so that the audience could really enjoy the sight of the whole five.
Mikoto, who had given up on finding any logic in this whole festival-show-thing for the time being, also gave up her fears and let herself be guided by the flow of events for the time being. As she approached the center of the action, her reserved expression and body language let #4 [number four] know that she was not interested in any battle, conflict or interaction between the two of them. Of course, that gesture dint improve Meltdowner mood.
Inoue, whose attention was drawn to Misuzu, carefully examined the large Misaka's bust with her eyes. When the big one, noticed that one of the twin staring at her, she stopped fooling around with Mini Misaka and turned to this girl with a big and gentle smile. Inoue once again measured the load on the given chest and for comparison; she placed her own palms on the modesty she was equipped with. Then, with a so-called sad expression, she looked at her original standing near to her.
Railgun noticed that, and the message hidden behind that gesture. In a second, her restrained pretense of being a model lady was gone due to her rising temperament. With blushing on her entire face, she yelled at her sister: "HEY!! You can't blame me for this one!!"
As the devil would let it go, the situation escalated very quickly. Shizuri kept her gaze fixed on the Railgun and so to speak ignored what was happening on the opposite side, she was another one who did not guard her temper from running amok. A moment later, you could see her swinging her fist at Mikoto. "You're still making excuses, denying the sharing of responsibility? Of course I blame you." If the smaller brunette hadn't gotten her blood rushing from her sister's dumb reminder, she wouldn't have been ready, fast enough to avoid the fist. Not even the following devastating kick to her side, which she barely dodged by rolling to the side. She wouldn't even have time to jump out from that fist, which sank into the wooden floor like a hammer, breaking it and creating cracks all around.
Mikoto, who jumped to the edge of the stage, had the audience behind her for now. In a fighting stance, she watched as Meltdowner stood up. (("What's that attack supposed to mean?!! That feeling-- Is she a cyborg? That would then explain the insane speed and strength. If I wasn't using my powers I will hardly avoid that. However, only one side of her seems to be modified. Except for her hand, which is probably completely artificial. It wasn't like that in our fight in the lab. So since when is it like that? Can it be the result of our encounter? Or some other injury? No!-- She was definitely normal even during that stupid random encounter in family restaurant, so what's bothering her so much? But, wait! Is she really the Meltdowner?…"))
While not been in the highlight of the action, the remaining Misakas tactically retreated to the white side, to the relative safety of chairs.
Number four glared at her opponent "Oh yes, I remember." A blood vein swollen on her forehead. "You're like a spider. You're constantly trying to keep your distance while you spin your web. So we'll do it your way!!" A greenish glowing green orb formed in her opposite open palm. She pointed that hand at the Railgun…
#3 widened her eyes. "Hey!! There are people!!"
But that dint worked on the other Level-5. "Pointless excuses! You always running away from those who are stronger that you! I am pinning you down!"
That statement seem to work on Mikoto to remember at some of her (more crazy) encounters, to the point she chocked on her words as if she was caught lying. "Wait!..."
Shizuri already fired a continuous bright green beam at other girl.
Since their abilities were similar in base, the electro-master was able to deflect this death-ray blast, before he can burning his target through and through. Railgun had a lot to do, to deflect the particle beam of death up, not just above her, but above the crowd of onlookers that were behind her. "Are you out of your mind?!! Stop this now!! Are you blaming me for what happened last time?!! How dare you bring this up now?!!"
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Meltdowner didn't understand for a moment. But suddenly she figure it out, and she grimaced very mischievously. "That's great. This kid really has no idea what's going on around her!!" She added sarcastically: "Simply great!!" --And she increase the energy output on her death ray.
A swung/wush echoed in air as certain red head arrived... "That would be enough!!" Kuroko Teleported herself directly to the stage. Dressed in a swimsuit that was too daring to the point of questionable character, she spoke to Mugino with a domineering attitude. "Ma'am, thank you for your adrenaline-pumping presentation, but our audience is not ready for this level of action. Yet, I must remind you, that if the contracted hire does not follow the instructions of the organizers, the contract-- or ('the one who placed the order') will draw the consequences. ('You fee will be reduced.')"
Railgun's eyes widened again in disbelief. This time at her roommate. (("Kuroko??? What are you wearing?!"))
Meltdowner gave the big-mouthed wonder a critical look of a skilled fashion enthusiast and measured the walking obscenity from head to toe. She then clicked her tongue in displeasure before canceling her death ray attack. "As you wish, it's not my problem anyway." She ran a hand through her hair, as if she had already put everything behind her.
Teleporter, seeing that this beast retract its claws, turned her attention to everyone to make an announcement. "Dear audience and participants: It seems, that the festival mood really gets into the head of more than one of us. It seems, that many of us have an immense appetite for some kind of adrenaline-fueled action. However, remember that not everyone has the ability to withstand a higher pace/tempo. Therefore, we should focus on something more appropriate and peaceful. Like posing for the photograph lenses." She posed in a supposedly sexy pose and sent a wink to the audience. Yet her petite appearance seemed like if she joking.
Although the audience accepted her proposal positively, at the judge's table, a certain blonde with a forced smile and a pulsating vein on her face had a different opinion. "Staff!! Take care of that profanity!!"
At that command, another person in a bikini marched onto the stage, but this one had a purple scarf over her elbow. It was a Hokaze Junko, Level-4 Esper: [Rampage Dress], third year at Tokiwadai. A gorgeous high schooler with a slim athletic, yet still curvy body. Her long platinum blonde hair curls into curly circles like some high-class lady hair-drills. Her eyes are the same color as her hair. As number two in 'Clique of the Queen of Tokiwadai', she acts as a proper unspoiled [ojou-sama]. Yet she is the one who practically do the entire leader work in that club. Because she sharing some of her past with Shokuhou, she respect and adore the honey blonde to the point, where Misaki is bothered by Junko personal maid/guardian level of loyalty. Hokaze esper ability increases the physical properties of her body, to such a level that she can punch a cargo van and send it through the air, run on super speed, or jump on the roofs of tall buildings. In short, a tank in a gentle form, a girl restrained on openly using her skills. Yet, this superwoman with (ulala-body) is pure idiot.
As she walked towards the redhead, she activated her ability relatively fully. Surrounded by the fighting aura of the 'berseker', her almost spring-like curly hairstyle unfolded, spread around into flowing straight strands, as if they were floating in the breeze or as if that girl was fully underwater. From that point on, every step she took, caused vibrations so powerful, that one would think the entire platform was shaking. Even her target, on which she pointed her hunting gaze, noticed her arrival and immediately became alert. With a fighting expression on her face, Hokaze stepped in front of the hoofed girl. "Shirai san, your outfit definitely doesn't meet the Tokiwadai criteria for clothes suitable for a lady. You'll come with me, to change!" Kuroko tried to object, but Berseker took the petite girl under her arm pit as gently as possible. Then, with this seep under her arm, she walked away toward the rotating tube.
A skilled observer can on spot notice, a couple known as a shy stalker (Juufuku Miho) and a capable servant (Hitokawa Hasami), who were still waiting for their entrance onto the stage. However, their courage to come out from the tube, was crushed by the brutal presence of the Hokaze and now they were hiding by the curtains, only cautiously peeking out at the stage.
To add to the uproar, Saten decided to grace the audience with her commentary. "Oh, so now I understand where our Misaka-san has such an unbreakable determination to get back on her feet again and again. I can totally imagine it vividly, like a papa Lion who teaching his lion cub to be strong and indomitable. To rid him of weaknesses, he allegedly throws him into the pit, saying that the cub will not get out of it, unless he won the right through a fight. Um, well, this is a really thorny road to becoming the real king in the animal kingdom. No wonder Misaka-san reminds everyone of a princess."
When Mugino realizes that the black-haired host talking to her and that she's coincidentally bringing up the family comparison between her and Railgun, the blood-vein on her face swells again. One of her eyes glowed green and with a murderous expression she looked at the commentator to see if she wanted to die right where she was standing.
Saten Ruiko had (a deer blinded by the headlights of a car) expression on her face. A random spectator can speculate, that in duration of two sole seconds or less, her whole life up until now, replayed right before her own eyes. Maybe that's why her self-preservation instinct finally manifested itself and she came up with the best thing she could prepare at that moment. The black-haired girl furiously fell to the ground, trying to pretend that she is instantly defeated, if not death. She even chose a somehow silly defeated pose and an expression cut out of a movie.
Meltdowner probably had no intention of taking-out this fly, but as a hunter, such a stunt would only increase her interest in this prey. Or it got her, that this might have been the worst show of faking someone own death she'd had in years.
But we must not forget about a certain tsundere who as hunter experienced something similar. As expected, she exploded and barked. "Are you kidding me!! How can anyone even think that this is going to work?!! Is this really the best, this city can come up with? It's one thing to back out, but this is literally screwing me!!" At that moment, both actresses of that stunt turned their attention to her. While Level-0 raised her head from the ground like a hare rising its ears from a hole and having (I am very interested) expression. Level-5 grimaced mischievously with a mocking snort that this really happened to the kid. Red-faced, Railgun tried her best to control her temper, so she averted her gaze down.
Touma tried to make a note of reconciliation, but before he could say it he was stopped by Misaki, who must have assumed that his commentary would be like using a canister of gasoline to put out a fire. On the other hand, Accelerator clicked his tongue in displeasure. "Tcs! Stop dragging it out! Anyone, cool-down those hot heads, let's finally move on!"
At that command, someone on back activate a whole group of line up geysers. A moment later, it started to snow...
It snowed and snowed and snowed, spreading the white fluffy snow onto entire pool area...
The falling snow caused an uplift in both the audience and the performers on stage. Some were like 'what?...' or 'you're kidding!', others' eyes shone with amazement.
On the other hand, Mikoto, who was standing there without a single movement, really trying to get her temper under control, was losing her control once again. It was because the snowfall was steadily increasing in intensity and after a while a good ten figures of snow already fell down. Don't forget to point out that a winter hat size pile formed on top of her head, which acted as additional cooling for her warm blood. But in vain because she began to openly complain. No, she shout at someone who was not in the stage. "Hey!!-- This is no gentle snowfall!!-- Cut it off, before it really turns into a blizzard!!" [snowstorm] She stomped angrily into the snow, breathing heavily.
Before the snowfall really stopped, the snow coverage doubled. Even part of the audience section was covered in snow. And as expected, the snow was a big hit. There was enough of it, that nobody worried by thinking that it will melt out to quickly.
Tsuchimikado, who was amused by the austere expressions of the jury trio, which unequivocally revealed that not one of them was impressed by the snow, [don't give a F*/ not interested in the slightest] addressed the contestants and the audience. "So, it's probably clear to everyone, that the next event will involve fun in the snow. Its a free to play moment, for anyone to join. Please, enjoy it while it lasts!"
A short moment later, Mikoto felt a powerful presence as if behind her. It was Mugino, who was about to attack her unexpectedly. Misaka tried an evasive maneuver, but when she turned, she slipped due to the snow and ended up falling on her ass. In the following moment, she watched Shizuri standing over her with a sly smile and holding a snow globe with both hands above her with a diameter of at least one and a half meters. That confused Railgun to point where she failed to make any other defensive moves.
Number-Four would have dumped it on Number-Three already, if the male commentator had not intervened with the claim; that the participants would not play snow-fight with each other; but would 'gift' the audience with balls. But only those who ask for it, because otherwise it wouldn't be fun for the target. Talk about weird tastes... Participants on stage, even got the chance to possibly build something out of the snow.
Mugino looked very,-- very displeased at this news, but finally just clucked/clicked her tongue in displeasure. "Tcs! As you wish." She turned her gaze to the crowd of spectators, and she roar: "FRENDA~~A!!! Where are you?!!" A single panicked beep of a young maiden, which would normally be lost in such a large crowd, was all it took for Shizuri to locate her target. "Catch!! Don't you dare to dodge cowardly!!" Without a single hesitation or pity, she arced the ball at the target, which was a petite high school girl with a beret on her head the same height as Shirai.
This blue-eyed, fluffy long-haired blonde with a big mouth and a lose tongue watched in terror and in a stupor as the snowball mortar attack was falling on her. The crowd around her parted and that awake her to do the last move she could manage. Namely, standing next to her was a slightly smaller version of herself, who was actually her (younger sister) from elementary school. At the last moment, she managed to push her sister away. "Fremea-- bay, bay!" These were her last words, before she disappeared under a one and a half meter snow globe. On contrast, that snow ball, dint not splash out or crumble to piece as one can expect because if it was a hard snow. Yet that entire attack strongly resembled a move where ice cream stall vendor, using scoop to putt that treat onto a biscuit cone.
Fremea stared blankly at the white apparition for a while, only then it reached to her what happened and she started to panic. "Woooo!! Sissy took me out to a festival, as if it was the last thing she will do. Yet, she sacrificed herself for me right in front of my eyes, and now she's really gone. First of all, what am I going to do now??" A muffled cry for help came from inside of that snow ball. The younger of the sisters jitter at that, yet it motivate her to began desperately shoveling the snow with her little hands. But after a while her enthusiasm 'cooled' very quickly and she stopped shoveling. "Eh-- First of all, the snow is really solid hard. Digging is very tiring, it's freezing my fingers. I'm sorry sissy, I can't do it." There was a muffled urging from the pile not to give up yet, that she trusted her. Only now did the petite blonde decide to ask the people around for help. It worked like a charm. Many hands helped her digging into snowball prison to the point, where she could pull her sister out of the snow grave by her hands. Moved Frenda, leap toward Fremea and hugged her sister warmly. Except she was not warm and younger jitter in cold. "Woooo!! Cold, cold!! First of all, let go of me immediately, because otherwise I'll freeze!!... What?!-- Sissy is still freezing despite the fact that she's no longer under the snow and will soon freeze completely?!! Woooo!! First of all, don't try to warm up, by using your bum-bum abilities, you'll blow us both away!!" Little blonde panicked after the taller one, pulled out one of her knitted puppet bombs.
Mikoto watched the whole thing with an awkward smile on her face. However cruel, move from Mugino, may seem from her point of view, on a whim. There was no denying that it definitely helped that pair socially, as bystanders offered to help and took a more general interest in them.
Meltdowner standing not far from her looked triumphant until someone threw a snowball at her. Without the slightest mistake, before it could hit her, she grab-catch it. Surprisingly, it dint fall apart in her hand. "What's this supposed to mean? What's with this half-weakness approach? It pisses me off that your determination is worthless. It's no challenge!!" Completely ignoring the few other shots that clearly missed her, she looked very cruelly at the culprit who threw at her the first ball. Without a single hesitation, she trow it back to sender. At that moment, he caught a direct hit in the face with his own ball. The shot was so violent that he collapsed back into the snow. With a battle ready confident pose, she approach the edge of the stage. "Who else wants a piece of me?!! Step forward into a line!!" She shouted toward wider audience. Whether it was intended or not, her call was answered, and a group of 'followers' quickly formed at the edge of the pool and accepted the challenge. She dint bothered to make the balls herself as she use most of the other projectiles as her own. The bikini-clad woman herself paid no attention to the bullets that wouldn't hit her no matter how close they came, as if she were a seasoned cold-blooded veteran with nerves of iron. On the other hand, offenders/(the lucky ones) with accurate shooting were punished with returned mail, having an unspeakable accuracy and force. The suspicious thing about this snowball exchange, was that many of the challengers looked too enthusiastic or satisfied from the first moment they got hit. Mostly on face. She dominated that exchange in more that in a dominatrix way.
Railgun stealthily moved away from Mugino, who was currently taking the main attention. She got a chance to look around the stage. A group of brunettes with her face learned the hard way, that making angels in the snow without proper clothing isn't the best idea in the long run. So they joined the pajama singers building a snowman; after the black-haired girl gave up on her attempt to do something similar to Shizuri. Not only did she not even come close to five feet radius of the ball, but she had to admit that she had no chance of picking up the heavy snow ball, let alone throwing it, even if it was only a fraction of the target size. At first she was puzzling heavily about how that melting woman was capable to lift it, yet to thrown that monster. She eventually accepted the excuse that it was snowman foundation.
Estelle and Febry tried to imitate Shizuri with a snowball-fight game with the audience. But they quickly gave up after the noblewoman was showered with snowball bullets. They all went straight for her and she didn't miss a single one. So she fell on her ass, her shirt got soaked wet, and she capitulated, before offering them a chance to get buried under a snow.
Jannie and Nunotaba built a medieval castle out of snow. They were so passionate about it that they suffered from the redness of their fingers due to the crafting of details.
Still not letting go of her katana, the pajama samurai somehow managed to create a life-size statue of a snow knight in plate armor, using a toothpick from dango dumplings or something similar.
Mikoto didn't even bother to think about the question 'How did they even do that?' and her gaze fell on Hyouka, who weakly swayed her nervousness and tried to pretend that she was in a group with a snowman, but she didn't even touch the snow. In order for Misaka to wouldn't attract the attention of Saten, (who was currently confessing to the couple at the castle), she slipped behind her back to Kazakiri Hyouka, with the intention of finding out what was the matter with her behavior and maybe something from 'behind the scenes'.
The brunette with glasses answered her question by showing a demonstration. She formed a ball of snow, and threw it towards the audience. However, already during the flight, the snow crumbled/melted into steam and the ball itself disappeared during the flight. "The same thing happens if I try to throw it faster." Another her ball whizzed over the crowd. Her description of faster was not accurate, because 200 (km per hour) is simply not suitable for a regular baseball pitcher. [approx max speed is 100 km/h] At a certain point, what was flying further was not snow, but only steam, which caused a meteorological anomaly and formed a white line behind it from the surrounding water vapor. On second glance it looked like she just make a cloud. Hyouka picked up another snow ball, this time holding it in an open palm. After just a few seconds, it seemed that she was not holding snow in his hands, but a freshly cooked pasta dumpling from which it was steaming vigorously, so much so that it evaporated in a moment. "Ehe, he-- looks like snow, is definitely not something I can handle like the others do."
Railgun decided that Hyouka's remark about the three-meter flame sword would not just be a statement to spice up the story, but a real reference. She sighed lightly, knowing that she itself having an issue with lighting strike during storms. To prevent future comments from Shirai and others, that she not participating in a 'program', she looked around to see what she could do. A second later she noticed a reflection flash on the roof of one of their dormitory buildings. A certain camera with an oversized lens immediately came to her mind and a smile settled on her face. She formed a snowball, which she secretly transformed into an ice projectile with the help of her electro-master skills. Although the distance and elevation made it clear that an accurate hit with a snowball shouldn't be humanly possible, she had a different opinion. Especially when she sneak a little bit of iron sand into it, that she secretly collected from grass land during the short waiting outside the changing rooms.
A special snow-ball flight through air.
The squeal of the girl on the roof, told the sniper that her throw was successful.
Punishment was done and Misaka puffed away contentedly. (("This will learn you a lesson to not pact with Kuroko. Take it as a warning!")) So as not to draw too much attention to lure Saten and her clever comments, which get too much under her skin, she hastily retreats to the group with the snowman. She noticed that the 'contestants' were joined by another person in a certain green costume of the iconic frog mascot, holding a bunch of inflated party balloons. She immediately got excited, putting on cat eyes. (("Gekota!!"))
Yet someone stop her from approaching. "Hold on, Miko!" Febry called to her, worried, already taking talk girl hand. "Don't believe what you see! I know that a 'vefy' [very] 'stfange' [strange] 'pefson' person is hiding in it." When the little blonde saw how the brunette stiffened, she patted her consolingly. "It's nothing Miko, even if it's a 'feal' [real] shock, you can withstand it."
(("How am I even supposed to react to this???"))
Then she saw how Misuzu openly flirt-teasing that mascot, as if she noticed Mikoto reaction and she actually teasing her daugter.
When Railgun didn't know what to do anymore, a soft sneeze from hypothermia came from the judge's table. Mikoto already wanted to give her nonathletic 'classmate' a 'suitably inappropriate' remark on excessive fat, but to her surprise, it wasn't her who sneezed, but her red-eyed colleague. Both girls (Mikoto and Misaki) put on absolutely dumbfounded expressions because the almost defenseless scene with the runny nose of #1 was absolutely unreal. If he played it, he would deserve an acting award. On the other hand, Last Oder was already looking for the first aid kit in a panic.
Kamijou was the only one who showed some honest judgement. As he looked around, inspecting some of the contestants who were starting to show signs of waning, he expressed his opinion that it would be appropriate to end this snow age already. Stopping this fun before someone catches a cold, or before the snow melts noticeably, showing its insidious side.
But then a six winged figure descended from the sky. It was a Kakine Teitoku, #2 Level-5+ Esper: [Dark Matter] This young man, (or just boy who think hes grown up) with dirty blond shoulder-length hair is an implacable rival for #1. He wears a dark maroon colored suit with a white collared shirt, both unbuttoned, revealing a red v-neck under them. With his ability to create almost anything that he can comprehend by using his powers. Like pure white, mechanical construct, pupets that can move and act like originals, or bunch of his own clones. Yet, hes just a 'backup plan' who can create almost anything; compared to #1 who is the 'main plan' and has the ability to destroy almost anything. Since his 'powers' have gone to his head so to speak, giving him supperior complex, he wears a cocky smile on his face as he tries to replace #1 and become the 'main plan' himself. In this respect, he is ruthless, with anger issues. Yet he had good acting skills for playing a merciful and benevolent character.
Right now: A relatively young man [or a boy] in a jacket and with three pairs of white angel wings stood on top of the structure of their stage, from where he looked down. "So it looks like you're ready to throw in the towel? In that case, it's my time to shine, because this time the best comes to an end."
As his (entry number?) on the stage, he chose, so to speak, a noble flaming speech of a diplomat that would capture your heart if you paid attention to it. Whether the organizers took his speech seriously or not; moving to the grand finale or cutting out the rest of the show; they decided to line up the other stage performers into a line, as if against the back wall like when announcing the competition results. Even Jukufu Miho and Hitokawa Hasami joined, pretending that everything was OK.
Touma got startled when one of the purple cloths respectfully handed him a piece of paper with a message on it. "Hm? What is it? Should I read it out loud?-- All right then." He took the paper and began reading from it into the microphone, completely ignoring the winged thing croaking on top of the stage structure. "So… Dear audience and contestants, hear the results. The grand prize for today's competition is a two-day full-exclusive stay in the new Luxury Theme Water Park AqaLuxsus."
As he read the line, he do not notice the slight (Hold on!) body-language reaction on other two juries, who noticed that something is off.
"We are talking about an area that is indistinguishable from a natural troppical sandy beach island, with fine sand and a large lake with artificial controlled water flow suitable for surfing, swing or even diving. Toboggans, a luxury restaurant, or a masseur. Among the extra attractions, it is worth mentioning the various types of spas, water sport training simulators, or fully controlled tide that can accurately imitate surfing level waves from all over the world. If you are interested in learning to surfing or other sport, safely under guide of our instructors that are veterans from surfing waves ans such; the AqaLuxsus resort is the right choice. Tropical park on outside, yet technological advantages on iside. With its own themed hotel that is just about to be opened, park aimed to be operable in any season. But to fully experience the island atmosphere, there is a limited number of visitors per day. So don't hesitate and make an appointment today, our staff is looking forward to seeing you." He didn't even notice that he had become the protagonist of commercial advertisement shot, that he had made practically for free.
"Yet that's not all, because this Sunday, in other words tomorrow, all today's contestants or performers from the stages at Tokiwadai will attend AqaLuxsus grand pre-opening as all-included, full-VIP guests at off-public event [private party] as part of testing the operation." His eyes opened wildly. "The goal will be to simulate an experience comparable to a vacation on an island in the Pacific. Additionally, all food and attractions are whithou restrictions. [No restrictions? Then expect a minor vandalism.] Have fun, relax and eat to your heart's content because all expenses are covered. All thanks to the generosity of the grand prize from AqaLuxsus with support from the 'Board of Directors'. [AC Top Management] We awaits you, heroes for the stage." Reading this text moved Kamijou Touma to tears. He was completely overjoyed as he shouted with a clenched fist to the heavens. "AqaLuxsus get ready!!, because Kamijou Touma will got to enyoj everything you have to offer. Goodbye bad luck, hello god luck!"
The two remaining referees gave him a look that hinted: (that some non-accidental accident would probably happen to him, soon), even without their doing. He was probably the only one who didn't notice the composition of words; as if the city management was directly telling him, presented Level-5's and the additional people and they escort, to participated in this grand opening day whether they wanted to or not.
Kakine Teitoku [#2], standing above the stage on the structure that held the backdrop, was really twitching his eyebrows from how those below ignored him. However, he still tried to appear classy. "So it looks like my amazing abilities are only for VIP eyes."
Yet, Accelerator scolded him furiously. "Tcs! Chill-out, second class! The competition is already over and as always, you didn't come up with anything constructive. Go back to the fairy tale, from were they kicked you out!"
Of course, this was like throwing a gauntlet into the gentlemen fight. Dark matter dint like that. "Oh, I see that someone is still pretending to be in charge here. I think it would be appropriate if I personally bring that person back to reality."
Yet the red eyed boy answered him with a fighting nihilistic look. "You don't say. I, on the other hand, think that a certain fake fairy needs to be helped to switch into 2D, because otherwise he probably won't get into any fairy tales."
Kamijou tried earnestly for a kind word of mitigation, but they ignored him. While Shokuhou, overwhelmed from the onslaught of battle intentions between #1 and #2, sweated out her outfit and with a stony smile stiffened.
Then an impersonated calamity arrived...
There was a cheering of a certain lady/girl from somewhere in the crowd, which clearly reached them, even though it shouldn't be possible through the entire audience. "A~a-ku~un, 'Gambare~e'!! [Go for it!!] You can do it!!" That's why both top level-5's, looked in the same direction.
One had a problem with those who are not in the right mind for rooting for him...
The other one had a problem with the one who is not in the right mind for rooting for the red-eyed one and not him.
What they saw could simply be described, as a friendly looking female version of the Accelerator with a nice flower in her hair, in the girls uniform of the school that Kamijou also attends. [Certain High School] "You can do it, A~a-ku~un!!" She chanted on, cheering him on like some fan rooting for his favorite athlete at a competition. Whether it was her intention, or a happenstance, through too much enthusiasm or zeal for the event, the fact that her voice could be heard so well over the crowd to the stage could be explained by the ability to manipulate vectors. Judging by her smile, she most likely didn't know if she was ignoring some brutal bloodthirsty facts about the two.
Since the cameras also took her into a picture, an empty circle formed around her in the crowd of spectators, they even starting to step asside to make a corridor for her.
Noticing, that she was the center of attention, she waved enthusiastically towards the judges' table. "Yoo-ho~~o!! A-ku~un!! T-ku~un!!" From her expression, it was clear that euphoric enthusiasm had rushed into her head, just like a fan who has been noticed by her favorite athlete or artist, and now she is ecstatic.
She (was know?) as Suzushina Yuriko, Esper? [Vector Control?] Kamijou Touma assigned this name to a fictional character when he imagined #1 infiltrating his school disguised as this girl. At least that's what he believed when he was overthinking. She does resemble #1. Her white hair is on side decorated by a flower, which reveals something about her 'gentle' personality. She is somewhat clumsy, which manifests itself in random collisions encounter; where her ability to control vectors will have a devastating effect on the mentality and perception of reality with whomever she collides. Everything else about her seems to be unknown, because Kamijou has her fixed as a purely fictional person, created by the pain killer drugs. Yet on question to accelerator (If he know (Why?) for the mass cloning was not chosed #1, #2, but selected #3?) he clicked his tounge and avertet gaze.
But the jury trio did not share Suzushina enthusiasm.
With his mouth open, Accelerator looked like his brain had short circuited and stopped completely, not understanding why he was looking at her.
Kamijou was sweating profusely while babbling in a low voice about a random encounter by happenstance, where the romantic cliche of a collision on the corner, turned into a real-life experience of a bouncing rubber ball. He got a first-hand rejection of the law of physics, and he got slapped against several walls just like the ball. To this day he still don't know how he survived that.
On the other hand, Shokuhou came to life with a swollen vein on her forehead and began to complain already forgetting about any pretense. "No!, no!!, and NO!! I'm not buying this nonsense, in the slightest! Because this adorable interpretation of 'gender-bending' can't be the little sister of something like him [#1]. No, this is a bad joke! Don't even try any more from this nonsense! Staff!! Immediately take care of this cheater! If this gender-swap cosplay/gender-bending isn't solved immediately, some 'enthusiasts' will start impersonating everyone at level 5 or even more! This contest is over! It's-- over! Every visitor here: Pack it up, and go! For the young girls aspiring to join the school, if you don't have any more questions about your future studies at Tokiwadai, you too please head to the exit!" She ended her argument by slamming the table hard, but from her expression you could tell, that slam hurt her more than it hurt the table.
Meanwhile, the white-haired girl ran to the pool. Maybe she didn't catch what exactly the blonde was talking about due to her enthusiasm or running. With an innocent smile, she rolled through the crowd that parted in front of her until she reached the edge of the pool. --Right at the edge of the pool-- She probably forgot that the stage is in a flooded pool and there is a real water moat between it and the audience. When she saw finaly that water obstacle; In comical way, her eyes widened, and her smile froze. She do managed to brake stop at the very edge, but she still lost her balance and, trying not to fall into the water, she balanced on one leg, throwing her limbs in all directions in panic.
But Kamijou Touma already had a defeated expression that revealed; that the law of consent was uncompromising.
When it was already clear that gravity would win over the white-haired girl and she began to fall into the pool; Musujime Awaki, a teleporter who can move/teleport objects she looks at with a gesture, decided to step in and teleported the girl to the stage. So when the white hair falls, it will not be in the water, but in the snow.
The girl yelped 'Kia' at the unexpected change. This caught everyone's attention not only on the stage, but also off it. However, Image Breaker, could only manage to beep sadly, as it was clear to him that the universe was punishing him for his earlier rash statement. For him, it was like watching a bomb fall on his house built of untainted dreams. No, it was like watching a nature catastrophe unwrapping right in front of you eyes, and nobody can stop it.
What came next: was an avalanche.
If someone would later refer to the Tokiwadai snow avalanche event, they would mean a certain moment; (that when the white-haired girl face first landed on the fluffy snow cover, with the proverbial gentle 'Kiaa!!'), the snow denied the laws of reality and jumped out from under her, like a napping dog whose tail was stepped on by passing person. The white mass moved alive as if commanded. The snow cover with (the castle, the knight and the snowman); they jumped out of the stage, rushing in all directions. They jumped over the water crossing and fell into the audience, and continue to move. So the audience could experience live what it's like to be hit by an avalanche. Some of them were even so lucky that they could later talk about how they were attacked by a knight, overwhelmed by a castle, or rolled over by a snowman. Many then reported this avalanche as an effective method: 'How to tell you; (To get off our property!), in the style of the young ladies from Tokiwadai.'
I other words this 'frost weather wave' caused havoc even on the stage and knocked everyone off their feet. Mikoto, who had been watching a particular person with spiky hair, hawing a slight irritation aimed at him since the moment the white-haired person appeared, noticed that something was wrong at the current moment. The avalanche hit the judge's table as well, but Touma avoided the snow by holding on to the table and Accelerator simply flipped the switch on the battery placed around his neck. The only one missing from middle, was a certain blonde with a lousy physique by the standards of a certain brunette. It was not just she, but even that arm-chair, who back-flipped off the stage. So railgun bark inside of her. (("You kidding me?! Did she really slammed down with the entire arm-chair? I can totally imagine her going to the bottom like a rock. Wait!!-- Don't you dare tell me she was tied up to it this time too??")) Kamijou also noticed very quickly that (someone) is missing and he was about to peek over the edge. At that moment, a scenario flashed before her eyes when he would save the blonde and the blonde would want to reward him with a warm kiss. "He- hey!! Stay where you are!!" She dashed past him, jumping over the edge, and threw herself into the water.
As expected, Railgun prediction came true to the last point. Blonde was trapped at the bottom of the pool. So when she managed to pull the blonde above the water surface in the style of a professional lifeguard. She used her bio-electricity skills and got-out the excess water out of Mental-out lungs.
Of course, #5 didn't notice who exactly saved her, and like a classy lady, she played her scene perfectly. "Oooh, my brave knight, thank you for saving me. Let me thank you. *kiss*"
Except #3 was not pleased. "Well, for sake of both of us, hope no one unwanted saw it and could use it somehow."
"Ow…" She hesitated for a moment as her excitement dropped to a level of depression. "You can let me back in the water."
"You have no idea how much I am tempted."
From the voices from the stage, it could be deduced that there had been some sort of argument or commotion. The swimmers pair in the pool, heading towards its back corner where lader was, saw the Accelerator soar into the sky with Mini Misaka in his arms and disappear outside the dormitory grounds. Kanzaki did something similar, hurtling through the sky somewhere while dragging poor Touma behind her, holding him by the collar like a sack, when he put that costume coat actually on. Both winged ones [Kakine, Hyouka] took off to the sky as well. Even though he followed #1, she followed the samurai.
Blonde had a hard time to believe what she saw. "Am I deceiving myself, or was the katana wielder really jumping through the empty sky as if there were invisible platforms?"
"Rather it seemed to me that it reflected from the air itself." Mikoto answered analytically.
"Arent double jumps consider as cheating? Yet she do it again and again."
Since she was swimming holding the blonde as a lifeguard for the helpless, she didn't forgive herself for the next question. "Do you still want me to let you back in the water?"
"Dear Misaka san, please get me shore. Please remember our deep friendship and..." *glup* *glup* *glup* [glo]
"Stop the jokes because I'm getting really angry! Don't forget our deal! We still have work to do and I have no intention of being held up by nonsense."
[Notes/explanations (in case someone doesn't know something):]
-In the class that Kamijou attends, there is a girl with glasses who has almost the same 'hairstyle' as him. Somebody can mistake her for his cross-dressing/ gender-bending version, until they were on same frame. Actuall,y there are quite few suspicious characters attending certain (high and middle) school.
-Regarding Hokaze Junko: I had a theory that she might be the second most capable psychic user in Tokiwadai. Since after Shokuhou's arrival at the school, someone expected them to compete with each other fiercely, it could potentially escalate to a conflict when the remaining students would also be involved. Since Junko didn't want this scenario, she decided on a direct confrontation with the fact that the loser will submit to the winner and together they will protect the school from such dirty tricks. However, Kamachi chose a different story for her. She is a brick wall who is almost perfect partner for Misaki, and adore the blonde with devotion, ready to stand up any danger. She know, that if she will continue to help the nonathletic girl, Mental-out will save from tragedy more people like her. However, Shokuhou likes her so much that it is almost unthinkable for her to ask her for help that would put her in danger, so she prefers to go solo or approach Misaka. Yet, Junko self motivated, will go extra length to be helpful for her adored queen.
-raise a flag over someone- it's a reference to the dating simulator, used in many other social interactions. (But black/death flag, means expected tragic ending.)
-Kamachi Kazuma [Author of Index and its off-spins] makes extensive use of references for names and titles.
-Yuriko- Oh common-- did you really think they wouldn't try to clone Accelerator, or that he would be a single child? Just try to imagine what it would be like if they cloned him. Seriously-- How could it possibly go wrong? We are talking about #1 though. (Actually a certain study says, that until 5 weeks of grow all human fetus have female gender. How they were able to determinate something that shall not be even present? It cleare shall not be the reason for clooning isue, due to used method.)